NAME:Ian HaffnerOFFICE: District Governor


Since last convention and my election as District Governor it has been a very busy time but a very enjoyable time.

During the last year I attended International Convention in Toronto where I took part in the DGE Training School. Much of the content had been covered by Multiple District Training but it was still an opportunity to learn the International President’s theme for the year and to meet DGs from around the world which really brings home the scale of our organisation.

Since then I have represented the District at three Council of Governors meetings and held three District cabinet meetings. The District Governors team continues to operate very well and helps prepare well for the DG year in office. We have regularly taken the opportunity to hold our monthly DG team meetings electronically using Fuse which is a more efficient use of time given that the DG team are spread over both sides of the District and so avoids considerable time and expense.

Autumn Forum was very successful and enjoyable in October but as ever we still need to attract more lions to come to it particularly Lions that have not attended before. We all need to promote this opportunity to get together. We had the privilege to host Europa Forum at the end of October and meet Lions from all over Europe and beyond including of course our International President Joe Preston.

By the time of the convention I will have completed most of my planned club visits with just a handful left to do. It is one of the highlights of the District Governor role to get out and visit the clubs. It is inspiring to see the level of service and the difference being made to our community. I would like to thank all clubs for the warm welcome received at both club visits and events.

Membership continues to be a priority for many clubs and in total the District attracts new members and loses members in equal measure but we plan to finish the year with anet increase. The Development team continue to offer high quality development opportunities and I recommend to all that they look closely at what is on offer throughout the year.

It has been a good year and I would like to thank everybody for their support as individuals, Club or District officers - we still have three months though to achieve plans for this Lions year! I wish you all well with those plans.


As a District we must continue to Plan to attract new, younger members to allow us to continue with and help deliver the varied and quality service in our community.

We should plan to work with other lions clubs or external partners where this helps to deliver service in the community. As we approach our Centennial year, the service we deliver is as relevant today as at any point in our near 100 year history. Let’s continue to serve and inspire others to joinus.

Please give all your support to my successor and helpcontinuethe excellent work done within this District.

Name:Brigitte GreenOffice:District Secretary


Sadly I must report the passing to Higher Service of Lion Pauline since last Convention and I was asked by the DG team to step into the role to assist in the smooth running of the admin side of managing the District- which I was very honoured to accept. I have attempted to fulfil all functions required of this post with initial help from my fellow Cabinet Officers. I have attended two Cabinet meetings and have prepared and circulating all documents for those Cabinet meetings and District Convention.

I will continue to give help and support to all our members when required


To support the team in helping to run a successful District Convention.

To continue to assist the DG in the smooth running of the District and assist with handover at the end of the Lionistic Year.

To continue to give advice and assistance to Cabinet Officers and Clubs when requested.

NAME:Ron CrossOFFICE:Sergeant at Arms


Since last Convention I helped IPDG Simon through his last Cabinet meeting, through Changeover to DG Ian and through Autumn Forum. Three more Cabinet meetings have been negotiated safely. I have attended several F & A meetings, many hours for registration in preparation for Europa Forum. Now assisting IPDG Simon and his committee prepare for Convention MD 2015


I envisage that, if I am to fulfil the requirements of the job of Sergeant at Arms, that my report in 2016 will be very much the same as this one.

Name Brian BurgessOffice:District Treasurer

The annual Admin and Charity Accounts for the year ended 30th June 2014 are enclosed with this report.

The administration account is in surplus for the year of £ 3,538 mainly, as in previous years, due to district officers not claiming expenses to which they are entitled.

The Accumulated general fund stands at £ 20,377 which is in line with other Districts in MD 105.

The Charity account is supported by the Charity trustees report.

A total of £ 91,369 was received and £ 89,004 paid out.

However the balance of £ 35,558 on the account is in the main attributable to District 105 M held funds.

The detail can be seen on the attached schedules

The Accounts have been examined in detail by the external examiner and there were no comments .No fee has been charged.

In accepting this report you will be approving both the Charity Account and the Administration accounts for 2013-14.


Last year advance notice was presented of major changes to the Charities Act 2011.The outcome of discussions with the Charity Commissioners is still awaited and in due course appropriate training will be made available .

We have to wait to see what is required.

Lions Clubs International 105 Charity Trust Account.

Lions Clubs International (LCI) District 105 M Charity Trust Account

Annual Report for the year ended 30th June 2014

Charity Commission final copy.

LCI District 105 M is registered with the Charity Commissioners No 514602 and is constituted by Deed of Trust.

1 Trustees

The Charity is administered by a committee of ex officio Trustees

The five trustees for 2013-14 are

Immediate Past District Governor Paul Anstice

District Governor Simon Moss

1 st Vice Governor Ian Haffner

District Secretary Pauline Hoogerwerf

District Treasurer Neil Chisholm to March 2014 Brian Burgess from April 2014

These trustees are eligible by their office within the District Cabinet.

The object of the trust is to receive funds on behalf of charitable projects and charitable trusts operated by District 105 M of LCI and other external registered charities and charitable trusts from clubs within 105 M District.

To disburse the funds received to the relevant parties in a manner which will ensure proper recognition for the Clubs .All administrative expenses are met from members’ subscriptions.

Gross receipts of £ 91,369 (£63185) and donations of £ 89,004 (£56968 ) were made in the year.

2 Projects within LCI 105 M

Projects within LCI 105 M Trusts are supported by Clubs within District 105 M

No club is obliged to contribute to any of the projects and so no guaranteed income can be assumed for any project.

DG Partner’s project

The partners project for 2013-14 Me & Dee encouraged clubs to provide help locally as well as donating. £7,276 had been donated for the project

District M Youth Activities

Clubs contributed £ 900 towards youth activities during the year, with a closing balance of £ 4229 .

Implemented life skills scheme with three schools in Birmingham

International Projects

£ 9800 donated for water pumps in remote villages in Nepal

£ 2000 donated for foundations for the school and sanitation buildings in Liberia.

Supported the joint scheme of building an elementary school in Kicukiro in Rwanda and the building of classrooms in Mtwapa Kenya

3 Appeals from LCI and Multiple District 105

Donations from individual clubs to these appeals are collected and periodically remitted.

LCIF is the International foundation set up by Lions Clubs International.

During the year undesignated donations were £ 4085, and the Philippines Disaster Gerry Can appeal raised £ 33948.

Funds raised for specific projects that are not remitted during the year are remitted in the first quarter of the following year.

The trust has no specific policy regarding reserves.


PDG Simon Moss

Chairman of Trustees.

February 2015.