Saturday,September 10, 2016







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SESSION ONE – Please choose 1 / SESSION TWO – Please choose 1
Pastor Todd Habegger
We all know how important prayer is in our lives and ministries and yet, all too often, prayer can feel like a challenge, even for us as leaders. In this workshop, we’ll remind ourselves of the importance of prayer, share tips and strategies for growing in our prayer lives, and set aside time to pray for the ministries of Village Church. As church leaders, let’s excel in prayer throughout this new ministry year! / PRAYER
Pastor Todd Habegger
We all know how important prayer is in our lives and ministries and yet, all too often, prayer can feel like a challenge, even for us as leaders. In this workshop, we’ll remind ourselves of the importance of prayer, share tips and strategies for growing in our prayer lives, and set aside time to pray for the ministries of Village Church. As church leaders, let’s excel in prayer throughout this new ministry year!
Pastor Dan Hays
Jesus has given the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to the Church- but how can we individually do our part to best fulfill what our Lord has commanded us to do? How do we approach ministry in a way that produces disciples who make disciples, who in turn are making more disciples? This workshop will equip us to live and serve with a multiplication mindset.Whether you are a seasoned ministry worker or a first-time volunteer, you will come away from this workshop with a clearer vision for life and ministry! / EVANGELISM/DISCIPLESHIP
Pastor Dan Hays
Jesus has given the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to the Church- but how can we individually do our part to best fulfill what our Lord has commanded us to do? How do we approach ministry in a way that produces disciples who make disciples, who in turn are making more disciples? This workshop will equip us to live and serve with a multiplication mindset.Whether you are a seasoned ministry worker or a first-time volunteer, you will come away from this workshop with a clearer vision for life and ministry!
Pastor BrandonSmith
Have you ever found yourself in a leadership position (at home, work or church), and wondered if you were up to the task? If so, then you’re not alone! While we never “arrive” as leaders, God wants to grow us so that, more and more, we are leading with excellence. Based on the description of King David given in Psalm 78:72, this interactive workshop will develop your heart, and equip you with skills for Godly leadership. / LEADERSHIP
Pastor BrandonSmith
Have you ever found yourself in a leadership position (at home, work or church), and wondered if you were up to the task? If so, then you’re not alone! While we never “arrive” as leaders, God wants to grow us so that, more and more, we are leading with excellence. Based on the description of King David given in Psalm 78:72, this interactive workshop will develop your heart, and equip you with skills for Godly leadership.
Pastor JP Mertens
Overscheduled. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Sound familiar? Too familiar? We tend to be spread way too thin, take on more than we can handle, and try to do way too much with limited time. Each day, we are faced with so many good options on how to use our time, and God has asked us to choose the few best options to use our limited time to fulfill the unique leadership assignments he has given us while having some time left over to enjoy life to the fullest. We will identify the core issues that drive our crazy busy leadership journeys and lives, and we will help each other take action steps to unclutter our schedules to live and serve at a sustainable pace to empower us to make maximum impact while enjoying health, fulfillment, peace, and rest. / TIME MANAGEMENT – ADDICTED TO BUSY
Pastor JP Mertens
Overscheduled. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Sound familiar? Too familiar? We tend to be spread way too thin, take on more than we can handle, and try to do way too much with limited time. Each day, we are faced with so many good options on how to use our time, and God has asked us to choose the few best options to use our limited time to fulfill the unique leadership assignments he has given us while having some time left over to enjoy life to the fullest. We will identify the core issues that drive our crazy busy leadership journeys and lives, and we will help each other take action steps to unclutter our schedules to live and serve at a sustainable pace to empower us to make maximum impact while enjoying health, fulfillment, peace, and rest.

Village Church of Gurnee 1319 N. Hunt Club Rd. Gurnee, IL 847.244.6606 fax: 847.244.6647

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