Student Calling Program

The “Gift of Gab”Pays

The Student Calling Program, a vital component of fund-raising at Agnes Scott, is recruiting articulate and enthusiastic students for the spring semester. The Program trains and employs students to call alumnae and parents in order to share news about the college and to ask for their financial support of The Fund for Agnes Scott. Student Calling is a great way to make meaningful connections with former “Scotties” and to share your own passion about Agnes Scott. Since it is challenging, rewarding, and fun, the Student Calling Program is an excellent choice for on-campus employment.

So, will you be the next Voice of Agnes Scott?

The Program offers competitive hourly pay rates, incentives, and monetary bonuses.
Team members work two or three evenings per week from early February until early April.

Have questions about the Student Calling Program or this application?

Contact Kelly Williams ’03, Assistant Director, The Fund for Agnes Scott:

(404) 471-5424 or

We look forward to hearing from you before 5:00 pm Thursday, January 20th!

Job Information and Requirements:

  • The Spring 2011 Student Calling Program will utilize paid student callers who will report for all mandatory training sessions and at least 12 calling sessions. These calling sessions will be chosen by the student caller during training session # 3. Please bring your school calendar with you so you know which dates work best for you. If a new caller has never been employed by the college before, she mustmeet with Human Resources to complete all new-hire paperwork.
  • Callers should be personable and able to effectively communicate via telephone and in-person. Callers must have excellent command of the English language as well as a general enthusiasm about Agnes Scott. Callers will be phoning alumnae and parents to update their records, share news about the college, and ask for their financial support to the Annual Fund. Training is thorough and ongoing, but all applicants should be comfortable with telephone solicitation.
  • First-time callers will be paid $7.75 per hour for both training hours and calling hours. A student’s pay level will increase $.25 for each successive Student Calling semester worked, provided the student worked all 12 sessions as well as met the individual pledge goal given to them at the beginning of the semester (nothing too daunting, I promise). If the pledge goal established at the beginning of each semester is not met for two consecutive semesters, this will affect eligibility to be rehired. A mid-semester evaluation will be conducted with every caller to make sure they are on track to meet their pledge goal and to assess any challenges being faced.
  • The Assistant Director will log hours and bonuses and will submit all timesheets to Human Resources.
  • Callers should dress appropriately. Although the Student Calling Program is a casual environment, good judgment should be used when dressing for work. The goals of the program and the comfort of the other callers should not be hindered by offensive or revealing clothing.
  • Callers are expected to come to work with a positive attitude. High individual morale, and that of the other callers, will ensure that all Student Callers/Managers are appropriately representing the school and the calling program.
  • Personal conversations (to include cell phone, face-to-face, or text messaging) are not permitted during a call session. Extensive personal conversation interferes with your ability to perform to standards. Managers reserve the right to take up any items (cell phone, books, etc.) that are interfering with a caller’s productivity. If an item is confiscated, the caller should see a manager after the session.
  • Falsifying pledges on the call sheet or providing incorrect information to or about prospects is unacceptable and may be grounds for termination. Callers should always abide by the ASC Honor Code.

Attendance Policies:

  • All new callers must attend all three training sessions and work one of the first 3 calling sessions. This should be done so that the training materials can be implemented immediately.
  • Attendance and punctuality are crucial. If a caller has a prior mandatory commitment during one of the calling or training sessions, she should discuss it during her interview. Even one unexcused absence during the semester is cause for possible dismissal.Dismissal may affect eligibility for rehire.
  • Failure to work 12 sessions will result in losing bonus money earned throughout the semester.
  • Callers are allotted one “freebie” night of excused absence on one night they previously signed up for. If a caller decides to use a “freebie” night, she must contact the staff manager before 4:30pm the day of the calling session or come to the calling room before the session begins. Excessive absences beyond the “freebie” may affect eligibility for rehire or result in termination. Callers are responsible for finding a replacement for missed sessions where they are not using the “freebie.”
  • If a caller must miss an assigned session and does not want to use her “freebie” night, she must find an alternate or replacement caller to fill her spot. You will not be penalized if you provide a replacement. Replacement callers should notify manager at beginning of session about the substitution. If a caller cannot find an alternate/replacement caller, they will be asked to sign up for an additional session to replace the non-freebie absence. However, missing excessive sessions and trying to make them up will affect eligibility for rehire.
  • Alternate or un-scheduled callers are allowed to take the spot of any scheduled caller who is late to the session (please note that this will still count as an absence). Additionally, if a caller is late to a session she may be disqualified from incentives depending on the discretion of the managers.
  • A session is subject to cancellation at any time. Sessions may also be shortened with little or no notice. Callers will only be paid for the hours that are worked.
Spring Schedule
Thursday, January 13th
Tuesday, January 18th
Thursday, January 20th
Tuesday - Friday, January 18th – 21st
Friday, January 21st
Sunday, January 23rd
Monday, January 24th
Tuesday, January 25th
Tuesday, January 25th
Sunday, January 30th
Monday, January 31st
Thursday, February 3rd
Monday, February 7th
Tuesday, February 8th
Thursday, February 17th
Monday, February 21st
Tuesday, February 22nd
Monday, February 28th
Tuesday, March 1st
Thursday, March 3rd
Sunday, March 6th
Tuesday, March 8th
Monday - Sunday, March 14th – 20th
Monday, March 21st
Tuesday, March 22nd
Thursday, March 24th
Monday, March 28th
Tuesday, March 29th
Sunday, April 3rd
Sunday, April 10th / Returning Caller Communication Released
New Hire Application Released
New Hire Application deadline/ Returning Caller RSVP deadline
New Hire Interviews [Walters G-14]
New Hire Acceptance/Decline Emails Go Out
Mandatory New Caller Training [Walters G-14, 3:00-5:00]
Mandatory New Caller Training [Walters G-14, 6:00-8:00]
Mandatory Returning Caller Refresher [Walters G-14, 5:00-6:15]
Mandatory New Caller Training [Walters G-14, 6:00-8:00]
Calling Session 1 [Walters G-14, 1:00-4:00]
Calling Session 2 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 3 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 4 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 5 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 6 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 7 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 8 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 9 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 10 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 11 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 12 [Walters G-14, 1:00-4:00]
Calling Session 13 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
No Calling Scheduled [Spring Break]
Calling Session 14 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 15 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 16 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 17 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 18 [Walters G-14, 6:00-9:00]
Calling Session 19 [Walters G-14, 1:00-4:00]
Calling Session 20 [Walters G-14, 1:00-4:00] & “Thank You” Party [Walters G-14, 4:00-5:00]

*Important Note:

If you have never been employed by the college, you will be required to visit Brandi Wilkes in Human Resources to fill out the appropriate paperwork so you can get paid. Beforehand, please visit our website at to find out which types of identification are needed.


Application for Employment:

Name and Class Year:
Student ID Number:
Major(s) and/or Minor(s):
Email Address:
Phone # (ASC and/or cell):

Please read all employment information in this packet before completing this application.

Have you ever had a job other than at Agnes Scott?YES NO

If yes, where have you been employed?

Have you ever been employed by AgnesScottCollege?YES NO

Do you currently have an on-campus or off-campus job?YES NO

If yes, where are you employed?

May we contact your supervisor?YES NO

If yes, please provide your supervisor’s name and telephone number:
Additional References [optional]:
Name: / Relation: / Phone Number:
Name: / Relation: / Phone Number:

Have you ever volunteered or worked for a calling/fundraising program?YES NO

If yes, where?
Why do you think you would be a good addition to the Student Calling Program?
What makes you most proud to be an Agnes Scott student?

Return your completed application to the Office of Development (in Rebekah Hall across from Admissions) or email your application as an attachment to Kelly Williams ’03, Assistant Director, The Fund for Agnes Scott, at no later than 5:00 pm, Thursday, January 20th.

Be sure to provide a reliable contact number. You will be contacted by phone to schedule an interview.

Interviews will be held Wednesday – Friday, January 19th – 21st.


Office of Development