Curriculum Vitae for Ahmed El-Naggar

Name : Ahmed Mohamed Hassan El-Naggar

Mailing address : Saudi Arabia, Riyadh 11451, P.O.2455,

KingSaudUniversity, Faculty of Science,

Physics and Astronomy Dept.

E-mail address :

Phone No : (+966) 014676364 Saudi Arabia

(+966) 0502224032 Saudi Arabia

Present Job : Associate Professor at Physics and Astronomy

Dept., FacultyOf Science, King Saud

University,Riyadh,Saudi Arabia.

Qualifications: 1. B.Sc. in physics from the Faculty of

Science, AinShamsUniversity in 1980

2. M.Sc. in Physics from the Faculty of

Science, Ain-ShamsUniversity in 1986.

3. Ph.D. in Physics from Technical Clausthal

University (W.Germany) and Ain-Shams

University in 1993.

4. Assistance Professor in Physics (1993- 2002).

5. Professor in Physics (2013- now).

Professional Work Experience:

1. Demonstrator at the Physics Department,

Faculty of Science, AinShamsUniversity


2. Assistant Lecturer at the Physics

Department Faculty of Science, Ain Shams

University (1986-88)

3. PhD. Student at Technical Clausthal

University(W.Germany) and Ain-Shams

University (1988-1993).

4. Assistant Prof. at the Physics Department,

Faculty of Science, AinShamsUniversity


5. Visiting researcher at Leeds University,

Leeds, United Kingdom (1998)

6. Post-Doctor at North CarolinaState

University, Raleigh, NC, USA (from Sept.

1999- May 2000)

7. Post-Doctor at the institute of applied

Physics, TechnicalClausthalUniversity,

W.Germany (May 2000- October 2000)

8. Visiting Scientist at the Institute of Optics,

University of Rochester, New York, USA

(Oct.2000-till Oct.2002).

9. Associate Professor at Physics Dept., Faculty

of Science, Ain-ShamsUniversity,Cairo, Egypt

(Oct.2002-Oct 2003).

10. Associate Professor at Physics and Astronomy

Dept., Faculty Of Science, King Saud

University,Riyadh,Saudi Arabia (Oct.2003-2013)

11. Associate Professor at Physics and Astronomy

Dept., Faculty Of Science, King Saud

University,Riyadh,Saudi Arabia (Oct.2013-now)

Teaching Work Experience:

1. Teaching Experimental Physics at the faculty

of Science, AinShamsUniversity and Suez

canal University (1980-1988).

2. Teaching the following courses: Solid state,

Semiconductors, Solid state Electronics,

Alternating current, Electromagnetism,

Electronics, Microwave, Digital circuits and

Computer, Mechanics, and Experimental

Physics, x-Ray diffraction and applications,

material science, Waves, Thermodynamics,

general physics


Scientific and Practical Activities:

1. Getting the M.Sc. degree under an American,

Egyptian Program between Pittsburgh

UniversityPennsylvania, United States of

America and Ain-ShamsUniversity (1982-86).

The Master Thesis was titled "Studies on

solar energy System analysis and its storage


2. Getting the Ph.D. degree from Technical

Clausthal University, West Germany, and Ain

ShamsUniversity (1988-93).

The Ph.D.thesis was titled "Studies on

Amorphous silicon solar cells"

3. Supervision of PhD. thesis titled "Annealing

of compound semiconductors under controlled

vapour pressure of volatile compounds", in

Co-operation with the institute of applied

Physics, TechnicalClausthalUniversity, West

Germany (1993-98).

4. Passing the integrated training course in

Computer programming with grade very good

From The computer center, Ain Shams

University (1983).

5. Upgrading the electronic lab. For under-

Graduate Physics students at the faculty of

Scienece, Ain-ShamsUniversity (1996-97).

6. Developing the physics syllabi for both

Under and post graduate students at the

Faculty of science, AinShamsUniversity


7. Pioneering of the physics group at the

Faculty of science, Ain shams University for

Making electronic circuits and physics

Experiments (1996-97).

8. Research work in Material science and devices

In different countries, USA, W.Germany,

United Kingdom, (1998-2002)

9- Upgrading the postgraduate research labs of

The Renewable Energy & Environment Research

Group, Physics & Astronomy department,

Faculty of science, KingSaudUniversity,


10- Research work in electrical, optical,and

Structural characterization of thin films at

Physics & Astronomy department,

Faculty of science, KingSaudUniversity,


Scholarships and Scientific Missions:

  1. Scholarship for getting the PhD. Degree from

TechnicalClausthalUniversity, W. Germany,

and Ain-ShamsUniversity (1988 to 1993).

2. Scientific Mission to England (Leeds

University (1998)

3. Scientific Mission to USA, North Carolina

state University, Electrical and Computer

Engineering Dept. (from Sept.1999 till May


4. Scientific Mission to W.Germany, Technical

ClausthalUniversity (from May 2000- October


5. Scientific mission to USA, New York,

University of Rochester, Institute of optics


Research work experience :

  1. MY research area is: III-V semiconductor

Materials and devices (e.g. Quantum dot & quantum well lasers, HBT & BJT transistors), Silicon on InsulatorTechnology (SOI), Ternary compoundsemiconductors CuInSe2, and Amorphous Silicon.

  1. Growing of thin films and devices using

Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Pulsed Laser

Deposition (PLD), Evaporation, Electronbeam,

and Sputtering.

3. Fabrication of semiconductor devices

4. Thin film characterization using Scanning

Electron Microscope (SEM), High Resolution

Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM),

Photoluminescence (PL), X-Ray Diffraction

(XRD), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Hall

Effect and conductivity Measurements, RHEED,

EDX, and AEG.

5. Electrical and optical measurements of the

Fabricated films and devices.

6. Characterization of solar cells parameters

(design and performance ) under high

Concentrated solar radiation.

7. Solar energy storage techniques.

8. The optical properties of thin film and bulk


List of Publications:

1- Journals

-N. S. Alzayed, S. Soltan, M. Shahabuddin, A. El-Naggar, I. V. Kityk, S. E. Qaid, Jafar M. Parakkandy, M. S. Shah, Niyaz Ahmad Madhar ” Growth of Stable Bilayer CrO2/MgB2 Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition “J Supercond Nov Magn (2015) 28:387–390.

- N.S. AlZayed, I.V. Kityk, S. Soltan, A.M. El-Naggar, M. Shahabuddin, “Laser induced infrared spectral shift of the MgB2:Cr superconductor films”Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 136 (2015) 1698–1701.

-N.S. AlZayed, I.V.Kityk, K.Ozga, A.O.Fedorchuk, S.Soltan, M.Shahabuddin, A. El-Naggar, “Role of MgB2/Cr2O3 nano-interfaces in photoinduced nonlinear optical treatment of the MgB2 superconducting films”Physica E 63(2014)180–185.

- O.V. Zamurueva, G.L. Myronchuk, G. Lakshminarayana, O.V. Parasyuk, L.V. Piskach, A.O. Fedorchuk, N.S. AlZayed, A.M. El-Naggar, I.V. Kityk, “Structural and optical features of novel Tl1-xIn1-xGexSe2 chalcogenide crystals”Optical Materials 37 (2014) 614–620.

- G. L. Myronchuk , O. V. Zamurueva , O. V. Parasyuk ,L. V. Piskach , A. O. Fedorchuk , N. S. AlZayed , A. M. El-Naggar , J. Ebothe , M. Lis , I. V. Kityk ” Structural and optical properties of novel optoelectronic Tl1-xIn1-xSixSe2 single crystals” J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2014) 25:3226–3232.

- A. M. El-Naggar, S.Y. El-Zaiat, M. I. Youssif, F. A. Alsaud, “Linear Optical Properties of (Cu2O)x (Al2O3)0.05-x (B2O3)0.20 (PbO)0.75 Glasses in the Spectral Range 200 - 3300 nm “,Optical Materials 35 (2013) 2685–2690.

- I. V. Kityk, S. Soltan, N. S. AlZayed, R. Viennois, C. Reibel, M. Shahabuddin, A. M. El-Naggar, Salem A. S. Qaid , M. S. Shah, “Photoinduced operation and diagnostic of superconductivity in the MgB2 films “J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2013) 24:4585–4589.

-Assem M. Bakry, and A. M. El-Naggar, “Correlation between phosphorus concentration and opto-electrical properties of doped a-Si:H films”Optik 124 (2013) 6501– 6505

- I.V. Kityk, A.O.Fedorchuk, P.Rakus, J.Ebothe, N.AlZayed, S.A.N.Alqarni, A.M.El-Naggar, O.V.Parasyuk, “PhotoinducedanisotropyintheAgGaGe3Se8:Cu chalcogenide crystals“ , Materials letters 107(2013) 218-220.

- I.V. Kityk, N. AlZayed, P. Rakus, A.A. AlOtaibe, A.M. El-Naggar, O.V. Parasyuk, “Laser-induced piezoelectric effects in chalcogenide crystals “,Physica B 423 (2013) 60–63.

- E. Al-Harbi, A.Wojciechowski, N.AlZayed, O.V. Parasyuk, E.Gondek&, P.Armatys, A. M. El-Naggar, I.V.Kityk, P.Karasinski,” IR laser induced spectral kinetics of AgGaGe3Se8 : Cu chalcogenide crystals” Spectrochimica Acta part A: Molecular and Biomolecular spectroscopy 111(2013) 142-149.

- E. Al-Harbi , M. A. Aziz , M. Oyama, A. M. El-Naggar, N. AlZayed, A. Wojciechowski, I. V. Kityk, “Gold nanoparticles deposited on fluorine-doped tin oxide substrates as materials for laser operated optoelectronic devices”J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2013) 24:2422–2425.

- A. M. El-Naggar, Dependence of the optical and electrical properties of chemically annealed vacuum-deposited a-Si:H films on the deposition rate”,Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 27,1350015(2013).

- A. M. El-Naggar,” Effect of thickness on the structural and optical properties of GaNfilms grown on Si(111)”, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2012) 23:972–976.

- M. Reben, J. Wasylak, N. S. AlZayed, A. M. El-Naggar , M. G. Brik, I. V. Kityk, “Er–Pr tellurite glasses as promising materials for white light emitting diodes”, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2012) 23:631–634.

- I.V.Kityk, N. S. AlZayed, A.M. El-Naggar,M.Reben, J.Wasylak, G.Lakshminarayana, Ali H. Reshak, M.G.Brik, “Er-Pr doped tellurite glass nanocomposites for white light emitting diodes” , Optics Communications 285 (2012) 655–658.

- W. Kuznik, M.G. Brik, I. Cie´slik, A. Majchrowski, L. Jaroszewicz, N.S. AlZayed, A.M. El-Naggar, I. Sildos, S. Lange, V. Kiisk, I.V. Kityk,“Changes of fluorescent spectral features after successive rare earth doping of gadolinium oxide powders“, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 511 (2012) 221.

- A.M. El-Naggar, N.S. Alzayed , A. Majchrowski , L. Jaroszewicz , M.G. Brik , W. Kuznik ,I.V. Kityk, “Preparation and fluorescence properties of La2CaB10O19 crystals doped with Pr3+ ions”, Journal of Crystal Growth 334 (2011) 122

- A. M. El-Naggar,“Optical and structural characterization of GaN thin films at different N to Ga flux ratios”, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 023508

- A.M.El-naggar, and A.M.Aldhafiri "Influence of atomic hydrogen annealing on the optical properties of vacuum-deposited a-Si:H films" Optics & Laser Technology, 41, 295(2009)

- A.M. El-naggar,S.Y.El-Zaiat, and Saleh M.Hassam " Optical parameters of epitaxial GaN thin film on Si substrate from the reflection spectrum" Optics & Laser Technology, 41, 334 (2009).

- A.M. El-Naggar “Influence of thickness on the optical properties of vacuum deposited a- Si:H films” optics& Laser technology 33, 237(2001).

-M.Khashan, A.El-Naggar, “A simple method of measuring and applying the dispersion of thin films”,Optics Communications 187(2001)39-47.

-M.Khashan, A.El-Naggar, “A new method of determining the optical constants of a thin film from the reflectance and transmittance interferograms in a wide spectral range: 3- 0.2Mm”, Optics communications 178(2000)123-132.

-M.Khashan, A.El-Naggar, “A new method of finding the optical constants of a solid from the reflectance and transmittance spectrograms of its slab", Optics Communications174(2000)445-453.

-Assem Bakry, Ahmed El-Naggar, “ Dopping Effects on the Optical properties of Evaporated A-Si:H films”, Thin Solid films 360(2000)293-297.

- Ahmed El-Naggar and Assem Bakry, “Optical properties of Al-doped a-Si:H films”, J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 11(1999)9619-9627.

- A.M. Bakry and A.M. El-naggar, “Study of deep levels in Schottky/Cu in Se2 single crystal devices by DLTS measurements”, journal of Material Science: Materials inelectronics 7 (1996) 191-192.

- MA. El-Sharkawy, M.Th. Khalil, A.N. Hosny, and A.M. El Naggar,“ Optimum Design Parameters of Silicon Solar cell under High concetrated radiation :, Modeling, Simulation& control, A, AMSE press, Vol. 11. No. 4, 1987,P.10.

- MA. El-Sharkaw, M.Th. Khalil, A.N. Hosny, and A.M. El Naggar,“Computer Analysis of the Series resistance and operational temperature effect on the performance of Silicon Solar cell at different concentrated radiation “, Modeling, Simulation & control, A, AMSEpress, Vol. 11. No. 4, 1987, P.28.

2- Conferences

-J. Labis, A. Alanazi, E. Alsalmani, H. Alshehrany , M. Almutairy, A. M. El-naggar, Z. Alahmed, H. Albrithen , “Optical properties of PLD-grown thin-films of Ba-ZnO, Ca-ZnO, and Sr-ZnO alloys” , accepted for oral presentationat the IVC-19/ICN+T 2013/ICSS-15/ITFPC 2013/MIATEC 2013/CIP 2013/RSD 2013 Congress which will be held 9-13 September, 2013, in Paris, France.

-Joselito LABIS, Anwar ALANAZI, Mahmoud HEZAM, Hamad ALBRITHEN, Mansour ALHOSHAN, Ahmed M. EL-NAGGAR, Zeyad ALAHMED, “Optimized Growth of Alloyed ZnO Nanostructures (Nanorods, Nanoworms, Nanowalls, and Nanoflowers) by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique”, Accepted for Oral Presentation in ICMAT2013, Singapore on June 30-July5, 2013.

-Hamad A. Albrithen, Zeyad A. Alahmed, Ahmed M. El-Naggar, Josilito P. Labis “Investigating Strontium Zinc Oxide alloys Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition”accepted in MRS Spring Meeting 2013.

-Alsalmani, Essa S.; Alanazi, Anwar Qasem; Labis, Joselito
Puzon; Elnaggar, Ahmed M.; Alahmed, Zeyad Ahmed; Albrithen, Hamad Abdulaziz, “Investigating Barium Zinc Oxide Alloys Grown by Pulsed Laser
Deposition” 17th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy conference, 2013.

-Amanullah F.M., A.S. Al-Shammari, A.M. Elnaggar, W.M. Al-Ayashi , A.M. Al-Dhafiri, " Influence of chlorine doping on the Optical & Electrical Properties of CdSThin Films" 34th IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference, Philadilphia, USA, (june 2009).

-A.M.El-naggar, and A.M.Al-Dhafiri" Effect of Chemical annealing on the Optical properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon films" 33rd IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference, California, USA, (May 2008).

-A.M. El-Naggar, S. Y. El-Zaiat, Saleh M. Hassan, "A method of determining the optical Properties of a thin film on an absorbing substrate from the reflection spectrum”, International Conference on Optical and Optoelectronic Properties of Materials and Applications, Darwin, Australia, (July, 2006).

-K.Averett, S. Maimom, X.Wu, M.Koch, Ahmed El-Naggar, Gary Wicks,"Device and Materials Characteristics of MBE-Grown InAs Bipolar Transistor", Electronic Material Conference, California, USA, (September 2002).

-K.Averett, S. Maimom, X.Wu, M.Koch, Ahmed El- Naggar, Gary Wicks,"Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of InAs Bipolar Transistor", Electronic Material Conference, California, USA, (June 2002).