Alvarez, Ricky

Murray, Grant

11/14/03 Per. 2B

Mrs. Walker

Academie Resume

Name/Address: Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Strand, London, England

Objective: To show that I am the best possible candidate for this honor and to show that inductive reasoning is the proper scientific method.

Qualifications/ Life Experience:

Elected to House of Commons- 1584-1614

·  Wrote letters of advice to Queen Elizabeth I

·  Lost favor with Queen when he opposed a bill for royal subsidy

Proposed schemes for union in England and Scotland

Proposed ways to deal with Roman Catholics

In 1621, charged for taking bribes

·  Confessed to charges

·  Banished from Parliament

·  Retired to his home and family to write


·  1577- Assistant to an ambassador to France

·  1584- Elected to Parliament

·  1588- Named lecturer in legal studies at Gray’s Inn

·  1591- Advisor to the Earl of Essex

·  1603- Knighted for efforts of union of England and Scotland

·  1607- Named Solicitor General

·  1613- Named Attorney General

·  1616- Served as Privy Councilor

·  1618- Served as Lord Councilor


·  Home schooled at early ages

·  1573- Attended Trinity College in Cambridge at age of twelve

·  1576- Studied law at Gray’s Inn

·  1582- Completed law degree

Summary of Major Works:

·  Advancement of Learning- A review of the state of knowledge at the time published and presented to King James I in 1605

·  Novum Organum (New Organon)- respect of the interpretation of nature, influenced acceptance of accurate observation and experiment in science

·  History of Henry VI- showed knowledge of history and ability of scholarly research

·  New Atlantis- formation of scientific academies

·  Maxims of Laws

Personality References:

·  Loren Eiseley- sees me as “the man who saw through time”

·  Theodor Adorno- thought of me as one of the main “culprits of sciences continuing legacy of exploitation.”

·  Theron Dixon- describes me as “a great and luminous intellect, one of the finest of this poetic progeny”