1. a) Describe the first creation account. Genesis 1:2-4a (8marks)
  1. Before the creation the earth was formless and empty.
  2. God created everything through a divine command ‘’...... let there be...... ’’
  3. The work of creation took place in six days.
  4. On the first day, God created light (day) and separated it from darkness (night).
  5. On the second day, He created the heavens and sky.
  6. On the third day, the earth, seas and oceans and all types of plants were created.
  7. On the fourth day, was the heavenly bodies (sun, moon and stars) were created to give light and determine time, seasons and years.
  8. On the fifth day, God created water creatures and all kinds of birds.
  9. On the sixth day, God created both wild and domestic animals. Human beings were created on the same day in the image and likeness of God.
  10. Human beings were given special privileges and responsibilities over other creatures.
  11. God commanded human beings to procreate and multiply.
  12. Everything that God created was good and pleasing to him.
  13. On the seven day, God rested and blessed it and made it holy(1 x 7 = 7 marks)


b) Seven attributes of God from the Biblical accounts of creation. (7marks)

  1. God is all powerful.
  2. God has power over nature.
  3. God is the only true God.
  4. He is the sole creator
  5. God provides and sustains his creation.
  6. God is triune (three in one).
  7. God is God of Order.
  8. He is good and perfect.
  9. He is moral God.
  10. He is spirit.
  11. God is a worker.
  12. God is loving and caring.
  13. God is eternal.
  14. God is Holy.
  15. He is a God of mind and will. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

c) Five ways in Christians continue with God’s work of creation today. (5 marks)

  1. Through procreation and bringing up of children.
  2. By caring and conserving the environment.
  3. By protecting human rights and freedom.
  4. Through scientific and technological discoveries which help to improve human life.
  5. By constructing dams and gabions.
  6. Through production of various types of energy for example, solar energy.
  7. Through reclamation of land.
  8. Through creation of employment opportunities.
  9. Through provision of medical facilities and services.
  10. Taking care of the needy.
  11. Through farming.
  12. Through manufacturing of goods and services.
  13. Through creative arts (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
  1. a) Outline seven activities carried out by the Israelites on the Passover. (7marks)
  1. Every man chose a lamb or young goat for his family.
  2. The chosen animal was slaughtered.
  3. Blood was put on the door posts of the house.
  4. The slaughtered animal was to be roasted
  5. The Israelites ate the unleavened bread/bitter herbs /roasted meat.
  6. They ate while fully dressed for the journey/in a hurry.
  7. They stayed indoors till morning
  8. They burnt all the leftovers of the meal.
  9. They collected jewellery /clothing from Egyptians. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

b) How the Israelites worshipped God when they were in the wilderness. (7marks)

  1. They built altars.
  2. They offered sacrifices.
  3. They sang songs /danced.
  4. They held festivals
  5. They gave offerings /tithes.
  6. They constructed sacred places of worship/tabernacle.
  7. They observed the Sabbath day
  8. They burnt Incense. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

c) Ways in which Christians can promote True worship of God.(6 marks)

  1. Praying for God’s guidance
  2. Seeking guidance and counselling from church leaders on how to worship
  3. Reading the Bible
  4. Living exemplary lives for the others to emulate.
  5. Contributing to the Church offerings.
  6. Repenting and forgiving one another
  7. Christians avoiding castigating one another in public during worship
  8. Attending Christian conferences.
  9. Providing theological training for the clergy.
  10. Carrying out worship as provided by the legal framework of the state
  11. Allowing children to attend Sunday school for basic facts on Christianity.

(1 x 6 = 6 marks)

  1. a) Describe the characteristics of the local Canaanite religion. (8marks)
  1. It was a polytheistic religion.
  2. The gods were represented by images.
  3. Sacrifices were offered to appease the gods.
  4. The Canaanites constructed alters and high places of worship.
  5. Annual religious festivals were carried out.
  6. Prophets and priests lead in worship.
  7. In some cases human sacrifices were offered to the gods
  8. Different gods controlled different natural forces.
  9. Temple prostitution was practised.
  10. It was a cyclic religion
  11. There was the believe that a god/goddess is only powerful in his/her own locality
  12. Feasts were celebrated. (1 x 8= 8 marks)

b) Explain three commands which King Ahab and Queen Jezebel broke. (1 kings 21:17-29)

(6 marks)

  1. They broke the commandments of not to kill when they planned for the stoning of Naboth.
  2. When they worshiped idols, they broke the rule of worshiping gods.
  3. They broke the commandment of not coveting a neighbour’s property when they wanted Naboth’s vine yard.
  4. The commandment of stealing was broken when they took Naboth’s vineyard.
  5. The commandment of not to cheat /beer false witness was broken when they planned for false witness against Naboth.
  6. They used the name of God in vain when they said that Naboth had blasphemed against God. (3 x 2 = 6 marks)

c) What life skills do Christians need to use in order to fight corruption in Kenya Today?

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Creative thinking
  3. Decision making
  4. Conflict resolution/problem solving
  5. Tolerance
  6. Assertiveness/principled
  7. Self-awareness
  8. Empathy
  9. Effective communication(1 x 6 = 6 marks)
  1. a) Seven roles of prophets in the Old Testament. (7mks)
  1. They spoke on behalf of God/God’s messengers/mouth pieces.
  2. They foretold the future events.
  3. They guided/counselled the kings.
  4. They called people back to repentance /gave message of hope.
  5. They reminded the people about the covenant
  6. They condemned the evil in the society.
  7. They warned the people of God’s judgement.
  8. They made the people understand the nature of God.
  9. They offered sacrifices to God.
  10. They anointed Kings.
  11. They interpreted the visions /dreams from God/current events (1 x 7 = 7 mks)

b) Eight teachings of prophet Amos about the day of the Lord. (8marks)

  1. It will be a day of terror and disaster.
  2. God will punish the Israelites for their disobedience /He will remember their evil deeds.
  3. The earth shall tremble/ there will be earthquakes.
  4. People will mourn /no happiness.
  5. There will be darkness at noon.
  6. The feasts and festivals will not be joyful.
  7. People will thirst/hunger for the word of God.
  8. People will faint in the process of searching for the word of God.
  9. It will be a day of disappointment for the Israelites.
  10. The wicked will not escape God’s judgement. (1 x 8 = 8 mks)

c) Relevance of the remnant and restoration to Christians today. (5marks)

  1. Christians as the remnants of God today should endeavour to do what is right before God and avoid negative Influences.
  2. Christians learn that God is merciful and forgives those who repent.
  3. Christians are encouraged because the righteous people will receive eternal life.
  4. The teaching on the remnants gives Christians hope that only unrepentant sinners will perish but the righteous will be rewarded with eternal life by God.
  5. God always preserves a faithful remnant through whom he fulfils his promises to human kind. Christians are the remnants through whom God fulfils his purposes.

(1 x 5 = 5 marks)

5. (a) Describe the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 2: 27-47) (8marks)

  1. The wall of Jerusalem had been rebuilt and completed in 52 days.
  2. The Levites priests and the singers from the surrounding villages gathered in the city of Jerusalem.
  3. The priests, the people, the gates and the walls were purified.
  4. Ezra led a grand procession and moved around Jerusalem in a counter clock wise direction.
  5. Nehemiah led another group clockwise around the city.
  6. Both groups came together in the temple square.
  7. There was singing, elaborate sacrifice rituals and rejoicing.
  8. Foreigners were not allowed to participate in the ceremonies

(1 x 8 = 8 marks)

b) Outline six messages of prophet Jeremiah in his letter to the exiles. (6marks)

  1. To build houses and live in them.
  2. To plant gardens and eat their produce.
  3. To marry and have children.
  4. To live in peace and promote the welfare of the cities where they were living.
  5. To pray for their masters.
  6. Not to listen to the words of false prophets and diviners.
  7. God would restore them back to their land after seventy years.
  8. To trust in God and not to give up.
  9. God was accessible to them even in Babylon.
  10. God would punish those who had remained in Judah for failing to listen to him.

(1 x 6 = 6 marks)

c) In what ways do Christians use the print media to spread the gospel? (6marks)

  1. Publishing Christian Literature
  2. Distributing Christian literature free.
  3. Reading the Bible and other Christian literature.
  4. Using Biblical stories to produce Christian programmes in electric media.
  5. Teaching using C.R.E textbooks.
  6. Selling Christian literature to institutions and to the public
  7. Advertising Christian issues in newspapers.
  8. Illustrating Christian messages and the episodes using the bible atlas.
  9. Using encyclopaedia and bible dictionaries to explain and interpret Christian terminologies.
  10. Displaying posters with Christian messages.
  11. Printing Christian messages on various objects and items.
  12. Translating printed messages into local languages. (1 x 6 = 6 marks)

6. a) Six reasons why the initiates are secluded for a period of time in traditional African

communities. (6marks)

  1. To facilitate the healing process of the initiates.
  2. To teach them moral values.
  3. To facilitate proper feeding for them.
  4. To enable them to adjust to the new independent life.
  5. The isolation is rebirth from childhood.
  6. It promotes social interaction and the formation of the age set system.
  7. To learn the secrets of the community. (1 x 6 = 6marks)

b) Changes in initiation rites today. (7marks)

  1. Some initiation rites have been abandoned, for example, the removal of teeth.
  2. The rites are less elaborate.
  3. Some communities have adopted initiation rites from others.
  4. The times for initiation have been shifted due to formal schooling.
  5. Many prefer to go for circumcision in hospitals.
  6. The age for initiation hasshifted from adolescent to young children.
  7. It is carried out at family level not communal in most cases.
  8. Female circumcision has been outlawed. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

c) How the youth are prepared for adult life in the church in Kenya. (7marks)

  1. They are assigned duties to perform
  2. They are baptised and hence recognized.
  3. They are taught adult roles.
  4. Those who go against Christian life are punished.
  5. They are given guidance and counselling services.
  6. They are helped to identify marriage partners.
  7. They form social groups to promote social skills in adult life.
  8. Some are appointed to leadership positions. (1 x 7 = 7 marks)

NakuruSub County t Sec. Schools Trial Examination @ 2016 C.R.E. Paper 1 Marking SchemePage1