July 20-21, 2016–National Office, Fort Collins, CO

Board Meeting convenes at 9am mst (coffee, tea, etc available at 8:30) with a scheduled recess at 2:45 pm

Nonprofit Organizational Cultural Competence: Where does NAI fit in? with Parker McMullen-Bushman from 3-5 pm

BOARD MEETING called to order:

  1. Welcome, and review, adjust and approve agenda – President Amy Lethbridge
  1. Approve Minutes of March 2016 BOD meeting – Amy Lethbridge


Many of these action items have related reports/materials posted on the Summer 2016 Board Meeting Page as well as the new IMIS National Board On Line Community site

  1. Treasurers Report/Financial Overviewon the year to date and planning for next year.

Travis Williams and Margo Carlock


Move to accept the report by

Seconded by

  1. Strategic Plan Midway Review and Discussion
  1. 2016 Elections update and actions*Board Nominated/Member Elected Nomination recommendation See special email from Amy regarding this matter..
  2. Personnel Policy Final Approval (Margo Carlock and CemBasman)
  3. Diversity and Inclusion Task Force (Amy Lethbridge)

Recommend that Parker McMullen-Bushman as chair with task force members to be determined

  1. Collaboration/Partnership with NAAEE and ANCA: Diversity and Inclusion Initiative (Parker McMullen-Bushman)

Motion: That NAI explore a partnership with NAAEE and ANCA to produce materials/services that would be beneficial to members of all organizations on the subject of Diversity and Inclusion.

  1. Closure of Public Lands and Museums Advocacy Issue (Margo Carlock)


  1. Advisory Council Update*Pepe Chavez and Amy Erikson
  2. Current news and status
  3. Status of a EE group
  4. Renaming of an Organizational Unit
  1. Interpretation Standards Committee *Margo Carlock
  2. By Laws Revision Task Force*Amy Lethbridge
  3. National Election Update* CemBasman
  4. Development Committee Update for 2016 and beyond * Jim Covel
  1. Leadership Development Advisory Committee*Updated Plans for 2016*Tom Medema
  2. Association of Missouri Interpreters-Where it stands? *John Miller
  3. Update on the 2016 National Conference and beyond*Margo Carlock and staff
  4. Epperly Institute MOU/Collaboration*Margo Carlock
  5. 2016 and 2017 International Conferences update * Margo Carlock and staff
  6. International Federation of Interpretation * Amy Lethbridge & Margo Carlock
  7. 2015/2016? Board Meeting Schedule


INFORMATION ITEMS: Available on website under Resources/NAI Admin Docs/Board Meeting Materials

  • Board Officer reports
  • Office report
  • Committee/Task Force/Working Group reports
  • Treasurers report
  • MinutesMarch 2016
  • Financials (on Financial Information page )

Mission: Inspiring leadership and excellence to advance heritage interpretation as a profession.