Nacra 17 2014 National


Friday 24th to Monday 27th January 2014

The Organising Authority is Murrays Bay Sailing Club (Inc.) Regatta Address: PO Box 65-076, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630

Notice of Race


1.1.  The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2013 – 2016.

1.2.  The YNZ Safety Regulations Part 1 shall apply.

1.3.  The Nacra 17 One Design Class Rules will apply.


2.1.  Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the Organizing Authority.


3.1.  The regatta is open to all boats of the Nacra 17 class.

3.2.  Eligible boats may enter by completing the attached form and sending it, together with the required fee, to Nacra 17 2014 National Championships, Murrays Bay Sailing Club, PO Box 65-076, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630 by Friday 11th January. Electronic payment to Murrays Bay Sailing Club 12 3042 0272614 04 with Nacra 17 2014 Nationals as the Particulars and Sail Number as the Reference.

3.3.  Late entries will be accepted under the following conditions: that the entry form with entry and late entry fee is received no later than 1600 Friday 24th January.

3.4.  To be eligible to compete in this event each entrant and crew member shall be a financial member of a club recognised by the entrant and crew member’s national authority.

3.5.  Each entrant shall be a financial member of the New Zealand Nacra 17 Association.


4.1.  The following classification requirements will apply (see rule 79): Nil.

5.  FEES

5.1.  Required fees are as follows: Entry Fee Late Entry Fee

$120 $20


6.1.  Registration:

Friday 24th January. From 1300 to 1700.

6.2.  Measurement and inspection: Friday 24th January.

From 1300 to 1700.

6.3.  Briefing:

Saturday 25th January. 1000.

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6.4. / Dates of Racing: Saturday 25th January Sunday 26th January
Monday 27th January
6.5. / Number of races:
Number Races per day / Target Time
12 4 (may be sailed back to back) / 35 minutes
6.6. The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race each day is:
Date / Warning Signal
Saturday 25th January / 1155
Sunday 26th January / 1055
Monday 27th January / 1055
6.7. On Monday 27th January no warning signal will be made after 1600.

7.1.  Each boat shall be presented to the regatta measurer (Clause 6.2 above).

7.2.  All boats must comply with their class rules at all times during the regatta. No equipment that is subject to measurement under 29er Class rules may be changed during the regatta without the approval of the Chairman of the Race Committee.

7.3.  Wet clothing, measurement and equipment checks may be made throughout the Regatta at the discretion of the Race Committee or Protest Committee.


8.1.  The sailing instructions will be available after 1700 on Friday 24th January at Murrays Bay Sailing Club.


9.1.  The regatta will be based at Murrays Bay Sailing Club.

9.2.  Racing will take place on the waters off Murrays Bay Beach.


10.1.  The courses to be sailed will be Windward/Leeward.


11.1.  For the Nacra 17, Taking A Penalty, is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by a One-Turn Penalty.


12.1.  The Low Point Scoring System of Appendix A, Scoring, will apply.

12.2.  Five races are required to be completed to constitute a series.

12.3.  (a) When five races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.

(b)  When from five to eight races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.

(c)  When nine or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her two worst scores.


13.1.  The movements of support boats will be restricted.


14.1.  Unless otherwise directed by the Organising Authority, all competing boats and equipment shall be launched and retrieved from Murrays Bay beach.

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15.1.  Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.


16.1.  The winner of this contest will be the Nacra 17 National Champions for the 2013-2014 season and will receive the Nacra 17 Association of New Zealand Trophy.


17.1.  Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.



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Murrays Bay Sailing Club

Entry Form

Nacra 17 2014 National Championship

24 - 27 January 2014

Organising Authority:
Murrays Bay Sailing Club
513 Beach Road
PO Box 65-076 Mairangi Bay Auckland 0630 / Sail Number
Hull Colour
Boat Name

Helmsperson Crew

First Name First Name

Surname Surname

Gender Gender

Male / Female Male / Female

Nationality Nationality

I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and all other rules that govern this event. I understand that yacht racing has inherent risks and dangers that are beyond the control of the organizing authority. I understand that neither the organising authority and its officers, members and servants nor other persons assisting with the conduct of the regatta accept any responsibility in respect of any injury or loss to person or property that may be sustained by reason of participation in the regatta or howsoever arising in connection with the regatta.

I agree to the use of my photograph(s) and other relevant information in any event publicity and in the ongoing promotion of New Zealand yachting. I agree to the Organising Authority and Yachting New Zealand holding the above information for the general administration and well- being of the sport, and for them to retain, use and disclose the information to affiliated organisations and any other persons or organisations that Yachting New Zealand believes will further the interests and objectives of Yachting New Zealand. I acknowledge my right to access to and correction of this information. The consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.

Helmsperson’s Signature Crew’s Signature

Date Date

Parent/Guardian’s Signature (if sailor under 18 years old) Parent/Guardian’s Signature (if sailor under 18 years old)

Date Date

Enclosures (if stated as required to be presented in Notice of Race)

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Entry Fee Proof of Club Membership

Proof of Class Association Membership

Office Use

Proof of Date of Birth


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Entry Fee Paid Cash / Cheque Date [1]Comments

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