NAAAHR-GNY is a non-profit professional human resources association and provides this service as a benefit to its members and the greater New York employer community. You do not have to be a member of NAAAHR-GNY or NAAAHR to list a position on the NAAAHR-GNY job bank. NAAAHR-GNY accepts legitimate listings of HR-related positions for posting on its web-based job bank. The title of the position will be listed on the public side of the website. NAAAHR-GNY does not accept resumes. It is up to the member to contact the company or search firm if they are interested in a listed position. Positions remain on the job bank for a 30-day period, at which time they are removed. If you want your position to be relisted, you should let us know by email before the listing expires.
Instructions for job postings: If you are a member of NAAAHR-GNY and do not work for a search firm, agency or recruitment firm, then the localposition you would like posted will be at no charge to you. The position will remain on our site for 30 days. If you are not a member of NAAAHR-GNY or you work for a search firm, agency or a recruitment firm, NAAAHR-GNY's Board requires that we charge $200 per job listing per month, either local or nationwide. By submitting this form you understand that an invoice for $200 will be sent to you if you are not a member of NAAAHR-GNY or you work for a search firm.
If you have any questions, please contact or call 212-726-2028.
Disclaimer: This job bank of HR professional positions is offered as a service to National Association of African Americans in Human Resources – Greater New York Chapter members only. NAAAHR and the National Association of Human Resources – Greater New York assume no responsibility or liability of any kind, including but not limited to the accuracy or viability of any position listed, relating to this service. By using this service, users are agreeing that they do so on a voluntary basis and release NAAAHR and the National Association of African Americans in Human Resources – Greater New York from any liability relating to this service. If you find this service helpful, or have suggestions, please email them to us at the above e-mail address.
Anyone submitting a posting needs to fill out the following information below:
Position Information
Job Title* ______
Type of Position* ______Full-Time – Part Time – Internship
Location* ______
Job Description*
How To Apply*
Billing Information
Name* ______
Company Name * ______
Address* ______
City* ______
Zip* ______
Email* ______
Phone* ______Example: 555-555-5555
(Save completed application and e-mail it to )