The purpose of these events is to allow “Rec” or community-based teams to play outside their community base at a reasonable cost, against outside completion, at a reasonable cost in a tournament format. The format is designed to recognize that not all players want to compete at tournaments every weekend and to promote the game of Fastpitch Softball and foster interest in the sport as well as promote sportsmanship, team work and friendship among teams in N.E. Ohio.

Currently, the Series is scheduling 2 Events, both a Victory Sports Park and related fields, each will feature a minimum four game weekend events. The third event in this series will be announced later.

The first event, the “WELCOME BACK SUMMER” event will be open to 8 teams in 10U, 12U and 14U age groups. This event will be at Victory Sports Park, and possibly nearby fields, as needed on JUNE 2nd and 3rd. 2018. COST is $240 per team. Games will start not earlier than 10:00am on Sunday and not earlier than 1:00pm on Sunday. Note: Victory Sports Park charges an admission of $5.00 per day per adult, each admission brings $1.00 discount at concessions. Three Coaches passes will be provided free for each day.

Each team will play a doubleheader on Saturday and a third pool game on Sunday. The top two teams in each pool, or top four teams will then play a single elimination series for 1st, through 4th place. The 3rd place team in each pool will play for 5th place and the 4th place teams will play for 7th place.

Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Place. Medallions for 3rd through 5th place and Ribbons for 6th through 8th place. (Note: In the event the tournament does not draw eight teams, awards will adjusted to fit. All minimum games are based on weather conditions. Other awards such as game MVP, competitions are also being considered.

The second event, the “SATURDAY TWILIGHT EVENT” event will be open to 6 teams in 10U, 12U and 14U age groups. This event will be at Victory Sports Park, and possibly nearby fields, as needed on JUNE 9th and 10th. 2018. COST is $240 per team. Games will be played on Saturday evening and Sunday after 2pm. Note: Victory Sports Park charges an admission of $5.00 per day per adult, each admission brings $1.00 discount at concessions. Three Coaches passes will be provided free for each day.

Each team will play a doubleheader on Saturday and a third pool game on Sunday. The top two teams in each pool, or top four teams will then play a single elimination series for 1st, through 4th place. The 3rd place team in each pool will play for 5th and 6th place.

Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Place. Medallions for 3rd through 6th. (Note: In the event the tournament does not draw eight teams, awards will adjusted to fit. All minimum games are based on weather conditions. Other awards such as game MVP, competitions are also being considered.

Eligibility Rules

  1. Teams must be a part of a community based Recreation League, which complies teams by accepting players within league rules and using a system to divide players as equally as possible among the teams in their community.
  2. A players age is determined by her birthday on 01/01/18. Players may play “up” but cannot play at a lower age level, regardless of rules of the team’s home league.
  3. Teams may be made up from combined rosters within a community based league or an “all-star” roster, provided they meet the other requirements. Entering teams from the same community based program, if multiple teams are entered, must be divided in a system designed to work towards parity between the teams.
  4. No team may have more than two players who are on a roster of a “travel team” or tournament roster.
  5. This includes players on USA. NSA, PGF, USSSA (does not include USSSA Rec program participation) or non-Sanctioned community based league teams. Discretion of the Tournament Director is final in determining eligibility. Additionally, such players must:
  6. Have competed in at least 1/2 of team’s league games to the point of the tournament.
  7. Such players are not allowed to pitch under any circumstances.
  8. Entry Form must include a roster; which shows the Name of Player and Date of Birth,

Signature of coach and/or league Commissioner that player meets the eligibility criteria listed above and signatures of parent(s)/guardian(s) who has custody of the participant and the league team on which the player participates. A Registration Form will be provided. No registration is final until approved and payment is made.

Playing Rules:

Unless otherwise noted below, NFHS Rules will apply.

All Ages:

  1. Jewelry is not permitted, medical or religious medallions may be worn, but must be secured by bandage or medical tape (2017 NFHS Rule).
  2. Metal Spikes are prohibited at all age levels.
  3. Head Coach ONLY shall have discussions with umpires. Assistant Coaches shall remain in the dugout or outside the fence unless coaching a base. Head Coach, at the time of an incident is responsible for behavior of his/her staff, players and fans. Head Coach will be expected to control the situation and failure to do so will result in his/her removal from the field and surrounding area for the balance of the tournament.
  4. Games shall be: maximum of seven innings, no new inning after 1:40 Minutes or Mercy Rules take effect. Teams MUST keep game moving, umpire will not allow stalling or deliberate efforts to delay game. After a warning any such violations will result in coach being removed and continuous violations will result in forfeit. An inning (half inning) starts when at the time the 3rd out is made or run limit has been reached. (Example: a third out is made in at first base. That half inning is considered over and another half inning or inning (as needed) will be played regardless of if time runs out while teams are moving on or off the field.)
  5. Game time will be kept by umpire. Both teams must maintain scorebooks and confer to ensure that score matches always. In the event of a dispute, the “home book” will be final. Any disputes in score should be resolved by the Umpire in conjunction with the Head Coaches and if necessary the scorekeepers when discovered.
  6. Decision of umpires is final, appeals may be made on Rules interpretations, but not on judgement calls. The GAME is for the players, all coaches and adults will be expected to behave as they would expect their player to behave OR higher.
  7. Pool Games can end in ties, each team is awarded one point for a tie and two points for a win.
  8. Seeding will be based on; 1. Pool Record 2. Head to Head games, 3. Runs Allowed. 4. Coin Flip
  9. Single Umpires, for Pool games and two umpires for play-off games.
  10. In the event of rain, refunds will be based on games played after all non-reimbursable fees have been paid. No refund will be given if teams have played at least two games.
  11. The Tournament Director reserves the right to alter the schedule, playing times and situations as needed as needed to maintain the quality of the event.
  12. Persons causing issues with players on or off the field, coaches, umpires, or other fans will be removed and will not be permitted to return for the balance of the event if the situation warrants it in the opinion of the Tournament Staff.


  1. Dropped 3rd Strike Rule will not be used.
  2. Players may steal, or advance on a passed ball, only if the base they are stealing is unoccupied. All runners may advance if a play for the stealing runner is attempted by the defensive team. (Example R1 is on 3B and Runner 2 is on 1B. Runner 2 attempts to steal 2B. Runner 1 may advance to Home if defensive team make a play for the runner at 2B.)
  3. Run Limit: Six runs per inning (Note: maximum is eight per inning) once the 8th Run has been scored the offensive half inning is over.) Exception. The inning which begins with the 1st pitch after 1:40 minutes will be determined to be the “last inning. Unlimited runs may be scored in the last inning.
  4. Mercy Rule: Games will be ended if a team trails by more than 10 Runs after 4 innings or by more than 15 Runs after 1:15 time.
  5. After a pitcher has walked four batters in an inning, the pitcher should be removed for the balance of the inning and replaced by the defensive team or the offensive team shall bring in a coach to pitch to his/her batters for the balance of the inning. An adult pitcher will not field any hit balls and balls striking the adult pitcher will be considered foul balls if in the discretion of the umpire it was inadvertent and an out if the umpire determines it was deliberate. No intentional Bunting is permitted if an adult pitcher is being used. A pitcher removed under this rule is eligible to return the following inning or at any point in the game beyond that half inning.
  6. Teams may play with 10 players, however at least four must begin at least 30 feet beyond the unmarked baselines between 1B and 2B and 2B and 3B. Once the ball is HIT they may move in closer than 30 feet.
  7. Pitching distance is 35 Feet.


  1. Run Limit: Six runs per inning (Note: maximum is eight per inning) once the 8th Run has been scored the offensive half inning is over.) Exception. The inning which begins with the 1st pitch after 1:40 minutes will be determined to be the “last inning. Unlimited runs may be scored in the last inning.
  2. Mercy Rule: Games will be ended if a team trails by more than 10 Runs after 4 innings or by more than 15 Runs after 1:15 time.
  3. Teams may play with 10 players, however at least four must begin at least 30 feet beyond the unmarked baselines between 1B and 2B and 2B and 3B. Once the ball is HIT they may move in closer than 30 feet.
  4. Pitching Distance is 40 feet.


  1. Mercy Rule: Games will be ended if a team trails by more than 10 Runs after 4 innings or by more than 15 Runs after 1:15 time.