It is a simple 41 inch continuous rubber band. How tough can it be?? Why would I ever want to consider using a rubber band to strength train?? Bands are for rehabilitating injuries Right??

These are just a few of the misconceptions and comments that I hear every time I step up on stage to start talking about Resistance Band Training (RBT). It is amazing that a training tool that has been around for over 25 years is still looked upon as nothing more than a last alternative when you don't have anything else to workout with.

That mindset needs to be changed and hopefully after you read this article some of your misconceptions will also be eliminated.

Myth #1 RBT is mostly used in rehabilitating injuries

No question that elastic is used frequently in physical therapy and rehabilitating injuries but what most people are confusing RBT with is the use of a single layer of elastic called thera-band or a tubular material call thera-tube.

Actually, thera-band makes up one single layer of an actual resistance band and tubular bands are actually a single strip of molded elastic tubing. Neither thera-band orthera- tube is a continuous loop as seen with resistance bands.

As a physical therapist, I had never seen resistance bands in a Physical Therapy (PT) department prior to me bringing them into our clinic. I began using resistance bands in PT as an assistive training tool and as a proprioceptive movement re-educational device to help re-activate muscles post injury or surgery. It soon became the only tool used outside of my hands and gravity.

Today, Reactive Rehab, which is a workshop I teach, provides physical therapist and athletic trainer as well as fitness professionals the opportunity to learn how to implement RBT for rehabilitation of injuries.

Myth #2 Bands are not durable enough for aggressive strength and power training

Last I checked over 95% of all NFL teams are using bands to train athletes that easily weigh 300 plus pounds and squat or dead-lift 500 pounds or more. Also, last I checked 80% of MLB and the NBA are also using these so called "non-durable" training tools. Did you know that at least 10 universities have their own Band Training Gym??

So if these bands are so non-durable.... Why are these universities and organization investing so much time and money into using them?? The fact is they are very durable but like anything there are "knock-off" brands that make an inferior product for less but call it the best. Unfortunately quality resistance bands get put into that category.

Layered resistance bands are the only type of band you want to invest in. Regardless what is promoted, most bands are molded bands and will not hold up to the aggressive training we teach at Therefore as a consumer you need to ask if the bands you are looking to purchase are in fact layered bands and confirm this by visually looking at the band once you receive it to indentify a distinct point that signifies the final layer which is either a line or an elevated area where the final layer was welded down.

Myth #3 Bands will not improve Strength or Power

Louie Simmons of Westside Barbells is one of the pioneers in using bands to develop explosive power in his power-lifters. For several years he has implemented the Reactive Method using bands to facilitate better and faster neuromuscular recruitment. He success has been nothing less that amazing.

Also it is important to understand that muscles do not think. They simply react to changes in momentum, gravity and ground reaction forces. Bands are the only training tool that "accelerates" the forces of momentum, gravity and ground reaction. As a result muscles must learn how to react quicker and more explosively to be able to overcome these accelerated forces. This takes more than just strength. It takes muscle integration which in the world of daily function and sports is far more important than just being strong.

Myth #4 RBT is not designed for the fitness enthusiast only for high caliber athletes

This myth was TRUE until now. Fitness is more than jumping on bike or walking on a treadmill. It's more than pushing some weight on a machine or lifting a dumbbell.

Fitness is about preparing your body to perform each and every day regardless what you do in life.

Fitness is about improving your energy, your body make-up and your body's balance or coordination.

RBT is about improving all of these things along with the more tradition components of fitness.

When you have the chance to see what RBT is capable of, your mind set on RBT I guarantee will be far from the old definition of fitness. Training with bands is and continues to be the new dimension to enhancing an individual's fitness and performance level.

"Performance is definitely NO longer just for athletes"

Myth #5 Training with RBT is difficult to do and learn

Teaching the body how to move correctly is not an easy thing to do but mostly because for years we have been teaching using the wrong methods and tools. We have been teaching that machines are the best way to get stronger and that the best way to gain muscle size or definition is with free weights. We have been taught, thanks to many of the fitness and muscle magazines, that movement needs to be isolated in order to create the look and feel most fitness enthusiasts' workout for.

Band training as discussed in the Fitness BAND Boot Camp or Resistance Bands Unleashed DVD Series is everything but isolation. Bands are by far the best way and the most efficient way to strengthen movements. However since normal movement is lost when people stop performing it, RBT becomes difficult to perform, not because the exercise is too tough and hard to learn, but because for years we taught the body the wrong movements and old habits are hard to break.

Myth #6 RBT is strictly for light home workouts

RBT is perfectly designed for all size fitness groups and especially Boot Camps.

It's portability, low cost, high level of resistance variability, multiple exercise options and the results you get physically makes it the best tool for boot camp training if not the most complementary tool in the training box.

There are 3 key elements that need to be part of every strengthening program.

Absolute Strength which can be gained best with dead weight

End range strength, speed strength, and reactive strength which best is gained with resistance bands.

The ability to create unleashed power/strength which is best gained by being able to throw something that has weight

Keep this in mind as you continue to build your strength training programs.


Attention Fitness Professionals,

Before 1997, I would never have given resistance bands a chance to be part of my personal or professionally designed training programs. However the changes and benefits I have personally gained and seen in my patients, clients and athletes are simply unmatched by any other training tool.

Do I only think you should use bands??? No of course not.

You need to create multiple training options for your clients and bands are one of those options. The body and muscles need multiple stimuli to continually be challenged to adapt which is what gets the results.

Do I think you need band training in all your workouts??

Yes I do because it creates a performance changes in flexibility, agility, power and functional strength that is needed if we want our clients and athletes to truly become functionally efficient and strong.

Don't be fooled by the simplicity and the past history of resistance band training. Their durability, force production and versatility will blow you away.

Train to React not Just Contract