HMS Sirius Projectpublications as at 27 August 2003

Anonymous, 1982, Raise the Sirius? Bicentenary 88, 2: 3.

Atkinson, K., 1987, Dive master’s report. In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. Expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian MaritimeMuseum, No. 28: 62-68.

Australian Bicentennial Authority, 1983, National projects and events. ABA, Sydney. p. 15.

Australian Bicentennial Authority, 1985, Wreckage recovered from First Fleet flagship. Bicentenary ‘88: 5.4.

Australian Bicentennial Authority, 1987, Treasure trove salvaged from First Fleet Flagship. Newsletter, Royal Australian Historical Society, 38: 1-2.

Australian Bicentennial Authority, 1989, Special events, HMS Sirius. In: 1989Annual report, volume 1: 65-66.

Carpenter, J., 1986, Conservation of carronade from the wrecksite of HMS Sirius (1790), Norfolk Island. Report to the Australian Bicentennial Authority, Department of Materials Conservation, Western Australian Maritime Museum.

Carpenter, J., 1986, Conservation of an anchor from the wrecksite of HMS Sirius (1790). Unpublished report, Australian Bicentennial Authority.

Carpenter, J., 1986, Conservation of artefacts from the wrecksite of HMS Sirius (1790). Unpublished report, Australian Bicentennial Authority.

Chenery, S., 1988, Sirius: exciting new finds. Bicentenary ‘88, 8.4: 13.

Cresswell, G., 1988, The Sirius expedition 1988. Marine Studies,

Cresswell, G., 1989, Oceanography of Norfolk Island and the Sirius. In: G. Henderson, (comp.), Norfolk Island Government Project. 1988 expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius. Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 37.

Department of Home Affairs and Environment, 1984, H.M.S. Sirius Protected. Images, 1.2: 1-2.

Editor, Scuba Diver, 1987-88, Excavating HMS Sirius: watchdog of the First Fleet. Scuba Dive, Dec 1987/January 1988: 22-27.

Edmiston, M. and Jeffery, W. F., 1989, Diving the Sirius. Sportdiving in Australia & the South Pacific, 18: 80-85.

Ghisalberti, E.L., 1988, Report on analysis of sample from Sirius stone hatchet. WAM File MA 143/82.

Ghisalberti, E.L. and Godfrey, I. M., 1990, The application of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to the analysis of pitches and resins from marine archaeological sites. Bulletin of the Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, 14.1: 1-8.

Godfrey, I.M., 1988, Preliminary report on the identification of SI 436. WAM File MA 143/82.

Grant, David, 1988, Divers return to Sirius. Bicentenary 88, 8. 3: 16.

Henderson, G., 1984a, Report to the Australian Bicentennial Authority on the December 1983 preliminary expedition to the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790)at Norfolk Island. Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum: No. 22.

Henderson, G., 1984b, Wreck of H.M.S. Sirius. A preliminary survey at Norfolk Island. Australian Sea Heritage, 1.3: 2.

Henderson, G., 1985, Raise the remains of the Sirius? Skindiving in Australia & the South Pacific, 15.1:44-46.

Henderson, G., 1986, Maritime archaeology in Australia. University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands.

Henderson, G., 1987a, Australian Bicentennial Authority HMS Sirius Project. Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology Newsletter, 5.2: 10.

Henderson, G., 1987b, A serius expedition. Your Museum, (March): 2.

Henderson, G. 1988, Resurrecting a bright star - the Sirius Project. Proceedings of the 1988 ICMM Conference, Sydney. (In press).

Henderson, G. et al., 1989, Norfolk Island Government Project. 1988 expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius. Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 37.

Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., 1985, Report to the Australian Bicentennial Authority on the February - March 1985 Bicentennial Project Expedition to the Wreck of HMS Sirius (1790) atNorfolk Island. Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No.24.

Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., 1987, Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. Expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius(1790)at Norfolk Island. Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No.28.

Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M. 1988, The Sirius Past and Present. Collins Australia, Sydney.

Jeffery, B., 1989, Mapping the wreck site. In: Henderson, G., (comp.), Norfolk Island Government Project. 1988 expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius. Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 37.

Jopson, D., 1989, Celebration ‘Australia’s Bicentennial year in pictures’. Robertsbridge Severn, Sydney. [Sirius, p. 210].

Kelly, D., 1987, Sirius edge-ground hatchet head resin analysis. In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 28: 61.

Kennedy, S., 1988, Sirius may have the answers. The Bulletin, 5 July: 21.

Kenny, J.M., 1989, Sirius: A First Fleet shipwreck. In: Kenny, J.M., Shipwrecks: time capsules of the deep. Martin Educational/ Ashton Scholastic, Gosford, New South Wales: 44–49.

Kenihan, K., 1988, Norfolk yields ocean secret. Club Marine, April/May 1988: 97–99.

Kimpton, G., 1987, Construction of an anchor stock for the Sirius anchor displayed at Kingston, Norfolk Island. In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. Expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian MaritimeMuseum, No. 28: 62–68.

Kimpton, G., 1989, Construction of a carronade carriage and an anchor stock. In: G. Henderson, (comp.), Norfolk Island Government Project. 1988 expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius. Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 37.

McBryde, I., 1988, Report on the analysis of the Sirius stone hatchet. WAM File MA 143/82.

McBryde, I. and Watchman, A., 1989, ...lost in the Sirius ...? Consideration of the provenance of the hatchet head recovered from the Sirius wreck site, Norfolk Island, Records of the Australian Museum (in press).

MacLeod, I.D., 1985,Conservation report, 1985 Sirius expedition - Norfolk Island. In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Report to the Australian Bicentennial Authority on the 1985 Bicentennial Project Expedition to the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790) at Norfolk Island. Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 24: 44 - 65.

MacLeod, I.D., 1987, Conservation of corroded iron artefacts—new methods for on-site preservation and cryogenic deconcreting. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 16.1: 49-56.

MacLeod, I.D., 1988, Conservation of corroded concreted iron. Proceedings of Conference 28, Australian Corrosion Association, Perth, November 1988, 1. 2-6: 1–9.

MacLeod. I. D., 1988, Bounty in a sailor’s letters. The Age, 10 Dec 1988. Saturday Extra.

MacLeod, I.D., 1989a, Marine corrosion on historic shipwrecks and its application to modern materials. Corrosion Australasia, 14.3: 8-14.

MacLeod, I.D., 1989b, Electrochemistry and conservation of iron in sea water. Chemistry in Australia, 56. 7: 227-229.

MacLeod, I.D., 1989c, Conservation of relics. In: Henderson, G., (comp.), Norfolk Island Government Project. 1988 expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius. Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 37.

MacLeod, I. D., 1989d, The application of corrosion science to the management of maritime archaeological sites. Bulletin of the Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, 13.2: 7-16.

Mills-Reid, N., 1985, Conservation report. WAM File, MA 143/82.

Nayton, G., 1988, The Wreck of the Sirius: Testing an archaeological model of a shipwreck. Unpublished Honours thesis, University of Western Australia.

Nayton, G., 1989, Testing a sustematic model of a shipwreck. In: G. Henderson, (comp.), Norfolk Island Government Project. 1988 expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius. Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 37.

Samuels, L.E., The metallography of some copper-alloy relics from HMS Sirius, Metallography, 16: 69-79.

Stanbury, M., 1987a, Report on registration of artefacts from the 1987 expedition. In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. Expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 28: 8-17.

Stanbury, M., 1987b, Artefact catalogue. In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. Expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 28: 21-30.

Stanbury, M., 1987c, Sirius objects for Australian Bicentennial Authority exhibition. In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. Expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 28: 31-38.

Stanbury, M., 1987d, A preliminary inquiry into the identity and provenance of two guns believed to be from the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. Expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 28: 70-77.

Stanbury, M., et al., 1990, Norfolk Island Government Project HMS Sirius 1790. An illustrated catalogue of artefacts recovered from the wreck site at Norfolk Island. Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 36.

Stanbury, M., 1990, HMS Sirius Project. Report on the artefact collection at Norfolk Island 13-26 March 1990. Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 39. [In preparation for publication as a Special Issue of the AIMA Bulletin].

Stanbury, M. (comp.), 1990, Bibliography: books, reports, articles and manuscripts produced and/or consulted by the Sirius Project, pertaining to HMS Sirius. Report—Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 41.

Stanbury, M., 1991, Scientific instruments from the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 20.3: 195–221.

Stanbury, M., 1994, HMS Sirius 1790. An illustrated catalogue of artefacts recovered from the wreck site at Norfolk Island. Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology Special Publication No. 7.

Stanbury, M., 1998, HMS Sirius: ‘reconstructed…pygmy battle ship’ or ‘appropriate’ 6th Rate vessel? In Bound, M. (ed.) Excavating ships of war . International Maritime Archaeology Series, Anthony Nelson, Shropshire, UK: 9–16.

Stanbury, M. and Baker, P., 2002, HMS Sirius 2002 Expedition Report. Prepared for the Norfolk Island Government and Environment Australia. Report – Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 167.

Stanbury, M. and Evans, A., 2002, HMS Sirius 2002 Expedition Report—Audit Supplement. Prepared for the Norfolk Island Government and Environment Australia. Report – Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 167.

Towns, S., 1987, Conservation report. In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. Expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, No. 28: 39–49.

Towns, S., 1987, Report on Norfolk Island Museum collection, Kingston, Norfolk Island. In: Henderson, G. and Stanbury, M., et al., Australian Bicentennial Authority Project, 1987. Expedition report on the wreck of HMS Sirius (1790). Report - Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian MaritimeMuseum, No. 28: 50-57.

Western Australian Museum, 1989, Museum team heads Sirius expedition. Your Museum, Jan/Feb. 1989.

Papers presented at recent conferences - unpublished.

Stanbury, M., 1994, HMS Sirius 1790: interpreting the archaeological material. Paper presented to the 13th Annual Conference of the Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology Interpreting Maritime Activity: Using the Archaeological Evidence, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, 17–21 October 1994.


The Age, Jan 28 1987, p.2. Ian Mackay, Desperately seeking Sirius.

The Age, 21 Feb 1987. Rescued artefacts hold wreck clues.

The Age, 2 Feb 1988. Kevin Childs, Shipwreck brews an island mutiny.

The Age, 24 Oct. 1988, Sirius expedition dovers get a whiff of success.

The Age, 3 Dec 1988, p.4. Geraldine O’Brien, What sank the good ship Sirius?

The Australian (?), Oct 1988, p. . Liz van den Nieuwenhof, Diving deep to rewrite out past. Book review.

Canberra Times, 4 Dec. 1987, p.1-3. Norfolk Islanders: Sirius matter gets out of hand. Norfolk Island Sirius artefacts ‘plundered’.

Daily News, 14 Nov 1988, p. 8. Sirius gives up secrets to scientists from WA.

Daily Sun, 18 Oct 1988. Rosalind Dunn, First Fleet flagship wrecked on reef.

The Gladstone Observer, 13 Feb 1987. First fleet ship site excavated.

Mercury, 29 Oct 1988. Book review.

Newcastle Herald, 26 Nov 1988. Lionel Fredman, The life and times of a historic ship. Book review.

The Norfolk Islander, 21. 27: 1,2, 31 Jan. 1987, Historic shipwrecks in the news.

The Norfolk Islander, 21. 28: 1,7, 7 Feb. 1987, Fascinating finds.

The Norfolk Islander, 23. 4: 17 Oct 1988, Another expedition to Sirius site.

The Norfolk Islander, 23. 7: 8 Oct 1988, Team here for fourth expedition.

The Norfolk Islander, 23. 8: 15 Oct 1988, An historic visit.

The Norfolk Islander, 23. 9: 22 Oct 1988, Sirius plaque unveiled at Kingston.

The Norfolk Islander, 23. 10: 29 Oct 1988, Presentation to members of Sirius expedition.

The North West Star, 5 Mar 1987. Treasure trove from wreck of the Sirius.

The Northern Territory News, Oct. 1988. Nautical read on First Fleeter. Book review.

Sun, Nov-Dec, 1982. Raise the Sirius!

Sunday Times, 10 Feb 1985. Divers hunt for historic ship.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 6 Sept 1905, p. 8 and 8 Sept 1905, p. 6.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 Feb 1987, p. Anne Howell, 197 years on, the Sirius relinquishes its secrets.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Jul 1987. Nance Irvine and Gavin Souter, The Sirius letters. Found: letters from the Fleet.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Jul 1987. The Sirius letters. Salute to Rio.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 28 Jul 1987. The Sirius letters. The Fleet arrives.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 Jul 1987. The Sirius letters. Gangaroos and emews.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 Jul 1987. The Sirius letters. Around the world in 160 days.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 31 Jul 1987. The Sirius letters. Shipwreck, then fever and death.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 31 Jul 1987. Jacqui Hills, Sirius a diver’s delight.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Sep 1988, p. 11. Geraldine O’Brien, Diving for more Sirius secrets.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 Sep 1987. Pilita Clark, Row brews over Sirius collection.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 1Oct 1988, p. 73. Roger Knight, Tribute to Sirius wrecks a few well-worn myths. Book review.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 Oct 1987. Mervyn Palmer, Epic voyage through Antarctic.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 22 Oct 1988, p. 3. Geraldine O’Brien, His Grace muddles through rather well.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 Oct 1988. Geraldine O’Brien, Sirius divers scent success on seabed.

The Sydney Morning Herald, Oct 1988. Geraldine O’Brien, Sirius divers under the weather.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 19 Nov 1988, p. Geraldine O’Brien, Gone fishing, on the Sirius.

The Weekend Australian, 22-23 Oct 1988, p. 7. Berwyn Lewis, Sirius raises a treasure trove for Bicentennial.

The West Australian, 18 Feb 1985, p. 25. WA team leads search for Sirius wreck.

The West Australian, 4 Jul 1985, Thursday Magazine. Simon Balderstone, In the wake of the First Fleet.

The West Australian, 11 Feb 1987, p. 44. Divers reap rich harvest from Sirius.

The West Australian, 21 Feb 1987, p. History recovered from the sea.

The West Australian, 1 Oct 1988, p. 26. WA expert leads Sirius expedition.

The West Australian, 8 Oct 1988, xiii Weekend 13. Unveiling the truth on Sirius. Book review.

The West Australian, 20 Oct 1988, p. 36. Divers continue search of Sirius.

The West Australian, Nov, 1988, p. 39. Alex Harris, Sirius dig to take longer. Shipwrecks help research into corrosion.

Wentworth Courier, 4 Mar 1987. Expedition finds a treasure trove.

Western Mail, Feb 22, 1987, Sirius expedition turns up treasure trove.