MYP Year 4/IB 9th GradeEnglish Mount Pleasant HighSchool Summer Reading2015
Ms. Agriesti & Ms.Pritchett 80Points
Over the course of the school year in IB English 9 we will focus on the ways in which writersuse text as a vehicle to comment and reflect on the local and global issues within the society welive in. This summer you will read two selections, one fiction and one non-fiction to kick offthis journey into reading, analyzing, and evaluating text as an IB 9Learner:
Text #1: Ugliesby Scott Westerfeld (Fictional Young AdultLiterature)
In a dystopian future, everyone is ugly. That is, until they turn 16 and go in for an operation to turn them pretty. This is what Tally Youngblood has been waiting for her whole life. But when she befriends a rebellious ugly named Shay, things get complicated. Shay wants to keep her natural ugly face, and runs away before her sixteenth birthday. Tally must find her and bring her back, or risk being ugly forever.
Assignment: Quote Log + IB Global Contexts Chart(attached)
Text #2: I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai (Non-Fictional Young AdultMemoir)
When the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, one girl spoke out.Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced and fought for her right to an education. I AM MALALAwill make you believe in the power of one person's voice to inspire change in theworld.
Assignment: IB Learner Profile Chart(attached)
**Feel free to type your own charts. If handwritten, please use blue or black ink and printneatly.
All textual evidence given MUST be accompanied with the page number from thetext.
Book Quote Log (10 quotes with analysis)-20points Ugliesby Scott Westerfeld
Important quotation with quotationmarks / Page# / Analysis: Why is this quote significant? How doesit relate to the plot, themes, or characters of thebook? 2-3sentences1.
IB Global Context Chart-30Points Ugliesby Scott Westerfeld
The IB Global contexts serve as "lenses" through which students explore ideas,investigate connections across and between subject areas, and apply their knowledge to realworld problems.
IB GlobalContext / Analysis Questions to Answer: / How does Ugliesrepresent this particular IB GlobalContext?Provide textual evidence with page numberstosupport yourresponse.
Identities andRelationships This context focuses ontherelationships one has withself
and others in anenvironment. / Who are themain characters in Uglies? How aretheir identities shapedand formed? How dothey contribute to thelarger community inwhich theylive?
Orientation in Spaceand Time
This context focuses ondiscoveries;explorations and migrationsofhumankind; therelationshipsbetween and theinterconnectednessof individuals and civilizationsfrompersonal, local andglobalperspectives. / As Tally journeysto “New Pretty Town” and “The Smoke,” whatare some of thenew experiences, words,and ideals shediscovers?
Personal andCultural Expression
This context focuses onexpressingideas, feelings, nature,culture,beliefs and values; the waysinwhich we reflect on, extendandenjoy our creativity;ourappreciation of theaesthetic. / Draw a map ofthe dystopian world usingtextual evidence. Color itand include answers tothe following: What isthe culture each section like? What are someof the values andnorms that arepresent?
**Attach it to thischart
Globalizationand Sustainability
This context focusesoninterconnectedness of human-madesystems and communities;therelationship between localandglobal processes; and how localtheimpact of decision-makingonhumankind and theenvironment / What are the different class systems and roles in the society? Which would you choose if you livedin the environment?Provide textual evidencewith page numbersto supportyour reasoning.
Fairness andDevelopment
This context focuses on rightsandresponsibilities; therelationshipbetween communities; sharingfiniteresources with other people andwithother living things; access toequalopportunities; peace andconflictresolution / How and why was the framework of the society built?
Why do the Specials enforce the rules of this society? Are these rulesfair?Why or whynot?
Scientific andTechnical Innovation
This context focuses on howhumansuse their understanding ofscientificprinciples; the impact ofscientificand technological advancesoncommunities and environments;theimpact of environments onhumanactivity; how humansadaptenvironments to theirneeds. / Identify the impact and role of technology in Pretty Town, Uglyville, and the Ruins.
What are some ofthe character traitsbeing tested in the Smoke? How have the Smokiesadapted to this new life?
IB Learner Profile Chart-30Points I am Malala by MalalaYousafzai
The IB learner profile is the IB mission statementtranslated into a set of learning outcomesfor the 21st century. The learner profile provides inspiration, motivation and focus to everyIB learner.
Directions: Read I Am Malala and then identify how Malala represents every trait of theIB Learner Profilebelow:
IBLeaner ProfileTrait / Define Trait In Your OwnWords / Explanation of how Malala representsthis trait, incorporating and analyzing textual evidence withpage numbers.Inquirers