MYP French 3/French 3 – Syllabus


Madame Faine-Czarnecki/madameFaine


Room 608

Course description: The goal of all French language classes is for students to gain skills in oral communication, listening, reading and writing in French. The other important aspect is to gain a greater understanding of the francophone world and its various cultures.

Course objectives:

After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:

• Demonstrate knowledge, through correct oral and written usage, of French 3 vocabulary presented in class

• Demonstrate understanding of important regular, irregular and reflexive verbs in the previously studied tenses as well as imparfait and future

• Demonstrate reading and listening comprehension of more sophisticated and abstract ideas in French

• Gain expanded knowledge and appreciation of cultural practices as well as geographical and historical information about France and francophone cultures

Text and materials:

Bien Dit! textbook and supplements, such as handouts, readings, videos, CDs and internet resources). REQUIRED:3 ring notebook, folder for handouts, blue/black pen and 4 dry erase markers. Buying a French/English dictionary is strongly recommended.

Attendance and Tardies:

Class attendance is mandatory as we will be doing lots of verbal communication. Students are expected to be in their seats ready to go when class starts. If anyone is tardy, they will owe me 2 minutes after class. If a student is tardy three times, I will contact their parent or guardian and the student will receive detention.

Grading procedures:

Grades will be based on the total points earned.

A=90%+ B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=59% and below

Your grades will be organized as follows in the gradebook:

Formative Assessments 30%Presentational Assessments 20%

Interpretive Assessments 20%Interpersonal Assessments20%

Final Assessments 10%

• Tests and quizzes – Tests will be given at the end of each unit or chapter. Quizzes will be more frequent. Please be present for all tests and quizzes. There will be no retesting.

  • Participation Points- in French class participation grades area given in different ways. Work completion allows for participation. Also 2 points are given for each day in attendance with 1 point being taken for tardiness or poor attitude in class. Students earn 0 points for each day of unexcused absence.

• Homework – Homework is to be turned in at the beginning of the class. It is a vital part of your grade and language development, so be sure to do it and bring it to class. You may receive partial credit (50% maximum) for work turned in late.

  • Participation/attendance- Learning another language can only happen if you are present and engaged in your learning. You will receive 2 points per day you attended class and were engaged in class. This will be accounted for at the end of the semester.

• Projects – Throughout the year students will have projects. Most will be presented orally in front of the class. Please be prepared.

• Work ethic/attitude – Come to class prepared and have a positive attitude! Everyone will be participating, so please be ready.

• Translator programs – Under no circumstances may a translator program be used for French class/homework. This is considered cheating. Parents/guardians will be notified and students will receive a zero for that assignment.

  • Extra Credit- 20 points will be available for all students, who carry a C grade or higher- opportunities for extra credit will offered throughout the semester, for students to choose from. Extra credit assignments are subjects to requirements for late or missing assignments at the end of the semester.

• Final exams – All students are required to complete the final exam.

Make up policy:

If you are on time and in class, this will not be an issue.

•For those who are absent and excused, you will have TWO DAYS PER DAY OF ABSENCE to turn in the work for full credit for an excused absence.

•If you do not have an excused absence, you also have two days to make up the work for only half credit.

•If you have an unexcused absence on the day of an oral exam or presentation you will not be able to make it up and will receive a zero. For an excused absence, you must see me to reschedule.

•For Assessments, you have 1 week and 1 day to take the missing assessment, after which time if the assessment has not been taken, a missing or 0 grade will be entered in the grade book.

•For all other missing and late work may be turned in after the due date for half points, up until 2 weeks before the end of the semester. After that time, only the work done in the last 2 weeks’ period will accepted.

Help availability:

I will be available after school (not every day, check with me first), during homeroom (room 605), the first 10 minutes of lunch on block days in room 608 or by appointment. You may also contact me through e-mail or phone.

Classroom rules and procedures:

•We will treat others as we want to be treated.

•We will speak appropriately and politely.

•We will take care of classroom furniture, books and materials.

•We will not consume food or drinks in class, except water in a closed container.

•We will not use cell phones, iPods, laptops, etc. during class.

• Passes – You will receive threebathroom/drink/locker passes each semester. If you do not use them, you will earn 2 points for each pass given to me at the end of the semester.

Electronic equipment:

It must be off and out of sight in the classroom. School policy permits the appropriate use of personal electronic equipment in the hallway between classes and at lunch. Please complete any messaging or communication during these times and turn your phone off for class. If used in class, the first time it will be held by the teacher until the end of class. Repeat offenders will bring their equipment to the office to be picked up only after a conference with the parent/guardian, student and school personnel.


  1. Verbal warning.
  2. Call parent or guardian.
  3. Detention at lunch or after school - call parent or guardian.
  4. Detention served – conference with student, parent, teacher, and counselor.
  5. Referral to administration – parent conference required.

Students, please put this in your notebook.

Detach the bottom section and return to MmeFaine


  1. My family and Friends

Mid-August- Mid-September

  1. Adolescent Life in France


  1. A typical Day

Mid-October-End of Semester

  1. Childhood Memories

January- early March

  1. Catastrophies

Early March-Mid-April

  1. Francophone Cultural Diversity

Mid-April- End of Semester

Notebooksare used for students to organize their notes, much as a study guide as well as to practice new learning and reflect on that learning.

The 2 rubrics below are used by students to grade their notebooks every month:

Interactive Notebook Rubric

30 points
total / Perfect or practically perfect! 8-10 points / Good!
6-7 points / So so…
3-5 points / Oops…
Presentation and organization / Very neat, organized and colorful notebook.
Notebook has an accurate table of contents and an Interactive Notebook Rubric. It is also obvious that the right pages are used for classroom work and left pages are used for reflection. The date is in Spanish, the objective, central question and question of the day are present for each day. There are no loose pages. All handouts are glued or taped properly. / Nearly all elements are present except for a few. No more than 2 missing. / The work is difficult to read and/or up to 5 elements are missing. / The work is difficult to read and/or more than 5 elements are missing. The notebook has been used for other purposes than Spanish.
Participation / Through notes and other classroom work, it is obvious that the student participated every day in class. / Nearly all assignments are present except for a few. No more than a ¼ are missing. / Many assignments are missing. No more than ¾ are missing. / Most assignments are missing. (more than ¾)
Quality of work / It is obvious that the student put significant effort in his/her work. The student “recycles” learned vocabulary. The student experiments with new vocabulary and expressions. The student uses complex grammar. The student uses critical thinking at all times. The student goes beyond common expectations consistently, challenging him/herself to improve in the process. / Nearly all elements are present except for a few. No more than a ¼ are missing. Consistency is missing. / Consistency is an issue. Up to ¾ of the elements are missing. / Little or no effort is evident. More than ¾ of the elements are missing.

Each student will self-assess using this rubric, throughout the semester. When the self-assessment is in agreement with teacher assessment; the student will receive 2 points extra-credit.

In the case the student under-assessed him/ herself, he or she will receive the teacher assessment grade plus 1 point. This is to encourage the student to be fair to him/ herself.

Interactive Notebook Grading Rubric

30 points
total / Perfect or practically perfect! 8-10 points / Good!
6-7 points / So so…
3-5 points / Oops…
Presentation and organization
Quality of work
Grading Date / ______/30 points

Interactive Notebook Grading Rubric

30 points
total / Perfect or practically perfect! 8-10 points / Good!
6-7 points / So so…
3-5 points / Oops…
Presentation and organization
Quality of work
Grading Date / ______/30 points

Interactive Notebook Grading Rubric

30 points
total / Perfect or practically perfect! 8-10 points / Good!
6-7 points / So so…
3-5 points / Oops…
Presentation and organization
Quality of work
Grading Date / ______/30 points

Interactive Notebook Grading Rubric

30 points
total / Perfect or practically perfect! 8-10 points / Good!
6-7 points / So so…
3-5 points / Oops…
Presentation and organization
Quality of work
Grading Date / ______/30 points

------cut/ detach here ------

Name ______Block/class: ______

I have read and understand the cover sheet for French Class. By signing it, I accept the conditions set forth and I acknowledge that I will be held to these expectations. (Please turn in as your first homework assignment.)


Student signatureParent/guardian signature Date