Mylor Adventure Camp
Booking Information
The following information is provided to help you prepare for your visit, and to advise you of our facilities and the terms and conditions associated with their use.
Please contact us if you require any additional information or clarification.
- Information sharing
It is the policy of Baptist Care SA to ensure that private information collected from clients, employees and volunteers for the primary purpose of providing services and conducting organisational business is treated with respect and in a confidential manner. For further information please refer to Baptist Care SA’s Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.
- Check your booking details
Please review the attached Booking Summary, Quotation and Deposit Invoice details carefully and contact Mylor administration staff if any changes are needed. In particular, please ensure your minimum number of students/guests attending is correct.
- Camp sharing
When student/guest numbers are under 85, we regularly & successfully conduct shared camping if necessary with one group in Riverview/Cottage at the same time as another group in the main dorms. Both groups have their own separate accommodation, home space & activity instructors. Both groups will use the main dining room for meals, however, they will be at staggered times & noted on the program. Although groups will be aware of each other on site, the interaction between groups will be minimal. We will always attempt to match groups by taking into account the age/gender/background of school groups to ensure that the quality and safety of each group’s experience will not be compromised.
- Minimum fee
For camp planning and staffing purposes your quotation has been calculated on the minimum number of students/guests that you have agreed will attend camp. Please note that if the number of students/guests who actually attend camp is less than the agreed minimum, you will still be charged at least for the minimum number.
If the number of students/guests attending is going to be more than the number shown on the Booking Summary, you must let us know as soon as possible so we can make the necessary changes to catering, programming and accommodation arrangements. An additional fee equivalent to the unit price for each student/guest as shown on the quotation will be added to the final invoice for each additional student/guests who attends.
- Fees & charges
All discussed fees and charges associated with your group’s visit are listed in the attached quotation. However, there may be additional non-standard fees for services which may be included in your final invoice. Please check the quotation is correct and contact us as soon as possible if there are any details that do not meet with your expectations or understanding.
Examples of non-standard fees are listed below:
- Campfires (seasonal conditions allowing) can be arranged prior to your visit for $90.00 + GST per fire. Campfires are only allowed at the designated location.
- Any external/third party hiring fees associated with hiring of additional equipment for specific activities.
- Additional meals (if staying only for one meal) and day visitor fees (per person) are as follows:
Breakfast: $5.00+gst
Lunch: $7.50+gst
Dinner: $10.00+gst
Morning tea, afternoon tea and supper: $2.50+gst each
Day visitors (no programming): $20.00+additional meal cost+gst
- Confirm your booking – 2 steps
Please confirm your booking within 7 days of the date shown on your deposit invoice by:
- signing the Declaration and Hire Agreement section at the end of this form and returning it by email or fax to the address shown below; AND
- paying the deposit
If payment cannot be made by the due date then please contact the Mylor administration staff to make other arrangements. Your booking will not be confirmed until payment is received and Declaration and Hire Agreement section has been signed. If the deposit is not received by the due date, your booking may be cancelled.
Payment methods are noted on the deposit invoice. Please make sure you include your Group Name and Deposit Invoice Number (both of which are shown on the Deposit Invoice) with your payment. Your Deposit is held in a trust account. The Deposit is not refundable, but it will be deducted from your final invoice (except in the case that you cancel your booking).
Receipt of the deposit and the signed Declaration and Hire Agreement (below) implies acceptance of all Terms and Conditions outlined herewith, as well as those of the cancellation policy shown below.
- Payment of Invoice
For school term weekday bookings a final invoice will be issued after your visit, taking into account any additional fees and charges incurred, including the cost of repairing any damage and/or breakages. Payment of the final invoice within 14 days of the invoice date is requested.
For non-term bookings (weekends & school holidays) an invoice for 50% of the total cost will be invoiced & payable 30 days prior to camp. The balance and any other relevant costs will be issued after your visit. Payment of the final invoice within 14 days of the invoice date is requested.
Cancellation Procedure
- Our intent
In the event that a group considers cancelling a confirmed booking, our intention will be to negotiate an outcome through open and honest communication that aims to:
- Maintain good and respectful relations between Mylor Adventure Camp and our clients
- Explore opportunities for compromise and potential alternatives to cancellation (e.g. rescheduling, attending with lower numbers)
- Minimises the financial and operational costs to all parties
- Deposit
Any cancellation of a confirmed booking initiated by the group will normally result in forfeiture of the deposit for the full amount. In the event that Mylor Adventure Camp cancels a booking due to circumstances related to the safe operation of the site (e.g. closure due to extreme fire danger conditions or bushfire), the deposit may be refunded or allocated to an alternative booking.
- Cancellation fees
The proportion of the minimum fee (see above) that Mylor Adventure Camp will seek to recover from a group (i.e. cancellation fee) will vary depending on the amount of notice of a cancellation that is given. In all circumstances, the amount of notice will be calculated from the date the booking was confirmed, which corresponds to the date the deposit was paid.
School term weekday bookings
- More than three months (91 days or more) notice
When more than three months notice is given only the deposit will be forfeited. No cancellation fee will be charged. This amount of notice provides Mylor Adventure Camp with sufficient scope to secure a replacement booking for the date(s) in question.
- Less than three months (90 days or less) notice
When less than three months notice is given, it is highly unlikely that Mylor Adventure Camp will be able to secure another booking for the date(s) in question. Therefore, the deposit will be forfeited and Mylor Adventure Camp will seek to recover up to the full amount of the minimum fee (see above) as follows:
- Between 61 and 90 days notice25% of the total minimum Fee
- Between 31 and 60 days notice50% of the total minimum Fee
- Less than 30 days notice75% of the total minimum Fee
Non-term bookings (Weekends and School Holidays)
- More than three months (91 days or more) notice
When more than three months notice is given only the deposit will be forfeited. No cancellation fee will be charged. This amount of notice provides Mylor Adventure Camp with sufficient scope to secure a replacement booking for the date(s) in question.
- Less than three months (90 days or less) notice
When less than three months notice is given, it is highly unlikely that Mylor Adventure Camp will be able to secure another booking for the date(s) in question. Therefore, the deposit will be forfeited and Mylor Adventure Camp will seek to recover up to the full amount of the minimum fee (see above) as follows:
- Between 61 and 90 days notice25% of the total minimum Fee
- Between 31 and 60 days notice50% of the total minimum Fee
- Less than 30 days notice75% of the total minimum Fee
An invoice for the Cancellation Fee will be sent to the Group that cancels a confirmed booking.
Information for Group Leaders
- Before you arrive
Approximately three weeks before your group is due to arrive you will receive pre-arrival information from us by email, containing the following:
- Pre-arrival information requesting final numbers and other details for camp planning purposes. NOTE – your minimum number payment is still applicable as per above information regardless of less attendees being expected at this point.
- Accommodation Plans showing the layout of buildings and beds with space for you to list the names of all visitors you are expecting.
- Swimming pool declaration stating terms and conditions of swimming pool use outside of programmed activity times.
- A sheet to list details of visitors’ medical dietary requirements and/or special needs.
- A sheet to list details of visitors’ medical conditions, medication(s), other treatment(s) and/or special needs.
If applicable, you will also be contacted by our Programming Coordinator to discuss and confirm the details of your camp program (e.g. activities requested, number of groups, number of activity sessions per day).
- Arrival and induction talk
When you arrive you will be met by the Host allocated to your group. The Host will be your main contact person during your stay at Mylor Adventure Camp – please direct all questions, queries and feedback to this person where possible.
Your Host will give an induction talk to your whole group, covering key information that all visitors need to be aware of e.g. facilities, property boundaries, site safety and daily procedures. Please ensure that all your group members are present during the induction talk.
At the end of the induction talk your host will give you an induction folder which contains:
- Information about facilities, safety and emergency procedures and emergency contact phone numbers.
- A copy of the Camp Program.
- A list showing the names of everyone in your group that we are expecting to attend based on the information you have sent. We ask that you return the completed plan(s) to us before you arrive. Please check the list of expected visitors and cross out the names of all people who are not present (or who may be arriving at a later stage, in which case show when they are due to arrive/depart).
- A form which you MUST sign to verify that you and the Group have heard and understood the induction talk and have been given an opportunity to ask any questions of your Host.
- Catering
Members of the catering team will usually be present in the Dining Room/Kitchen from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. In the event that you cannot make contact with your Host, please feel free to seek out a catering staff member with any questions.
We are committed to offering a healthy, balanced menu including meats, chicken, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and salads to all our clients. Details of sample menus, standard meal times, dining room operations and visitor roles/responsibilities are described in the attached booklet “Catering and Dining Room Information”. It is essential that your group leaders:
- Read this booklet before you arrive; and
- pass on relevant information to other group members.
Please contact us if you have any questions about catering.
- Onsite activity equipment, activity courses and indoor swimming pool
Onsite activity equipment and activity courses are not permitted for use in the absence of qualified Mylor Adventure Camp staff. The indoor swimming pool can be used only on receipt of the signed Swimming Pool Declaration form.
- Swimming in the river
Swimming in the Onkaparinga River is not permitted unless it is associated with canoeing/kayaking activities supervised by qualified Mylor Adventure Camp staff.
- Duty of care
School groups
In accordance with the Camps & Excursions Guidelines for Schools & Preschools issued by the Department of Education & Children’s Services, “every teacher has a 'duty of care' towards every student under his or her supervision, by virtue of the conditions of the teacher's employment, and by virtue of the common law principles of negligence”. Please note that all students remain under the teacher’s/group supervisors (provided by the school) duty of care whilst onsite at Mylor Adventure Camp.
Whilst onsite, it is Mylor Adventure Camp requirement that teachers/group supervisors (provided by the school) will actively supervise & be responsible for all students under their duty of care at all times. Although our staff will facilitate the programmed activities, a minimum of one teacher/group supervisor (provided by the school) is required to be with each group at all times. Teachers/group supervisors (provided by the school) are expected to be engaged with the students, supervise their behaviour and encourage student participation in activities. If the teacher/group supervisor (provided by the school) leaves the group at any time, the activity may need to be stopped until another teacher/group supervisor takes over from them.
Non-school groups
All group members remain under the group leader’s (or their designate) duty of care at all times. Whilst onsite, it is Mylor Adventure Camp expectation that the group leader(s) will actively supervise & be responsible for all group members under their duty of care at all times.
Although our staff will facilitate the programmed activities, a minimum of one leader is required to be with each group at all times. Leader(s) are expected to be engaged with the group members, supervise their behaviour and encourage participation in activities. If the leader leaves the group at any time the activity may need to be stopped until another group leader takes over from them.
- First aid
Each Group is responsible for bringing their own first aid kit(s) and for providing appropriately qualified first-aiders and administering first aid.
It is essential to note that the group will be responsible for managing incidents and accidents, including those which require the administration of first aid, at times when camp staff are not on-site.
In general, Mylor Adventure Camp staff will not be present from the conclusion of the dinner meal through until breakfast the next morning. Your Host will confirm the times when camp staff will and won’t be on-site during your visit.
Mylor Adventure Camp staff are trained first-aiders and can apply these skills in accordance with a DRABCD action plan in the event that an accident/emergency occurs when camp staff are present:
- Weekdays
Program Team staff are usually present from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, while at least one member of the Catering Team is usually present from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. These hours are provided as a guide only.
- Weekends
Depending on the nature of your visit and the arrangements that have been made regarding programming and catering, Camp staff may or may not be present on weekends. Under normal circumstances there is usually only one Catering Team staff member on-site during the weekend between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:30 pm.
Arrangements can be made for visitors who are sick or unwell to be accommodated in the designated sick room. Your host will indicate where the sick room is (or additional/alternative room(s) are) located.
- Days of rated fire danger and bushfires
The following documents are available upon request:
- Procedures for days of rated fire danger
- Bushfire Survival Plan (BSP)
In general, Mylor Adventure Camp will remain open for business throughout the Mount Lofty Ranges Fire Danger Season which, under normal circumstances, extends from the 1st of December through to the 30th of April the following year. Details of Fire Danger Season dates can be found on the Country Fire Service (CFS) website -
Since the majority of groups that visit Mylor Adventure Camp during the Fire Danger Season are school groups, Mylor Adventure Camp has adopted procedures for days of rated fire danger which are consistent with procedures developed by the Department of Education and Child Development (DECD). DECD has prepared a list of schools located in the Mount Lofty Fire Ban District with a site fire audit rating of Extreme, Very High and High that WILL CLOSE on days of forecast Catastrophic (Code Red) bushfire weather conditions, and MAY CLOSE on days of Extreme bushfire weather conditions. Mylor Primary School is included on the DECD list, and the DECD guidelines and procedures that apply to Mylor Primary School on days of rated fire danger have been used as the basis for developing procedures for the Mylor Adventure Camp.