MyFloridaMarketPlace Buyer Training Initiative

Training Survey 2008

December 1, 2008

Table of Contents


Executive Summary 3

Introduction 4

Results 5

Action Items 14

Training Survey Questionaire Addendum 1

Training Survey Results Addendum 2

Executive Summary

The 2008 Training Survey was conducted October 15th-November 5th, 2008 and covered several areas of our training program. The survey was sent out to all Purchasing and Finance & Accounting liaisons including Directors who were then asked to forward it on to their MFMP customers and a total of 94 participants completed this survey over a three week period. Below, key findings from each area of the survey are presented.

Agency MFMP Training:

§  Lack of knowledge about DMS MFMP liaisons (Q3)

§  Lack of knowledge of training plan (Q5)

§  A large percentage of respondents were unaware of any sort of internal training within their agency (Q6)

MFMP Training Initiative:

§  Over 46% of respondents were unaware of the monthly DMS MFMP trainings offered in Tallahassee (Q10)

§  Over 80% of respondents said they would be willing to print out their own training materials (Q18)

§  Training class rankings: 1) New Requester; 2) Invoicing; 3) Analysis; 4) Secure Reports; 5) System Administrator (Q21)

§  Over 65% of respondents would be willing to participate in an instructor-guided web based training similar to Web Ex or Moodle (Q22)

§  Training class format rankings: 1) Live ‘hands on’ training; 2) Interactive online training (Web Ex); 3) Independent Web based training (OnDemand); 4) Seminar type training (Q23)

§  Over 70 % of respondents were unwilling to pay a nominal fee ($25) for training (Q24)

Buyer Toolkit:

§  Over 35% of respondents were unfamiliar with the buyer toolkit (Q25); of this over 65% of respondents utilize Job Aids on the buyer toolkit (Q27)

§  Over 95% of respondents were interested in an MFMP User Manual (Q29)

Hot Topics:

§  Approximately 65% of respondents receive hot topics and other MFMP communications on a regular basis (Q32); Of this group, 86% found the information helpful (Q33)

Other Training Tools:

§  Over 55% of respondents were interested in establishing Buyer Teleconferences (Q30); of this 55%, over 65% preferred quarterly calls (Q31)

§  Over 60% of respondents were unfamiliar with the OnDemand training tool (Q35)

§  The majority of respondents were also unfamiliar with the Training ‘sandbox’ environment (Q36)

Vendor Activities:

§  Over 55% of respondents were unfamiliar with the vendor teleconferences, toolkit and similar outreach activities (Q38-39)


The MyFloridaMarketPlace Buyer Training Initiative began in May of 2008 and has continued throughout the 2008/2009 Fiscal Year. The goal of the initiative is to:

· Provide an opportunity for agencies to send MyFloridaMarketPlace customers to training sessions that will incorporate power-point training and “hands on” practical exercises. These sessions are intended to supplement the agency’s training regime and other MFMP provided training materials available on the Buyer Toolkit

· Offer monthly training sessions in the areas of: New Requester, Invoicing, Analysis and Secure Reports

· Offer quarterly, semi-annually and/or yearly training sessions in the areas of: Approver, System Administrator, Train the Trainer and Refresher Requester

Since July 2008, the DMS MFMP Team has trained 377 agency customers in Tallahassee, Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale and St. Augustine with an average evaluation score of 4.7 (1 being Poor and 5 being Excellent).


A total of 94 participants completed the survey representing 23 different state agencies. The following represents questions which yielded informative key free-response answers.* A full listing of all questions and answers is included in Addendum 2.

Q5. In addition to MFMP-hosted training sessions, each agency is strongly encouraged to implement an internal training plan. Please describe your current internal MFMP training plan below:

Free Response Answers:

Computer Based Training
We are currently in the process of revamping our training.
Monthly training classes are made available to State Courts users, state-wide.
We do not use the MFMP provided training. However, we do use DOR developed training on the MFMP training version. We have developed two "study guides", one for requesters and one for approvers.
Initial training is completed by a senior employee within our MFMP section. Thereafter, QAR's are completed each month in which the supervisor is able to identify any issues and provide further guidance/training.
The Disbursements Office also provides training to the Division F&A liaisons on invoice approval and submittal requirements.
we give training sessions to various program areas and provide purchasing aids in our OUTLOOK public folders
Almost nonexistent
Employees are trained on MFMP invoicing as needed when hired in the disbursements section.
Currently we allow hands on OJT. Nothing Formal.
We do not have an internal training plan.
Purchasing provides training as needed and with new hires
Was not aware of the internal training requirement; this is a first.
Training from Tallahassee and in-house training
Upon a MFMP system add, a default e-mail is sent to the new user including a powerpoint presentation(s) and links to the training environment along with their appropriate log on (user name and password). Additionally, one on one training is offered at that time or as necessary and DFS agency training is offered to all users once a month or upon request by DFS internally.
Usually provide hands on training when needed and refer folks to the training website.
MFMP Purchasing Liaison conducts new user training.
Coordinated thru our Tallahassee office.
As needed, we are a very small agency and have very little turn over.
None that I am aware of. Each auditor in this department trains/passes on information to each other.
I'm not aware of an internal training sessions, however, I get helpful tips and update notifications thru e-mail
A member checks for updates, emails, other forms of communication to apply as example to how our agency does day to day operations. Proactively interacts with staff of new or revised processes.
We provide a new user packet as users are added to the system and determining that there is another user that will mentor them. We also provide one on one training and group training when there are several new. At least annually we provide general purchasing and MFMP refresher training. We have been recommending the new DMS training since it became available. It is difficult, however, for new users to get into a class until a couple of months after they have started using the system. The offering of these classes is very helpful, however, and there are a lot of users that need to take advantage of the training.
We currently conduct quarterly New Employee MFMP Training classes.
As Purchasing, receiving and payment processing issues occur.
All MFMP potential users must satisfactorily complete the MFMP web based training prior to accessing the MFMP production module. Upon successful completion of the web based training users are assisted by other experienced users having similar menu options, i.e., approver; requester; invoice manager; etc. until they reach an acceptable level on the learning curve.
Each new employee is trained in my section to use MFMP to process invoices.
We hold quarterly training and provide one-on-one sessions for the new hires.
Don't have one
It's a touch and go method
We are notified and trained as the need arises.
The last training was April 2008, year end training
Don't have one
Online training is available as new staff come on board.
DEP conducts quarterly training sessions for MFMP users. We have also begun conducting agency wide quarterly conference calls to address common issues, new updates and other related topics. Also, DEP maintains a MFMP webpage with reference information for agency users.
There are only four (4) individuals in our Area that utilize MFMP and have access and we keep each other abreast of any changes and updates as we are all located in the Area Office
Telephone consulting as necessary
By phone as needed
We are offered training throughout the year but it is usually when a group of new employees start and then it is offered as a refresher course to others.
MFMP Computer Base Training, A Guide Card created by the Procurement Office and One on One with each requestor.
We have it on our intranet site.
I don't know what it is.
New MFMP User Training
We hold bi-monthly MFMP end user trainings for all DOH employees. We also provide one-on-one training when requested.
Provided on an as needed basis by Systems Administrator when requested.
Currently as needed due to I have just started using MFMP.
Use training tool on MFMP web site
none that i know at this time
Gus Bell handles the training sessions.
The Department hold quarterly training sessions for all program areas. Staff is guided through MFMP process via power point and the MFMP sandbox.
We currently do not have one.
The agency has none.
We conducted train-the-trainer sessions so that our Regional offices could be trained; we offer Central Receiver training at the Central Office.

Q11. Does the current frequency of Tallahassee training classes meet your needs? Please describe in the space below:

Free Response Answers:

Yes, but need more slots available.
Most State Courts users attend training internally, a few have participated in MFMP sponsored training
Sure, if it is monthly
Yes, for refresher and new employees training.
No since I did not know that this was occurring
Yes, all users are sent out frequent training communications and the dates/locations are reasonable and the training offered is very helpful.
Yes - its great to have local training classes especially for refresher training.
We are not located in Tallahassee. We prefer the alternative locations training sessions.
I'm a new user of MFMP, so I'm not yet familiar with any of it at this time.
Yes, I would like to attend - i want to know more about running reports
The classes are limited in size and it is difficult for users to register immediately after becoming a MFMP user.
The greater majority of our MFMP users are located throughout the State. Travel to Tallahassee is expensive and in most cases requires overnight stays. We are attempting to utilize the alternative sites where you train to avoid the extra costs involved in travel.
Is this for time users or do you offer more advanced classes?
No, I am outside the area
We have not attended any of these classes
Adequate for Tally
No because due to budget constraints, travel to Tallahassee is not feasible.
We don't use your training. But if a individual wants to go to it they can.
No too far away; travel costs
I'm not sure
No. All classes fill up too quickly. You have to wait months to get training

Q24. Would you be willing to pay a nominal fee (up to $25) to attend a live 'hands on' or auditorium -style training session?

Free Response Answers:

Hands on only. Watching the training is not as effective as hands-on training.
Generally, we don't advocate going to generic training for our users, since we use MFMP in a specific fashion.
What would be the purpose of the fee? Books and materials?
If agency approves payment as a registration fee
It should be free to all users
As long as the agency would cover the cost because it is related to current job duties.
I do not know if my agency would pay for this training
I do not know if my agency would pay for this.
If funds are available, but that might not be possible.
We don't currently have the funds for this with all the budget cuts.
Based on availability of funds
We are forced to use this system, there should be no cost
This is part of my job duties and the Department should provide necessary training.
We'd probably decline if there was a fee.
Should be provided by employee
I would not be able to attend due to budget
There is simply no budget for training

Q28. Please submit any suggestions for Job Aids below:

Free Response Answers:

Instructions on catalog -vs- non-catalog purchases; receipt creation details and 'goods' vs. 'services' process for receiving and invoicing; more details on processing 'goods' vs. 'services' in MFMP
When we first started in 2004 we used one of the job aids to make our own.
I will try to utilize the toolkit more
The correct way to reconciling IE's like backorders, item not received how to handle this with the vendors

Q29. Would a MFMP User Manual (a 'how to' guide) be a helpful tool to add to the Buyer Toolkit?

Free Response Answers:

Invoice processing
All relevant details for requisitioners, receiving and invoicing; also include relevant reports and how to retrieve the information via MFMP and Secure Reports site.
If possible geared to the agency requirements
Common problems and how to resolve or work around
requisition instructions, invoicing, receiving
More experienced System Admin/Train the Trainer guide and a more detailed Invoicing guide from the behind the scenes for F&A Staff
The basics that a new requester could pick up and read and be able to handle a PR from start to finish.
I'm new at this, so any additional info would help
From beginning to the very end of paying an invoice in ARIBA
Everything you need to know to use MFMP successfully
Basic system "rules" and a Q&A for trouble shooting
Our section created a User Manual that has been helpful in training new staff and as a refresher.
Everything and anything....from starting a PR to processing the invoice
Resolution to frequent problems/blockers
Change orders, Receipts and EI's
Step by Step "how to"; roles; what each role can do in MFMP; trouble shooting;

Q35. Are you familiar with the OnDemand (http://training.myfloridamarketplace.com/buyer/toc.html)Training tool available on the toolkit?