Mr. Ducat

English Teacher

BeaumontHigh School


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian:

My name is Mr. Ducat and I teach English at Beaumont High School. I look forward to working with you and your child to achieve the most we can.

Your child’s best effort can only be accomplished with your help. I will provide a safe and inspiring environment in which students may learn. If there are any concerns that you have, or your child has, during the course of the year, please do not hesitate to contact me. Good communication fosters good teamwork, and your child, you as parent(s)/guardian and I – along with school administration and staff – make up your child’s education team.

Mr. Ducat

English Teacher

BeaumontHigh School

In addition to the school-wide rules, I have just a few rules in class:

  • Arrive ready: be in your seat with materials (paper and pen/pencil) out when the bell rings.
  • Keep the classroom clean: food, drink (other than water), gum and personal grooming are not allowed in class.
  • Respect others’ views: listen, and be constructive in any comments, even if you disagree.
  • Keep your hands, feet and things to yourself.

The English 10 web page is: This page contains homework and class lesson information. I update the pages frequently. I encourage parents and students to access them at any time.

Email is a great way to contact me. I check my email frequently and can often respond to email more quickly than I can respond to a phone call. Of course if you need more personal contact, you can always call or make an appointment for an individual conference.


Mr. James Ducat

951-845-3171 x 5027

Sign below, tear off and then return the signed portion to the teacher. Keep the rest for your records.


I read, understand, and will adhere to the grading, policies, and procedures for Mr. Ducat’s class as stated in this document:

Date ______

PLEASE PRINT parent/guardian full name______

Parent/guardian sign here______

PLEASE PRINT student full name______

Student sign here______


Entering class

You will enter quietly, go directly to your seat and start working on the “bell work’ assignment on the board. Blank “bell work” sheets are in a tray on the table between the door and the teacher’s desk.

Exiting class

Teacher dismisses the class, not the bell. All students must be in their seats in order to be dismissed.

How I get your attention

This is our silent signal/signal for attention. I will raise my hand and keep it raised. When you see my hand raised, please raise your hand and become quiet. If you see someone with their hand raised, look around. If my hand is raised, that is the signal that I need everyone’s attention. Raise your hand and become quiet, too. Soon we will all have our hands up and I can tell you what you need to know.

Questions/Comments in class

Participation in class is expected and encouraged. Raise your hand before speaking or asking a question.

Group Work:

You will divide into groups as assigned by the teacher and form groups quietly and quickly. You will participate in the group discussion and respect others’ viewpoints.

Turning in Papers/Supplies

Collect the papers at your table, then hand the collected material forward. Late/makeupwork should be handed into the wire tray on my desk. Supplies (including blank bell work sheets) are located at the table at the inside door. You may feel free to get any supplies you need during the class as long as it is not disruptive to the class. This includes sharpening pencils.

Paper Heading

Your first and last name

The date

The period

Name of assignment


It is very important for you to be in attendance every day. I cannot stress this enough: you cannot learn if you are not here. Please, attend class.

How I mark daily/weekly assignments

Assignments marked with a check receive full credit. Other credit is marked as a fraction (7/10, 18/20, etc.).

Bathroom Use

Before school, brunch, lunch, and passing periods are intended as times to use the rest room; I will only issue bathroom passes from ten minutes after the tardy bell to ten minutes before the release bell.