Worship Teams and Ensembles
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."Colossians 3:16
Intown is a worshiping community that speaks a variety of musical languages. Our worship teams are gifted in many styles of music, drawing from a diverse cache of instrumentation. If you are an instrumentalist or vocalist interested in the worship team ministry, please contact John Bigham at .
Contemporary Worship Teams
Intown’s contemporary worship ensembles are made up of a variety of musical instruments from guitar, bass and percussion to recorders, violins, cellos and much more. Our singers also share in a variety of styles and genres.
Sunday Worship Team
RehearsesSunday morning at 7:30 am
LeadsSundays for both morning worship services, 9:15 and 10:50
Womens Ministry Worship Team
Contact: TBD
IntownCommunityChurch Choir
The adult choir leads the congregation in singing praise to Godonce a month in both Sunday morning worship services.Our repertoire spans the centuries from the great classics to spirituals and new compositions and arrangements.We have presented portions of major works in worship, such as Handel’sMessiah, Bach’s St. Matthews Passion, and many others. We are a Christian family, rehearsing together, praying for one another, and fellowshiping to strengthen our musical worship and our community.
Rehearses:Wednesdays from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. in the main sanctuary from September through May.
Leads: Once a month at both morning services and sings for most major church holidays including Christmas, Easter, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
Praise Gang
This choir is for grades 1st-5th and performs a variety of styles of music from choral classics such as Handel’s Messiah to contemporary musicals. Rehearsals are held seasonally on Wednesday afternoons at 3:30. For more information about Intown’s Praise gang, contact Emily Wert .
Quote here from long time choir and worship team members: (Jim or Emily or Susanne Thompson)
(NEW)All those involved in leading worship here at Intown gather together once a month from 7:30pm to 9:30pm for a time of fellowship, worship, and teaching. These are called our “tune-up nights” and are aimed at helping us be a community equipped with a growing knowledge of the theology and practicalities of worship, pursuing God’s glory in our private and public lives.
Music and Arts Contacts
Michelle Washburn
Music and Arts Department Assistant
404-633-8077 ext 23
John Bigham
Director of Music and Arts
404-633-8077 ext 25