Potential Cassette Assembly Partner
Supplier Name: complete
Type of supplier: Sheet metalwork and assembly
Factory Location: main site (complete), other sites (complete)
Date of visit: complete
Audit By: complete
Executive Summary:
Brief summary of typical type of work, materials, who they work with and any key points about their company. Also confirm:
Turnover : complete
Year established: complete
Premises size:complete
Any unique things of particular note:complete (e.g. apprenticeship school etc)
Processing Capabilities
Summary of size and type of PROCESSING equipment (for example, 3no.Trumpf fibre optic lasers with capability to cut 3000x1500, 1no.Trumpf punch at 4500x3000, 7no. Amada press brakes to fold upto 4000mm etc)Note: companies MUST Have at least capacity to cut and fold 3000mm long lengths of 3mm aluminium.
General photos of processing equipment:add photos
Finishing Ability:
Summary of type of FINISHING equipment (e.g. 2 automated powder coating lines with 5 stage phosphate pretreatment accredited application to qualicoat standards)Note: Whilst finishing inhouse is a preference, if the internal powder coating is not sufficiently doing multi stage pretreatment and quality checking, then the company must have the ability to use outsourced partners
General photos of finishing and checkingequipment:add photos
Assembly Capability:
Summary of size of area able to be used for assembly, any relevant equipment and examples of current assemblies they do. (e.g. 10,000 sq foot of assembly space with 3T overhead gantry cranes and telehandler with 14m reach)note companies MUST Have at least some capacity and assembly experience .
Summary of how they would envisage assembly of balconies to work (e.g. we would use 5000 sq foot for the assembly of the initial cassettes and then the decking and glazing and final assembly processes would be done in a separate adjacent area of 5000 sq foot. Handling would be mainly using the overhead gantries until complete where we would use a telehandler forklift).companies MUST Have an initial explanation of how they would do this.
Photos showing assembly space and examples of assembly work:add photos
Summary of size of area able to be used for storage internally and externally.(e.g. internal storage is limited to pallet racking with space for 80 pallets, external yard storage space is approximately 10,000 sq foot.companies MUST Have some form of storage, even if this is bare concrete. If they intend to use a logistics company to offer them third party storage this is fine but this should be stated.
Photos showing storage spaces: add photos
Summary of quality system, KPI’s, LEAN principles they use in the office and factory etc.(e.g. We embrace LEAN manufacture principles and run a quality system which is approved to ISO 9001, 14001 and has CE marking approval to EN 1080 execution class 3.companies MUST Have some form of ISO or similar approved quality process and ideally have CE approval to EN1080.
Photos showing proof of quality in action:(e.g. KPI’s on performance screen, quarantine area, quality checks powder coating checking laboratory etc):
Summary of service ability and any points which are unique (E.g. OTIF results):
Quantity of office staff:complete
Design capacity:complete
Quote turnaround time:complete
General lead time from order to dispatch:complete
Percentage of capacity running at currently: complete(this is percentage filled currently)
Credit terms offered:complete
Any other unique points of service:complete
Note:Companies MUST Have some office staff and must be running at less than 90% of their capability, we look for at least 30 days credit after point of delivery.