April 25, 2013

“My children, I will be with you only a little while longer.

I give you a new commandment: love one another.

As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.

This is how all will know that you are my disciples,if you have love for one another.”

-John 13:33-35

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus’ words to his disciples hold special meaning in light of last week’s events. These may be the most important words Jesus spoke while he walked this earth. Love one another. Even when you’re angry, love one another. Even when you’re tired, love one another. Even when you’re hurting, love one another. Even when you don’t understand each other, love one another. Perhaps especially during these times, love one another. It’s as simple (and as complicated) as that. Let us strive to model this for our children, today and everyday. Please read on:

Lunches: Please see attached letter to order the school lunch for your child for the week of April 29-May 3.

NO SCHOOL:Please note due to the special election next Tuesday, April 30, there will be no school for students.

Re-registration: Registration is now on a first come-first served basis. You are ONLY guaranteed a seat for your child if you have paid the $200 registration fee! Please note: in order for your registration to be complete, you must sign the Family Commitment form and submit it to the office. You also must be caught up on this year’s tuition payments before you can re-register for next year.

Financial Aid Deadline Approaching: Please note that all financial aid applications must be complete by May 1 this year, as the timeline has moved up and we will be notifying families of their financial aid before the end of the school year. You must have completed all of your payments for this year before any financial aid will be allocated to your family for next year.

IMPORTANT: Just a reminder that students whose tuition is not paid in full will not be able to participate in any of the fun “extra” events held at the end of the school year (field trips, Field Day, etc.) We rely on you to do your part, which means making these payments on time. Please take care of any outstanding balances ASAP.

May Missions: Missions during the month of May will go to the One Fund for the victims of the Boston Marathon tragedy.

First Communion: On Sunday, May 5 at the 10:00 Mass here at St. Rose Church, many of our students will be making the Sacrament of First Communion. Please consider coming with your family to support our children on this most special day! Our choir will be singing; it is guaranteed to be beautiful!

Used Uniforms: If you have old uniforms at home that your child has outgrown, please consider donating them back to the school. We are selling used uniforms - $5 for each piece that is “nearly new” and $1 for pieces that are worn and faded. See the office for more information.

Save the Date: Wednesday, May 8 we will have our annual Celebration of Culture. We invite all families to come and bring food from your native countries to share. This year we are really hoping to enhance the performance part of the program by having students and/or families sing, dance, recite poetry, act out a skit, or tell a story that celebrates some aspect of your culture or multiple cultures. Please see the enclosed paper for more information!

BOKS: BOKS is off to a great start! Thanks so much to everyone who is participating! Please note that it is important to arrive right at 7:00. Anyone who arrives after 7:10 will not be able to participate, as it is disruptive to those who have already started. Thank you for understanding.

Preschool: Please note that Preschool students should be dropped off AND picked up at the front doors. Grades K2, 1, and 2 remain on the church side of the building and Grades 3,4, and 5 on the telephone company side of the building. Thank you for your help with our new procedures for our students’ safety!

IMPORTANT: Parents, PLEASE monitor your children’s use of the Internet, and PLEASE talk to them about what they see online. Recently there have been some “You Tube fads” that actually have the potential to be quite dangerous. It has come to our attention that some of our students have participated in some of these, without their parents knowing. It is crucial that we teach our children that not everything online is good for them, and that they should not do things that could potentially harm them or someone else. Here is one article by the American Academy of Pediatrics for more information:

Trash as Art: Before you throw out your old coffee cans, baby food jars, paper towel rolls, and egg cartons, please consider donating them either to our art teacher, Mrs. Parrella, or our K0 and K1 teachers, who frequently use these kinds of items with the OWL curriculum. If you are unsure if a certain item can be used or not, just ask! Thanks!

Stay Connected! Follow St. Rose School on Facebook ( and Twitter (@misskeeton).

Mark Your Calendar:

Sunday, May 5 – First Communion at 10:00 Mass

Tuesday, May 7 – Jay Mankita’s “Eat Like a Rainbow” Show @ 12:45pm; String Quartet workshop in Gr. 2 at 10am

Wednesday, May 8 – Celebration of Culture @ 6pm

Thursday, May 9 – Ascension Thursday Mass @ 10am with Bishop Uglietto, May Procession, and dedication of statue

Sunday, May 12 – Happy Mother’s Day!

May 13-15 – Grade 6 @ Nature’s Classroom in Freedom, NH

May 15 – Progress reports go home

May 16 – Mobile Dentist

May 17 – Grades 3-4 to Commonwealth Museum

May 21 – Collegiate House Uniform measurements and orders @ 7:30am; 12:45 Science Fair (Gr. 4-5)

May 28 – Gr. 8 to Canobie Lake

May 29 – Gr. 8 Retreat to Miramar

May 30 – Dockside Fundraiser 6-9pm

May 31 – 11:30 dismissal; 8th grade hosts teacher appreciation luncheon

June 6 – Grades 1,2,4,5 to Old Sturbridge Village

June 7 – Graduation Mass @ 7pm

June 10 – Final School Mass of the Year @ 9am

June 14 – K0/K1/K2 Moving On Ceremonies

June 19 – Last Day of School for Grades 1-7

June 24 – Summer Program begins!


Caitlin Keeton, Principal

580 Broadway.Chelsea.MA.02150

617.884.2626 (phone) 617.889.2345 (fax)