Mwinjuma Street, Mkwajuni Kinondoni, P O Box 32971, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Tel: 255 22 2762027 Mob: 0775 013 841.

E-mail: .

  1. Who are we?

Ubunifu is a multipurpose development capacity building and learning centre for promoting innovations, creativity, building confidence and self-esteem of all people involved in development processes.

  1. Our Vision

Ubunifu expects to see a self-propelling society aspiring for a sustainable livelihood and well-being that, values human dignity, respect and acknowledges the diversified individual talents, potentials and innovation.

  1. Our Mission

To facilitate development processes which aim at building people’s confidence, trust and self-esteem, promote individual talents and freedom to engage in socio-economic endeavours

  1. Our Values

a)growing through diversity and critical thinking

b)openness, transparency being accountable

c)right based and people’s centre development

d)processes and evidence based outcome

e)human respect, dignity and equality

f)a growing and learning institution

g)strive through happiness and fun

h)accountability and transparency

i) team work

5.Our Objectives:

To facilitate development programs for social-economic empowerment aiming at building the capacities of communities, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs),

To catalyze and contribute towards the establishment of innovative business investment opportunities in the East and Southern African Region

To sensitize communities to recognize and promote people’s technological, cultural and moral talents, innovations and potentials for their development

To sensitise communities to develop and promote the culture of learning and knowledge acquisition beyond academic and professional demands.

To solicit opportunities for raising funds and other resources for the purposes of generating a sustainable working capital for business

6.Our approach/strategies for service delivery

  1. We tailor our services to the felt and anticipated/expressed need of our client(s).
  2. We are guided by the trust and belief in our client’s rich experience, knowledge base as a comparative advantage. We believe in building from what our clients have, and as much as possible learn from their experiences as well.
  3. We consider inclusive and participatory dialogue for development a spring board for building capacities and facilitating continuous learning for all parties involved
  4. As much as possible we shall reach out to communities and to our clients instead of providing centre based and residential services for capacity building. The idea is to sustain a long term cooperation and partnership, where we continue to provide technical backup as new needs arise.

7. Our Competencies/institutional capacity

Though newly established, Ubunifu is proud for having a strong team of experts with diversified, long and rich experiences, from 5 to 30 years in social development work. The profiles of each individual are available upon request depending on the nature of the assignment.

8. Key areas of operation

Our core areas of competence and active engagement include:

i)Institutional/Organisational Development

Institutional governance capacity assessment

Organisational structure and set up,

Participatory self-assessment

Training Need Assessment (TNA)

Training of Trainers (TOTs)

ii)Program Development and Management

Participatory strategic development/business planning

Project preparation and management,

Participatory monitoring and evaluation

Program/Project management skills enhancement to staff and CSO members

iii)Facilitation for Business Promotion for Small and Medium Enterprises

Extension and out reach services in the areas of agriculture, livestock, environment, fishing and other related sectors.

Formation and strengthening Farmer’s Associations, Business and Consumer Groups, and Savings and Credit groups etc

Facilitating the adaptability of user-friendly technology in production, processing, storage, marketing,

Financial management and Advisory services

iv)Good Governance and Decentralization

Local governance and decentralization (with focus on D by D indistricts, wards and villages)

Developing capacity of local communities and CSOs in Public Expenditure Tracking Systems (PETS)

Developing capacity of communities in monitoring corruption, transparency and accountability of authorities and other development agencies

v)Enabling effective public debates/dialogue for development

Planning, organizing and facilitating workshops, seminars, meetings, retreats etc

Documentation, translation of workshop/seminar reports and proceedings

vi)Promoting Gender and Development

Facilitating gender mainstream process in development programs/projects

Training in human rights, peace and justice (domestic violence, children rights)

vii)Research, Feasibility Studies and Project Appraisals

Policy analysis

Baseline surveys (PRA, O & OD, SWOT etc)

Project appraisals

Program/project impact assessment (PSIA, pr

Thematic and action oriented participatory researches

Training skills in Lobby ling and Advocacy

Viii) Training modules

Training modules have been developed in the following areas:

Monitoring and Evaluation

Organizational Development

Project Cycle management

Fund Raising/Resources Mobilisation

Grant management

Financial management

Small Business Management

Team work




Still the modules can be adjusted to suit the needs of the clients.

9. Key Partners and Associates

  1. Research and Training institutions.

Ms-Training Centre for Development Cooperation (MS-TCDC)-Arusha, Tanzania / Training on capacity Building, Program Management, facilitation Skills, Organizational Development, Institutional Capacity Assessment.
Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), Dar es Salaam / -Project Design / Planning Implementation, Monitoring and evaluation
-Feasibility, studies
REPOA, Dar es Salaam / Public Expenditure Tracking, Research on Poverty Reduction Projects
Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP), Dar es Salaam / -Facilitating in Gender Promotion/ mainstreaming
-Training on human rights (focusing on genital mutilation, domestic violence, child rights) peace, and justice
  1. Associate consultancy companies

Associate / Areas(s) of collaboration
Business centre services (BCS), Dar es Salaam / -Promotion of SMEs
-Extension and outreach to SMEs
-Financial management and advisory services
SMEs Support Centre, Dar es Salaam / -Promotion of SMEs
-Extension and outreach to SMEs
-Financial management and advisory services
-Technical support to formation of farmers’ Associations, SACCOS, Business and Consumer groups, n. k
Knowledge Institutions consultancies Dar es Salaam / -Facilitation on various development issues – national policies, programs, governance, human rights, justice and peace.
Twifunde Training centre, Mwanza, Tanzania / -Training facilitation on different participatory approaches
MK Training Centre / -Training and facilitation on different participatory (community development) approaches

10. Clients or organisations supported includes

-Norwegian Embassy
-Royal Netherlands Embassy
-Ministry of Education and Vocational Training,
-Ministry of Community Development Gender and Children
-Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security
NGOs and CBOs (Kivulini, Haki kazi, Mkombozi Centre for Street Children, TEN/MET, Legal and Human Rights Centre, TANGO) Foundation Help, Kuleana, RUDDO, RIP Mtwara, LINGONET, UNGO, DONET, PINGOS, TFCG, Policy Forum, Foundation for Civil Society)
INTERNATIONAL NGOS AND DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS (SNV, PACT-Tanzania, FES, UNDP, UNFPA-Tanzania, European Union, CARE, Aide et Action, Save the Children, MS-Tanzania Norwegian People’s Aid-NPA, UNFPA FHI, RIGHT TO PLAY,)


Ubunifu Associates Ltd.

Mwinjuma Street, 174 Mkwajuni Kinondoni

P O Box 32971, Dar es Salaam,


Tel: 255 22 2762027.

E-mail: .