Must be Typed in Title Case
with a Bold Type 15-point Times New Roman Font and Centered
Author names must be typed with a bold type 10-point Times New Roman, and aligned left. First author, second author, third author and last author. Give full names of all authors, underline presenting author. Example:
Name1 Surname1,a Name2 Surname2,a Name3 Surname3,a Name4 Surname4a and Name5 Surname5b
Postal address(es) must be typed with an italic type 9-point Times New Roman, and aligned left. Give full address of all authors. Example:
aDepartment of Chemistry and Center of Excellence for Innovation in Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Rama VI Rd, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.
bDepartment of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Rama VI Rd, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.
Introduction and Objective
Text must be typed with a regular type 11-point Times New Roman, single spacing. Alignment must be formatted to full justification. It is recommended that the author use this template to prepare the abstract. The A4 paper size (21cm x 29.7cm or 8.27" x 11.69") must be used. The margin settings are as follows: Top & Bottom&Left & Right - 1.0 ". Abstract information must not appear outside the margins.
Text must be typed with a regular type 11-point Times New Roman, single spacing. Alignment must be formatted to full justification.
Text must be typed with a regular type 11-point Times New Roman, single spacing. Alignment must be formatted to full justification.
Text must be typed with a regular type 11-point Times New Roman, single spacing. Alignment must be formatted to full justification.
Keywords: word1, word2, word3 (not more than 6 items and must be typed with a regular type 11-point Times New Roman) Alignment must be formatted to full justification.
Selected References:
1. Family Name, I.; Family Name, I.; Family Name, I. ISI Abbreviated Journal Title, 2000, 53, 1079-1082.
2. Family Name, I.; Family Name, I.; Family Name, I. ISI Abbreviated Journal Title, 2000, 53, 1079-1082.
References must be typed with a regular type 11-point Times New Roman. ISI journal title abbreviation must be used. Alignment must be formatted to full justification.
Name Surname (ชื่อ นามสกุล) RGJ XX (ระบุรุ่นที่ได้รับทุน)
Mahidol University, Thailand, Chemistry, B.Sc. 1994
Mahidol University, Thailand, Organic Chemistry, M.Sc. 1996
Research field: organosilicons, organofluorines, and organotins