President: Sue Zurawiel
Chairman: Roger Foxcroft
Secretary: Jess Smith
Registered Charity (no. 501105)
As a way of raising funds for Musical Theatre Stafford and Musical Youth Theatre Stafford we will be running an MTS 200 CLUB Lottery monthly draw to commence in January 2018. The support of membership is greatly appreciated, and we hope that as many members as possible will consider joining our MTS 200 CLUB.
The MTS 200 CLUB will allocate up to 200 numbered tickets, at a cost of £1.00 each,payable in advance of the commencement of the yearly scheme, totalling £12. Ticket holder may own more than one ticket.Members will be able to enter the draw during the year and any fee will be pro rate dependant on which month the draw was entered.
Each ticket will be numbered, and that number will belong to the member to whom it has been allocated for as long as he or she is a fully paid up member of the MTS 200 CLUB. All numbers will be entered in each monthly draw. The first draw will take place in January 2018, being draw by at least 3 trustees of MTS, on the 4thThursday of each month.
The winning ticket drawn will receive a prize of £100 which represents half of the potential monthly income from the sale of the 200 tickets. Should there be fewer than 200 tickets sold then this will be adjusted proportionally.
Below is a cut-off application form. Please complete and return, together with your desired method of payment,at £12 peryear, to the Membership Secretary at the address, shown below left, or hand it personal to Stewart Bishop. You can purchase as many tickets as you like. Any tickets purchased in any calendar month will be entered in the following months draw. The results will be published on the MTS website and closed Facebook page and the winner’s cheque will be sent out by the end of that month.
………cut here……………………………………………………………………………......
Name……………………………………Phone No………………………Mobile……………......
Email Address………………………………………….……. Postcode……………………………...
I wish to purchase 1 2 3 4 5 ( ) tickets, at £11 per remaining year, in the ‘MTS 200 CLUB’
(please circle the number required)
*I enclose a Cheque for £…………. made payable to ‘Musical Theatre Stafford’
*I have enclosed £………. Cash.
*I wish to pay by BACS transfer, Account No 01633229, Sort Code 30-98-00, Lloyds Bank.
*(please delete as appropriate)
Confirmation of payment will be made before your ticket(s)are issued.
Membership Secretary, C/O 65 Melbourne Crescent, Stafford, ST16 3JU Mobile 07738 729889