Bradford on Avon and Melksham Patients’ Participation Group

Minutes of General Meeting

Tuesday 8th March 2016, 7.00 to 8.30pm

The Health Centre, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1DQ

1.Welcome and Introduction

Sue Walters, PPG Chairman, warmly welcomed everyone to the March 2016 general meeting of the Bradford on Avon and Melksham Patients’ Participation Group.

2.Talk by Dr. Nick Ashley of the Practice

The talk on hypertension was given by Dr. Nick Ashley of the BoA & M Health Partnership

This very interesting talk covered many aspects of the condition of hypertension including:

A description of blood pressure, how measured, levels for acceptable and high blood pressure; Q risk score - risk of heart condition or stroke years ahead; Information on the damage to organs e.g. kidneys, caused by high blood pressure;the many types of medication available, some possible side effects; lifestyle prevention measures to help lower blood pressure i.e. lose weight, stop smoking, lower salt intake, reduce stress.

Debbie Hyatt then gave a demonstration of a blood pressure measuring machine.

The talk was well received and followed by a question and answer session with more interesting information given to the group. The Chairman then thanked the speaker for an interesting and informative talk.

3.PPG Business

Sue Walters introduced the PPG business part of the meeting agenda.

A request was made to the patients present for permission to film this meeting as part of the submission by the practice for the Friends and Family Test award.

3.1Last PPG General Meeting Minutes of 8 December 2015

These had been circulated and there were no matters arising.

3.2Update on PPG Finances

Jen Andrews, PPG Hon. Treasurer gave an update of the PPG finances, the funds at present total £2138.47, there are outstanding invoices of approximately £900.

3.3Information about equipment purchases by the PPG

Information was given about the items purchased which included Blood Pressure monitoring machines, set of scales, notice boards and a coagucheck machine.

3.4Update on patients’ suggestions from waiting room boxes

Several suggestions received including: not enough parking places at Melksham surgery; concern about confidentiality at surgery receptions, enquiry about email facility for doctors and nurses, concern about privacy at the pharmacy.

3.5PPG survey to be conducted in March

A survey is being conducted in March at all practice sites for 1 month.

3.6Future PPG General Meetings

Sue Walters discussed the next PPG general meetings as follows:

14th June – Talk on Osteoporosis

20th September –Talk about the Ambulance Service - followed by PPG AGM

6th December –Talk on Indigestion & Acid Reflux - followed by Christmas social event

4.Practice News

Michelle Coleman, Practice General Manager, presented an update from the practice on several items as follows:

4.1Practice News – General update

Guide for non-clinical staff for urgent walk in presentation of patients.

Michelle gave details of an incident at the BoA surgery involving a person with a minor injury. A guide flow chart for front desk reception staff to refer to in urgent situations has been produced by the health centre after discussion with those involved in the incident. The guide flowchart was circulated and discussed by the meeting attendees, feedback will added to any necessary guide amendments.

4.2Friends and Family Test Award (FFT) – submission by the Practice.

The Practice FFT team (which includes the PPG) has submitted a case study based on the Practice FFT process for the award. The Practice was delighted to receive the exciting news that it had won the Best FFT Initiative in Primary Care. The award is to be presented at a national conference in Leeds on 17 March.

A short film will be made of the Practice, including the PPG meeting today, to be shown at the award ceremony. There will also be a national press release about the award.It was suggested that the film be put on the TV screen in the patient waiting room.

Michelle thanked the PPG committee for all their support and gave a special thankyou to Mike Nolan for his ongoing hard work and commitment to the project. She also thanked all the patients who filled in the FFT forms and for the good team approach to the project.

4.3Change in Travel Service Process

Michelle gave details of the previous travel service process, the changes applied and the new process which now includes the patients filling in a pre-travel questionnaire. The new method will aid the booking of appointments, streamline the process and staff involvement to give the appropriate treatment and information to the patient. A new travel page has been created on the practice website with the details. Michelle discussed with the attendees the changes made and the progress of the new system.

4.4Hearing Aid batteries

There was a query about hearing aid batteries as only 1 packet per patient available, due to a shortage by suppliers. Michelle will make enquiries about this item.

5.Monkey Wellbeing Young People survey

The pictures submitted as part of the drawing competition were voted on, the winner will be presented with the prize at a later date.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm.

Future Dates

PPG General Meetings - 2016


14th JuneOsteoporosis

20th September Ambulance Service - followed by the PPG AGM

6th DecemberIndigestion and Acid Reflux - followed by the Christmas social event

Minutes BoA&M PPG General Meeting 8 March 2016Page 1 of 3