Music Parents’ Association Meeting

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Attendees: Dia Rutter, Robynn Berger, Mark and Renee Tibor, Vance Krebs, Barbara Frohlich, Wendy Steidler, Brenda Waletzko, Vicky Boechler, Craig Goettle, Dawn Krieger, Anne and Ben Chambers

Update from Directors:

Anne Chambers:

Nov. 8: first fall concert, sign-up genius for reception; need parents to hand out programs

Maestro table set up at first choir concert: wonderful response: $12,735

Nov 13: Wind Orchestra in Mandan start of the Invitational; grand concert on Nov. 14 at Legacy

Noteable Feast update: Mark and Renee Tibor and Vance and Sandra Krebs will be the co-chairs

Pam Vetter and Barb Frohlich will work on the silent auction; Angie Laber will make cupcakes; Still need volunteers;

Ben Chambers:

Exploratory Day to St. Gabriel’s with the Academy Jazz Band was a huge hit; residents were dancing and singing with our students

All State Auditions will be the week prior to Thanksgiving and the week after; they will take place before, during, or after school

Eckroth Music will be at SMCHS on Nov. 29 instrument step-up day; swap out an instrument if they already rent; or time to step-up and rent different instrument for future if parents and students choose to do so

Nov. 8: Academy Concert with reception; peanut free treats afterwards

Vicky Boechler:

Fall concert was successful; special thanks to Brenda Waletsko for the reception; Maestro table for promoting music

Today there will be a quarter singing The National Anthem at the football game

Nov. 8: Bismarck Event Center

Nov. 13: Let All Men Sing will be at 6:45; Elks Chorus will be the guest choir for the concert; 7 & 8 grade boys in choir and all high school boys in choir

Dec. 18: Christmas Concert at UMary

Dec. 20: Jazz Choir will carol around the city in the evening and after school; people will purchase a carol and they will go to them; this is a tour event only

January All State Auditions

All Saints Liturgy: Nancy Darling – we are fortunate to have her as our pianist; she composed the music and lyrics for one of the songs that was sung at the liturgy

Craig Goettle

Sixth grade band is going great!

Dec. 4: beginner band and wind orchestra and steel band

There are some really cool opportunities for the steel drum band. Mr. Goettle has made an incredible contact and hopes to make something work for this gentleman to come and work with our students and possibly be a guest conductor.

The Fall concert was phenomenal! Great response from parents!

Up-coming all men concert; The guys are excited to perform for the girls. That is motivating for them.

Advent music and Christmas music for Dec. 6 concert; big gym; 7 & 8 grade choir will perform with 6th grade music

Calendar raffle: great fundraiser for the music program

New Business:

Nov. 15 at 6:30 Art and Wine (for a song): Theo Art School – 21 and over; there is a link to Theo’s webpage; people can register and pay online; fund-raiser link on their website; all proceeds go to the students; $15/person cost for us; everything above that will go to them; asking $50/person; each person will create a personal painting

C/NCACDA: Honor Choirs

5 students; 3 from HS and 2 from Academy; Sydney Goettle, Rachel Rusch, John Goettle

Rachel Bleth; Isabella Sletland MS Treble Choir; will travel to Chicago Feb. 14-17; parents will take their children and Vicky and Craig will go; $150 registration per student; think about helping our students with the cost – hotel, travel, meals;

Treasurer’s Report: $2352.22 no income and no expenses from last month