Core Support “A” and “B”
Production/Presentation Arts Organizations
Applicant Name: / Application Number:Organizational Health / Rating
- Organizational Health: The the overall management and financial health of the organization.
Examples of information the applicant may have provided:
- A description of the organization’s strengths and challenges as it relates to its mandate and role within the community.
- A description of its human resources and any successes or challenges faced in this area, such as recognition, staff turnover, remuneration, mitigation of risk etc.;
- Strategic partnerships the organization undertakes that help it achieve its goals;
- Professional development opportunities or mentoring provided to staff and/or board;
- The organization’s strategic planning process and how it evaluates its own effectiveness.
- Other information
Sub-total / /20
Program Excellence
- Program Excellence: The artistic performance and merit of the organization and how its work contributes to the arts discipline. A description of current and future programming as far as it is planned.
- A description of the organization’s artistic vision and how its programming furthers that vision;
- A description of the organization’s programming focus for the current and coming years, highlighting milestone programs or events;
- Evidence of how the organization provides fair and appropriate fees/remuneration for its performers/artists;
- Awards or prizes, positive critiques or public recognition received in the past year, only.
- A description of how the organization strives to grow and evolve in artistic content, programs and excellence.
- A description of how the organization demonstrates artisticleadership and mentorship in its community.
Sub-total / /35
Audience and Outreach
- Audience and Outreach: Outreach and audience development efforts and achievements.
- A description of the types of audiences reached by the organization’s programs.
- The contribution to the education and/or social development of audiences or community;
- Howprograms contribute to better understanding of the artistic discipline or subject matter;
- How the organization evaluates its audience and plans to grow or diversifty its audience through research and evaluation;
- Efforts that have been made to reach under-served segments of society;
- A description of partnershipsundertaken with community organizations to reach the organization’s outreach goals;
- Recent exporting or touring activities.
Sub-total / /30
Cultural Sector Development
- Cultural Sector Development:The contribution of the organization to the development of the cultural sector and to the cultural infrastructure of the province.
- Using New Brunswick’s cultural policy Creative Futures as a guide, indicate which of the policy’s goals and objectives that the organization mostadvances, or intends to advance with its activities. Descriptions must be limited to a maximum of five goals and/or objectives.
Sub-total / /15
TOTAL / /100