Homework Overview
Year 5 Autumn 2
LiteracyOur Literacy this half term will focus on traditional stories, we will be focusing on the story of The Secret Garden by F Hodgson Burnett.
Each week your child will be set a piece of homework which will support spelling, grammar or word level work. All homework will be based on the learning which has taken place throughout the year.
Children will have spelling homework each week where they will need to define the spellings and put into multi-clause sentences. There is an example of the standard we expect on the year 5 blog.
Books must be back in school by a Wednesday in order for them to be marked and prepared for the next week’s homework.
Your child may also have an independent project to complete.
You will also be expected to practice your weekly spellings, read your reading book daily, complete activities in your reading diary andcontribute to our class blog. / Maths
In Maths this half term we will be focusing on addition and subtraction looking at negative numbers as well as addition.
If you need any support with the methods we use in year 5 please feel free to speak to either Miss Redhead or your child’s class teacher for support.
Each week you will be set a piece of homework to support the previous week’s learning.,If there are any problems with computer based homework then please contact Miss Redhead or your child’s class and provisions will be made for your child.
You could also practise your multiplication tables and squared numbers, as well as revising number bonds.
Our Science unit this half term is forces. Children will be exploring a range of forces and investigating effects of forces.
Keep looking out for Science links and challenges on our class blog. / Topic
This half term we will be learning about Victorian Britain.
SMSC:Our SEAL unit this half term isNew beginnings. We will be exploring ourselves and what we are good at. We will also be looking ahead and understanding the challenge which lies ahead in year 5.
SMSC: Our SMSC unit this half term will be Christmas in the community.
Computing: I am an architect. Children will be looking at shapes and building designs.