- Save this template to your school network or computer and alter it for your own assessment design or copy the below information into your school-based assessment instrument template.
- Delete the information that is not relevant to your assessment, e.g. if the task is for Year 11, delete the Year 12 conditions. Information is provided in tables so to delete, highlight the row you wish to remove, right click, and select Delete Rows.
- Replace the red text with your school- and task-specific information.
- Ensure all information has been completed, i.e. no red text remains.
- Delete this instructional text.
Insert school-specific information, e.g. school name, logo
Musicology — Extended response(written/spoken/multimodal)
Insert context
Insert task(or unsupervised task) and/or seen or unseen questions and stimulus materials (also refers to ‘studied or not previously studied’, ‘heard or not previously heard’)Supporting documentation
- Supporting evidence is required to substantiate decisions made on spoken and multimodal responses for monitoring, verification and exit purposes.
- Evidence to support spoken or multimodal responses may include:
summary of findings
journal entries or log book
seminar brief or conference paper
a recording of the response (as appropriate).
Conditions — Extended response
Year 11
- written 600–800 words
- spoken 3–4 minutes
- multimodal 3–5 minutes
- use of seen or unseen questions and stimulus materials
- students may use class time and their own time to conduct research and develop a response
Year 12
- written 800–1200 words
- spoken 4–5 minutes
- multimodal 5–7 minutes
- use of seen or unseen questions and stimulus materials
- students may use class time and their own time to conduct research and develop a response
- Replace the red text with your school- and task-specific information.
- Make the standards instrument-specific. (Words may not be added to the standards except to specify the music elements and concepts,stylistic characteristics, and music ideas.)
- The following words may be used in the singular:viewpoints.
- Ensure all information has been completed, i.e. no red text remains.
- Delete this instructional text.
Insert school-specific information (if required)
Instrument-specific standards matrix
Standard A / Standard B / Standard C / Standard D / Standard EMusicology / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics:
- discerning perception and interpretation of relevant music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources
- thorough perception and interpretation of relevant music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources
- perception and interpretation of music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources
- inconsistent perception and interpretation of music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources
- little consideration of music elements or concepts in repertoire and music sources
- comprehensive and discerning analysis and evaluation of music to determine the relationships between music elements, concepts and stylistic characteristics
- in-depth and coherent analysis and evaluation of music to determine the relationships between music elements, concepts and stylistic characteristics
- analysis and evaluation of music to determine the relationships between music elements, concepts and stylistic characteristics
- simple analysis of music to identify some connections between music elements, concepts or stylistic characteristics
- statements that may relate to music elements or concepts
- discerning synthesis of findings, well-supported justification of music viewpoints, and convincing communication of music ideas.
- effective synthesis of findings, valid justification of music viewpoints, and logical communication of music ideas.
- synthesis of findings, justification of music viewpoints, and communication of music ideas.
- statements of findings with simple justification of music viewpoints and presentation of music ideas.
- statements of opinion related to music ideas.