Marti L. Allen, “Collections Training Regimes,” Handout
“Hit the Floor Running: Experiential Collections Curriculum that Works”
3:45–5:00 PMThurs, April 27, 2006 AAM Conference, Boston, MA
Suggested Curricula for Course on
Twice Weekly, 2-Hour Class (Half are Process Labs Taught by Staff)
Plus Once weekly 2-Hour Free Lab in Presence of Museum Staff
3–5 students in class
- Lecture and discussion: The Museum Registration Discipline: Theory and Guiding Principles.
- Written assignment, due one week from today: write an essay on your career goals and expected contribution of this class toward goal achievement. Include a one-year plan, a three-year plan, and a five-year plan (3-5 pages, double-spaced).
- [Readings for object handling workshop.]
- Process Lab:
Tour of Collections Areas.
Object Handling Workshop.
- [Readingson condition-reporting.]
- Complete security forms, report to Security for ID photo.
2 / Jan. 11, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Hand in Career Goals Essays.
- Process Lab:
- [Readings pertinent to museum donations and accessioning.]
- Notice: Starting with these readings and continuing throughout the course, you will be required to write one-sentence summaries of each reading assigned and turn in at the beginning of the next class meeting.
Due today:
- Summaries of readings.
- Process Lab:
Inventory: Principles and Processes.
Under supervision of Collections Manager, return workshop objects to storage.
- [Readings pertinent to museum law relating to donations and accessioning.]
3 / Jan. 18, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Summaries of readings.
- Condition reports.
- Pop Assignment (first ten minutes): Have students exchange one condition report each and review their peer’s work.
- Lecture: Donations and Accessioning: The Law.
- [Readingson museum policies and processes for donations and accessioning.]
Due today:
- Summaries of readings.
- Pop Assignment(first five minutes): Have students pool summaries of readings and select the one that best sums up the readings.
- Process Lab: Donations and Accessioning: Processes.
- [Readingson museum cataloguing and manufacture techniques.]
4 / Jan. 25, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Summaries of readings.
- Pop Assignment (five minutes): Have the students exchange summaries of readings and copy-edit their peer’s work.
- Lecture: Museum Cataloguing.
- Go over copies of Museum’s paperwork for its most recent donation and complete accompanying question sheet.
Due today:
- Completed donations question sheet.
- Go over donations question sheet.
- Process Lab: Collections Manager will accompany you to Temporary Storage to help you select five recently donated objects and set you up to accession and catalogue them. Completed assignment due for Pre-Grade Feb. 22.
- Start accessioning the 5 objects.
- Take home exam on Donations, Accessioning, Cataloguing, and Condition-Reporting.
5 / Feb. 1, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Completed exams.
- Process Lab:
Complete a cataloguing form (identification, description, measurements, etc.) for at least one object and go over it with a classmate.
- Finish accessioning your objects (paperwork, numbering, file-making, assigning location, etc.).
Due today:
- Accessioning paperwork.
- Pop Assignment (five minutes): Have the students exchange their accessioning paperwork and comment on their peer’s work. Refer questions to collections manager.
- Process Lab:
Complete cataloguing forms for at least two objects and trade with classmate for review.
- [Readings on collections policies.]
- Polish up two catalogue forms for pre-grading.
6 / Feb. 8, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Summaries of readings.
- Two polished cataloguing forms for peer review.
- CheckPointCharlie.
- Exams back.
- Peer review of two cataloguing forms.
- Lecture: Collections Policies.
- [Pertinent readings on loans.]
- If needed, make an appointment with instructor to talk about your exams.
Due today:
- Summaries of readings.
- Process Lab:
Go over peer-reviewed cataloguing forms.
Complete cataloguing forms for two more objects and trade with classmate for peer review.
- Go over copies of Museum’s paperwork for its most recent loan and complete accompanying questions sheet.
7 / Feb. 15, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Completed question sheet on the Museum’s recent loan.
- Two more polished catalogue forms for peer review.
- Lecture: Loans: Law and Processes.
- Discussion of the Museum’s recent loan.
- [Pertinent readings on insurance and valuating objects.]
Due today:
- Summaries of readings.
- Pop Assignment (five minutes): Have students exchange summaries of readings and copy-edit them.
- Process Lab:
Finish accessioning and cataloguing your objects, consulting with collections manager and peers.
- Catch up.
8 / Feb. 22, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Accessioning and Cataloguing Project for Pre-Grade.
- Lecture: Valuations and Authentications, Processes and Related Law.
- Study handout with examples of object valuations and the suggested process for valuating your objects.
- Process Lab:
Start valuating your five objects using valuation prompt sheet, model valuation, Sotheby’s catalogues, and other resources provided.
- Finish at least two object valuations for peer review.
9 / March 1, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Corrected Accessioning and Cataloguing Project for Final Grade.
- Two object valuations for peer review.
- Peer review two object valuations.
- Lecture: Stewardship, Law, and Ethics.
- [Readingson collections problems.]
- You will be assigned to read one of the Museum’s policies and suggest revisions that might help prevent problems. Suggested revisions due March 10.
Due today:
- Summaries of Readings.
- Process Lab: Go over peer-reviewed object valuations and finish remaining valuations for pre-grade.
- Prepare your valuations to submit to Risk Management; include cover letter recommending insurance.
10 / March 8, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Valuations and Risk Management Memos due for Pre-Grade.
- CheckPointCharlie.
- Lecture: Collections Problems: Unclaimed loans, Objects found in the Collections, etc.
- [Readingson packing museum objects for transport.]
Due today:
- Summaries of readings.
- Suggestions for policy revisions.
- Process Lab:
Pack your objects to convey to storage in the Museum’s annex.
Correct pre-graded valuations and Risk Management memos.
- Take-home exam on Loans, Valuations, Insurance, and Collections Problems.
11 / March 15, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Completed take-home exams on Loans, Valuations, Insurance, and Collections Problems.
- Exams back.
- Lecture:Conservation Environment.
- [Readings onconservation environments,object care, and preventive conservation.]
- Two-week environment monitoring assignment (status report due in one week; final written report due April 5). If needed, make an appointment with instructor to talk about your exams.
Due today:
- Summaries of readings
- Pop Assignment (first five minutes): Have students pool summaries of readings and select the one that best sums up the readings.
- Free Lab: Free timeto catch up. Must be spent in the Museum on museum projects (attendance is expected and will be taken).
- Collections Manager will provide assignment to prep for the lab of her choice next week.
12 / March 22, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Oral report on status of monitoring assignment.
- Lecture: Object Care and Preventive Conservation.
- Rewrite your resume to reflect the experience you have gained in this class (due in one week).
- Read NAGPRA and 36 CFR, Part 79.
Due today:
- Summaries of readings from Collections Manager.
- Process Lab: Collections Manager’s Choice (perhaps photographing collections or intro to Copyright law).
- Catch up on assignments.
13 / March 29, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Oral Status Report on Inventory.
- Drafts of resumes.
- Lecture: Introduction to NAGPRA and 36 CFR, Part 79.
- [Readingson integrated pest management and collections storage.]
- Start writing report on environment monitoring assignment.
- Write an essay on your career goals and expected contribution of this class toward goal achievement. Include a one-year plan, a three-year plan, and a five-year plan (3–5 pp, double-spaced).
Due today:
- Summaries of readings.
- Process Lab:
Decide as a class what you want your April 7 lab to be on.
- Make special housing for the object assigned to you by the Collections Manager.
14 / April 5, 109 ALLN
Due today:
- Career Goal Essays.
- Report on environment monitoring assignments.
- CheckPointCharlie.
- Lecture: Catch opportunity.
- Readings from Collections Manager to prep you for the Students’ Choice Lab.
Due today:
- Report on Inventory Project.
- Summaries of readings for Students’ Choice Lab.
- Process Lab: Students’ Choice (perhaps a workshop on a special considerations for care of one or two selected mediums, such as textiles and ethnographic materials).
- Finish your special housing project.
15 / April 12, MOA
Due today:
- Monitoring Project.
- Special Housing Project.
- Lecture: Disaster Preparedness.
- Take-Home Exam Test on Care, Conservation Environments, Preventive Conservation, IPM, Museum Policies(due April 19).
Reading Day
16 / April 19
Exam DayDue: Take-Home Exam. / April 21