Welcome to St. John the Evangelist Parish
Saturday, July 11th
5:00pm Shirley Scott, Virginia Toy, Patrice Bullock,
Jennie Summers Boyd, Dianne Bradley
Sunday, July 12th
7:30 am. Chester Lee Harding
10:30 am. Margaret A. Smith, Dr. Steve Downey,
Jack Trout
Monday St.Mary July 13th (S) 6:00 pm Patty Miller
Tuesday, July 14th
8:15 am. Wanda Colvin
Wednesday, July 15th
6:00 pm. For the People
Thursday, July 16th
8:15 am Bernice Burch
10:30 am Parkview
Friday, July 17th
8:15 am. Special Intention
for Julie, Alan, and Isaac Lagree
Saturday, July 18th
5:00pm Rochelle Lents, Joe Ringwald
Victor & Terry Beckman, Don Sterling
Sunday, July 19th
7:30 am. Guy Padgett
10:30 am. David R. Davidson, Bertha Bruner
Dr. Floyd & Patricia Gates, Dorothy Acker
Ministers for July 11th / 12th
5:00 pm. Judy Ader
7:30 am. Bud Erler
10:30 am. Glenn McAtee
5:00 pm. Patrick Allbright, Jamison Hennette,
Cassidy Esch, Sebastian Toy
7:30 am. Olivia Wininger, Grace Foddrill,
Adie Nolley Bryant Eckerle
10:30 am. Sean Lents, Max and Seth Blackwell,
Jake Carrico
5:00 pm. FD- Donna VanWinkle
SD- Barbara Stoll, Anne Marie Crays
7:30 am. FD- Greg/Dottie Potts
SD- Annette Taylor, Doug/Peg Neidigh
10:30 am. FD-Denise/Corbin/Allie Henninger
SD- Abbie Williams, Denny Smith
5:00 pm. Elaine Wade, Maddie Strange
7:30 am. Brandon Eckerle, Greg Potts
10:30 am. Mary Ringwald, Andy Ringwald
5:00 pm. Elaine Wade, Donna Ader, Janet Matthews,
Linda Wickman, John Crays, Charles and Carolyn Buxton
7:30 am. Bernie Smith, George Erler, Jerry Lubbehusen,
Peg Neidigh, Donna Heshelman, Kathy Wittmer, Jill Wininger
10:30 am. Andy Ringwald, Brenda Mathies,
Greg/Lynn Bateman, Tom/Stephanie McAtee, Volunteer
From Our Pastor
My dear friends in Christ,
On Monday we celebrated the funeral Mass for Kevin B. Sutton who was the husband of Sharon (Nolley) Sutton of our parish. He loved the outdoors and was well respected at Hoosier Uplands where he worked. Kevin was a wonderful husband, father figure, relative and friend, who will be greatly missed. Let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
After many suggestions from our parents and much consultation including from our parish council, we have decided to return our religious education classes to Wednesdays. The young children will be meeting after school on Wednesdays at 3:30 to 4:30, while the high school students will continue to attend on Wednesday evenings 7:00 to 8:15. When we moved the classes to Sunday mornings, we did loose a number of students. My desire is to have as many attending as possible and I do plan to continue to be directly involved in the Religious Education Program. This is an integral part of parish life and our youth are the future of the church. For that reason, Paula Ringwald and Mark Potts are key people who assist me in this most important challenge. Our public schools in the area have for some time now, set aside Wednesdays for church services and I think it is wise that we once again take advantage of this opportunity. For those who are unable to attend on Wednesday after school we will make arrangements for them at another time. I will help instruct these students so they will not be left out. There will be more specifics in the weeks to follow. We just wanted to share this with you as soon as possible. I trust this will meet with your approval. I pray that Almighty God will bless this change and bring about good results.
I am sure that you have already noticed the bright and inviting new sign on our parish center crafted by Sandy Woods. It includes the parish logo and gives the Center an uplift. We are very grateful to Sandy!
May the Lord bless and keep you,
Father Walker.
Ministers for July 18th / 19th h SACRISTANS
5:00 pm. Julie LaMar
7:30 am. Bud Erler
10:30 am. Samantha Nelson
5:00 pm. Patrick Allbright, Heather Harshaw,
Hannah Harshaw, Jace Toy
7:30 am. Jason and Craig Lubbehusen,
Olivia Wininger, Bryant Eckerle
10:30 am. Kaylin Harris, Rachel Robinson,
Logan Jacobs, Luke Nonte
5:00 pm. FD- Linda Wickman
SD- Mary Lou Harding, Joyce Conlon
7:30 am. FD- Leo Padgett Family
SD- Kathy Wittmer, Jerry/Betty Huelsman
10:30 am. FD- Kara/Jarrett/Ashlee Arvin
SD- Faye Holland, Sue Morrison
5:00 pm. Tom Walker, Brenda Dant
7:30 am. George Erler, Bruce Hawkins
10:30 am. Kay Summers, Gil Toy
5:00 pm. Patrick Allbright, Alice Weisheit, Inger Johnson,
Tom Walker, Pat Daugherty, Julie LaMar, Diane Schutte
7:30 am. Bruce/Lynn Hawkins, Annette Taylor,
Richard Kluesner, Rita Divine, Darin/Jane Holder
10:30 am. Gary Rasico, Gayle Strange, Karen McAtee,
Dayne Holder, Curt Johnson, Mark Bauer, Kenny Inman
Youth News with Mark Potts s
We will also be starting a prayer group for the Youth. It will be held Monday, July 13th at 3:30 PM. We plan on making this a weekly group. If you would like to come, please be at the Center at 3:30 on Monday.
We will have Bingo at Ketcham Memorial Center in Odon on Tuesday, July 21st. We will leave the center at 5:50 PM.
We will be taking the Youth Group to the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows on a field trip Thursday, July 30th. We will leave sometime that morning. We will be given a tour of the Shrine and have lunch there. It is Belleville, Illinois so it would be a day long trip. If you want to go, please sign up in the back of church and take a permission slip!
Sunday Collection July 4th / 5th 2015
St. John 253 Envelopes (877 families) $ 10,812.50
La Salle Missions $1,548.00
Religious Education News with Paula Ringwald
Elementary K-6
Religious Ed. Classes: Will Resume on August 19th from 3:30-4:30. Arrangements will be made for those students in the outlying school systems that can’t make it to the afternoon classes.
Jr. Sr. High (Grades 7,8, 9, 10,11,12)
Religious Ed. Classes: will resume on August 19th from 7:00 -8:15.
Bible Study: Has ended for the summer, will resume Sept. 13th.
Retreat Meeting: Monday July 20th at 7:00 at
St. John’s Center- upper level.
The retreat committee will be repeating the spiritual experience “Catching Fire Becoming Flame” on Sept. 19th for 9:00 -3:00 at St. Martin’s in Whitfield. Babysitting will be provided at St. Joh’s for those needing this service. Reservation forms can be found at the doors of the church. .
Cursillo Retreat: Men’s Oct. 8-11, Women’s Nov. 5-8. We currently have 2 or 3 attending. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend a quiet weekend getting closer to God. For more information please call Paula Ringwald at the rectory or leave a message on the answering machine. I will call you back.
Teachers are needed for both Wednesday afternoon and Wednesday evening. Please search your heart and see if God is leading you in that direction. We are adopting the Sadlier Program this year instead of the Pflaum for the elementary & Jr. High.
MUSIC MINISTRY . Children’s Choir: Has ended for the season. We will start up again Sept. 8th
Folk Group Practice: Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
Adult Choirs and Musicians:
July 11 / 12 5:00 Musician- Rick Cantor-Gianna
7:30 Musician- Sandy Cantor-Carolyn
10:30 Musician -Lynn Cantor- Leslie
July 18/ 19 5:00 Musician- Mary Cantor-Mary
7:30 Musician- Sandy Cantor-Carolyn
10:30 Musician -Lynn Cantor- Paula
Up-Coming Events Ev
This Week at St. John Parish
Sunday, July 12th
Monday, July 13th
(B) St. Joseph Eucharistic Adoration-9:00 am to 1:00
Quilters, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Youth Group-3:30 Prayer Group
(S) Confessions at St. Mary- 5:15 to 5:45pm
(S) Mass at St. Mary- 6:00pm
Altar Society -7:00pm
Tuesday, July 14th
Rosary: 7:45-8:15am
Folk Group Practice: Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
Wednesday, July 15th
(W) St. Martin Eucharistic Adoration-3:00 pm to 6:00
Thursday, July 16th
Rosary: 7:45-8:15am
(L)Eucharistic Adoration after 9:00 Mass to 5:00 pm- unless there is a funeral, then Adoration is from 12:00(Noon) to 5:00pm-
Friday, July 17th
Rosary: 7:45-8:15am
Quilters 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday, July 18th
Private Confession- 4:00 pm
Sunday, July 19th
Loogootee Swimming Pool Dedication: July 17th at 5:00pm . Everyone is invited.
Memorial Ads in Memory of a Loved One in Right to Life Banquet Book.- Right To Life is reminding everyone that if they wish to put a Memorial Ad in the Banquet Book in Memory of a loved one they can do so by contacting Louis Kavanuagh Jr. at 812-486-3658 for more information. The sise and cost of the ads are ½ page for $35 amd a full page for $45. If you wish to purchase ad ad in this year’s Banquet Book you can email a picture along with content of the ad to
They are also accepting business ads and if you have a business you wish to promote, contact them at the number above. Ads should be in no later than July 22nd.
This years’s Banquet is set for Thursday Oct. 1 at the Simon J. Graber Bldg.
Louis Kavanaugh Jr.
1187 North 650 East
Montgomery, IN 47558
Save the Date m
Fall Festival- Oct. 4th
Cursillo Retreat - Men’s Oct. 8-11,
Women’s Nov. 5-8.
Catholic Charities’ 2015 WISDOM DAYS for seniors will take place in Dubois County (Huntingburg Event Center, October 26), Vincennes (Vincennes University, November 2), and Evansville (St. John the Evangelist, November 9). Each day is free to attendees and includes lunch, speakers, attendance prizes, and a visit from Bishop Charles Thompson. Free will offerings are appreciated. Dubois Co. registration instructions will be in bulletins at a later date. To register for Vincennes, call 812-882-1219 or 812-882-6891. To register for Evansville, go to http://www.charitiesevv.org/wisdom-days.html or call Catholic Charities at 812-423-5456. Registration required as space is limited.
The Fall Festival Planning Meeting is July 16th at 6:30 in the Center.
“Celebrate Today” Cancer Program
Jasper, IN – Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center is offering a free program to those whose lives have been touched by cancer. “Celebrate Today” provides healing support, spiritual inspiration, and enjoyment for cancer patients, their families and caregivers. Anyone who is currently undergoing treatment for cancer or has been affected by it in the past is invited to attend.
“Celebrate Today” is held quarterly and includes a light meal followed by fun and fellowship. The next “Celebrate Today” program that will be held on Monday, July 27 from 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. at the St. Joseph Parish Center. The center is located directly west of St. Joseph Church at 1029 Kundek Street in Jasper.
The theme for July will be “Cheering for Indianapolis Colts” and attendees can dress for the theme if they wish, but no special attire is required.
Pre-registration is required by Monday, July 20. To pre-register for “Celebrate Today,” please call the Lange-Fuhs Cancer Center at 812-996-0626. This free program is funded by the Lange-Fuhs Cancer Center and Memorial Hospital Foundation.
Christian Mothers will be collecting salt for the Country Store for the Fall Festival.
Remember Them in PrayerPrayer Line Contacts: the office at 812-295-2225
Betty Huelsman 812-636-4465 email:
Rachel Doyle 295-2740 Rita Ash 295-2619 / Please pray for all the sick of our parish. /
Marilyn Arvin, Theresa Berry, Mary Charlene Burr, Vivian Beard, Dee Bechtel, John Blanton, Dorothy Blessinger, Linda Blessinger, Michael Bowers, Barbara, Jr., Larry Wyatt Boyd, Wanda Bradley,Clarence E. Bradley, Avaley Braun, Laura Ann Brown, Don & Paul Cave, Wanda Cooper,Wesley Crays, Bobbie Cherry, Linda Cresgy, Mary Jane Crew, Sr. Lorraine Devault, Jim Durlauf, Breana Dules, Debbie Dyal, Curt Elliott, Patricia Ellis, Philip Erler, Kent Fellers, Joyce, Betty, John, Mike Ervin, Jill Ernst, Dorothy Flynn, Jay and Margaret Garrett, Anne Gebhardt, Candy Gootee, Dianna Gottwalles, Amanda Grafton, John Griggs, Manfred Groemminger, Jeff Grube, Shanna, Shirley and Wanda Harding, Ellie Hassfurther, Michael, Pat, and Roy Hawkins, Jenny Hembree, Marlin Holt, Reagan Hopf, Paul Hornstein, Jane Hovis, JJ (Jim) Jones, David Johnson, Megan Johnson, Jeff & Mona Jones, Irene Kaiser, James Lannan, Patty Lannan Louise Lee, Paula Lengacher, Kelly LeTourneau, Mark Lehmkuhler, Betty Lindley, Nancy (Miller) Marlow, Bob McGuire, Jim & Sue Morrison, Alice Myrum, Jennifer Neumann, Lucas, Pam and Rob Niemeyer, Riley Osmon, Emil Oster, Pam Owens, John Padgett, Teresa Pevlor, Meg Pew, Betty and Jiggs Pieper, Georgia Anna Ragsdale, Charles Rasico, Hyla Richter, John Richardson, Kirk Sanders, Gerri Schnaus, Linda Schwager, Bill, Carson, Jonah, Kenley, & Terry Shaw, Eddie Tony Sims, Mary Lou Sims, Rob Smith, Adam Sorensen, Dale Inez Sorrells, Freda Stringer, Rosemary Stuckey, Marcia Stemle, Susie Stemle, Bonnie & Joe Summers, Maureen Thomas, Troy Tow, Karcyn Trambaugh, Frances Trout, George Templin, Duane Thomas, Tom Wagner, Rita & Dewey Weaver, Rob Webster, Bobbie White, Gerald and Ruby Wilcoxen, Alvin & Martha Wilheim, Rodney Wright.
If you would like to have your name or a loved one’s name listed for prayer, please call 812-295-2225.
Happy Birthday
The following are the birthdays of those who have registered in the parish.
July 12
Kayla Abel
Martin Burch
Zackary Lythgoe
Steve Nolan
July 13
Aryonna Braun
Kenneth Frye
Jonna Gerkin
Janice JesTes
Tom Jones
Joseph Rahman
July 14
Alice Lundy
Allison Lythgoe
Peg Neidigh
Brian Sutton
July 15
Andrea Divine
Anna Marie Hand
Haylie Mathias
Katie Milligan
Lauren Poirier
Sara Street
Chelsie Sutton
July 16
Tony Dant
Euan Graves
Matthew O’Connor
Jake Simmons
July 17
Jason Lubbehusen
Sean Lents
July 18
Dave Lengacher
Dottie Potts
Chelsey Strange
Anniston Toy
July 19
Donald Bowling
Margaret Bridgewater
Debra Fields
Clyde Hawkins
Robert Lythgoe
Larry Ridgway
George Templin
We are sorry that we had the wrong date for Allen Voegerl’s birthday. It is July 10th .