MUSA 232C-Keyboard Skills IV
Cypress College
Spring 2015
· Instructor: Dr. Huei-Ju Rose Chen
· Office Hours: All communication will be by email
· Email:
· Response time is generally within 24 hrs. Weekends will be answered on Monday.
Course Identification
· Course Number:MUSA 232 C CRN#23871
· Semester:SPRING 2015
· Time: MW 8-8:50am
· Room: FA 214D
· Prerequisites: A minimum grade of 'C' in MUSA 231 C or successful audition
Course Description
(CSU) This course is an advanced level in keyboard musicianship sequence. Rigorous individualized instruction will focus on keyboard harmony using secondary dominant chords, 3-voice choral score reading, specialized rhythm, intermediate to late intermediate standard repertoires, memorization, and self-critiquing skills. Pass/No Pass/Letter Grade Option.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of the course, successful students will have completed the course objectives and demonstrated the following learning outcomes:
A. Design a strategic plan for daily practice
B. Demonstrate careful listening and self-critiquing skills. Appraise self-evaluation using built-in recording device.
C. Create accompaniment patterns using dominant and secondary dominant (extending to V7/ii, V7/iii and V7/vi) chords.
D. Perform various early-intermediate piano repertoires, including choral score (extending to three-voices), solo and accompaniment, applying sight-reading skills.
E. Demonstrate ability to count rhythm extending to include three against two and syncopations.
F. Perform piano pieces including styles such as jazz, classical, national, hymn, and folk tunes.
G. Demonstrate proper technical approach to playing all major and minor scales and arpeggios using practical fingering.
H. Formulate a technique for transposing Bb clarinet part to concert pitch.
I. Evaluate mental, emotional and physical aspects that hinder memorization and cause performance anxiety.
Upon successful completion of MUSA 232 C Keyboard Skills IV, the student will be able to demonstrate late-intermediate technique in creating keyboard harmony and harmonizing a given melody.
Upon successful completion of MUSA 232 C Keyboard Skills IV, the student will be able to critique peer performances.
Upon successful completion of MUSA 232 C Keyboard Skills IV, the student will be able to demonstrate successful performance of assigned late-intermediate piano literature.
**Please order your books online, at the campus bookstore, or at
· The Complete Book of Scales, Chords, Arpeggios & Cadences by Willard A. Palmer. Alfred Publishing.
· Michael Aaron Piano Course Lessons Grade Four by Michael Aaron. Warner Bros. Publishing.
Topics, Assignments and Important Dates
*Repertoire will be assigned to each topic. Students must practice the assigned music and be prepared to play for the instructor (one-on-one) in class at least once a week to get evaluation and feedback. Scales, Chords, and Arpeggios in all keys will be practiced throughout the semester.
Week / Date / Topic1 / 1/26
1/28 / Introduction. Scales, Chords, and Arpeggios.
C major and A minor.
The Sonata.
2 / 2/2
2/4 / G major and E minor
Alberti bass. Broken chords. / 2/8: Last day to drop without W
3 / 2/9
2/11 / F major and D minor
4 / 2/16
2/18 / Technique: Repeated notes. Contraction of Hands.
D Major and B minor / 2/16 President’s Day
5 / 2/23
2/25 / Technique: Octave.
6 / 3/2
3/4 / Technique: Arpeggio playing.
Bb Major and G Minor
7 / 3/9
3/11 / A major and F# minor
8 / 3/16
3/18 / Technique: Playing thirds
9 / 3/23
3/25 / Review and Midterm / Mid-term on 3/25
10 / 4/6
4/8 / Eb major and C minor.
Chordal playing.
11 / 4/13
4/15 / E major and C# minor
Layers and voicing.
12 / 4/20
4/22 / Ab major and F minor / 4/26: Last day to drop with W
13 / 4/27
4/29 / B Major and G# major
Introduction of different L.H. accompaniment styles.
14 / 5/4
5/6 / Db major and Bb minor
15 / 5/11
5/13 / Gb major and Eb minor
16 / 5/18
5/20 / Review and Final / Final on 5/20
Attendance is mandatory. Learning piano is acquiring a new skill. In order to make progress you must come to class to see teacher’s demonstration, participate in exercises, and receive teacher’s feedback. Students that attend regularly and on time generally do better. A student is in jeopardy of being dropped from the roll due to absences or lack of participation. Grade will be lowered 3% for each absence and 2% for each tardy. Individual problems of extended absence due to illness or other cause may be resolved by consultation with the instructor. For more information go to and click on the "Schedule and Catalog" link.2014-2015 Cypress College Catalog.
Grading policy A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C= 70-79 D= 60-69 F 0-59
Students will be graded on the following:
Attendance: 20%
Performance of the assigned music: 50%
Midterm and Final: 30%
Admissions and Records
Is the first contact students will generally have with Cypress College. The Office provides clear and concise information to all members of the community. The Admissions and Records Office is located on the first floor of the Student Center. Cypress College 2014-2015 Catalog.
Sexual Harassment/Discrimination Policy
Students who believe they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination, including sexual harassment, or who seek information regarding the District’s Unlawful Discrimination Policy, should contact the Office of the District Director of Human Resources. Cypress College 2014-2015 Catalog.
Food/Beverage Policy
No food in the classroom! Only water to drink.
Pager/Cell Phone Policy
All electronic devices will be turned off during rehearsal/class time. Please turn these devices off before entering.
Academic Honesty Policy
Please click on and click on the "Schedule and Catalog" link. This is the Cypress College Academic Honesty Policy, which can also be found in the Cypress College 2014-2015 Catalog.
Student Services
For your student and instructional service needs, click on
Campus Safety
Provides escort service upon request at (714) 484-7387.
Special Needs Students with verified disabilities requiring accommodations should make a specific request of the instructor at the beginning of the semester or one week prior to the specified need.
The Webpage for counselors and their e-mail addresses is located under Counseling on the Cypress College Website at
Availability of On-Campus Computers On-campus computers for student use are in the Library and Learning Resource Center.
Tips For Success
The successful student is independent, self-motivated, willing to learn on-their-own, and willing to ask questions as soon as questions arise. They are also good with written instructions, good at expressing themselves in writing, and are aware that technology is as much a convenience as a barrier.
Stay on task and be aware of your personal timelines when completing assignments.
Cypress College Library Learning Resources
The Music Library is located on the second floor of the Fine Arts Building Room 212
The library web page provides access to an online catalog listing the library holdings from Cypress, Fullerton, Golden west, Orange Coast, Cal State Fullerton and Cal State Long Beach. Students will need their campus ID card to check books out from these libraries.
Online Writing Lab
(OWL) OWL brings the writing center services to cyberspace. Besides a host of links and downloadable handouts for writers, the OWL also offers interactive exercises, Power Point lessons, tutor email and a tutor chat room. OWL is located at: