Division II Place Winners - OklahomaState Science & Engineering Fair - 2008
Biochemistry, Medicine and Health
1st, SummerHill, 8th Grade, Owasso 8th GradeCenter
This test is eating me alive! Do pre-test snacks affect memory?
2 nd, CurtisParton, 8 th Grade, GroveMiddle School
Sticky Solutions
3 rd, TobieRabe, 8 th Grade, GroveMiddle School
The effects of a prescription anticonvulsant medication with an over the counter analgesic and anti-inflammatories
4 th, Michelle Richey,7 th Grade, Evangelistic TempleSchool
Which mascara stays on the best?
Behavioral and Social Science
1 st, SkyeSingleton, 9 th Grade, BartlesvilleMid-HighSchool
Singing...Brainfood for Alzheimer’s Patients?
2 nd, JonathanParker, 9 th Grade, Union Intermediate HS
Lights, camera, reaction
3 rd, AudreyMatheny, 7 th Grade, Classen Sch of Adv Studies
Do Cockroaches prefer apples or bananas to eat?
4 th, StephanieLee, 8 th Grade, Classen Sch of Adv Studies
Is There A Reason Why Students Will Avoid Mathematics?
5 th, MorganKnox, 7 th Grade, GroveMiddle School
First Impression Confessions
1 st, RachealHole, 9 th Grade, GrovePublic School
Covering with Tritcum aestivium: The effects of Triticum aestivium on Glycine max and Zeo mays germination and growth rate
2 nd, SaraNix, 8 th Grade, GroveMiddle School
Flower Power An Ecological Study of Marigold Flowers and Roots
3 rd, KevinPauly, 9 th Grade, Union Intermediate HS
Moldy Wood
4 th, MadisonFord, 8 th Grade, WagonerMiddle School
Killer Chlorine: The affects of chlorine on the germination of native grass seeds
1 st, CharlieBrewer, 8 th Grade, GroveMiddle School
Battle of the Falling Timbers
2 nd, Bolton Ferda, 7 th Grade, Medford Public Schools
Against the Wind: Aerodynamics of Aircraft Nose Cones
3 rd, RyanJobe, 8 th Grade, GroveMiddle School
Arrows Away
4 th, SeanEnglish, 7 th Grade, Moore West Jr. High
Robotic Gear Ratio’s and their affect on distance traveled
4 th, NourBaroud, 8 th Grade, Union 8th GradeCenter
Wings and Wind
Earth and Space Science
1 st, ParkerStambaugh, 8 th Grade, Emerson Jr. High
Slip Sliding Away
2 nd, SarahBrown, 8 th Grade, Shattuck Jr. High
Beach Bums
3 rd, TrevorGraham, 8 th Grade, MadisonMiddle School
Rockets, Aerial Photography, Altitude and Google Earth
4 th, SadieWoodall, 9 th Grade, Aline-CleoHigh School
Darn It! It Rained
4 th, James Reeves, 7 th Grade, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Cath
The Relation of Sunspots to the UV Index
Environmental Science
1 st, LaceyJobe, 8 th Grade, GroveMiddle School
How Green is your scum? A study of the effects of Fertilizer run-off on a conventional pond food chain
2 nd, GregoryeEpperson, 9 th Grade, GrovePublic School
Natures Remedy for Eutrophication: Effects of Juglans nigra & Juniperus virginiana leachates on algae & aquatic plant growth
3 rd, SaraGreen, 8Grove Public Schools
Heavy Metals...Heavy Problems: A Study of Acute and Chronic Toxicity on Lumbriculus variegatus and Asian Clams
EV4SarahHake8All Saints Catholic SchoolCool Canopies
Is Trapping Heat CO2’s Feat?
Mathematics and Computer Science
MC1Shane Eagen9BartlesvilleMid-HighSchoolParallax Project
MC2Aaliyah Edwards8DoveScienceAcademySecret Arrangement
MC3Brennan Hill8IdabelMiddle SchoolBackpack Blow Out
MC4Asheema Pruthi8Classen Sch of Adv Studies
What patterns form when numbers are translated from base ten to other bases?
MC4TylerDavidson9Westville Junior High SchoolWho’s #1?
Physical Sciences
P1Jessie Salisbury8Vici Public SchoolsPoint of Impact
P2JacobDodson8Lane SchoolHow Clean is Clean
P3Lauren Heald8Central Middle School
Microwaves: The Wave of the Future
P4JoeyWoodson8HomeSchoolMagnets and Motion
P5Joseph Fuzzell9BartlesvilleMid-HighSchool
What House Hold Fabrics are the most Flammable
ZO1CaitlinBeasley8Owasso 8th Grade Center
Potty Mouths Part II
ZO2Adrien Rutherford8Hilldale Middle School
Transformation Transfiguration: A study of the effects of UV light on painted lady butterflies
ZO3Chelsea Ellenberg9Latta High School
The Effect of Artificial Light on the Sleeping Habits of Mice
ZO4Gerard Franks7Classen Sch of Adv Studies
Will a fish’s number of gill openings change by the temperature of the water?
ZO4Bretton Medlin8Grove Middle SchoolLittle Shrimpers
Team Projects
T1Meghan Pantalia & Christina Park9Classen Sch of Adv Studies Flashback
T2TrishaMorris& Desiree Whitmarsh9ViciHigh SchoolMus Musculus
T3Clayton Kinsey & Jacob Trent7All Saints Catholic School
What’s My Life?
T4An-nam Tran, Bayan Abdallat & Estivalis Sandoval8
Dove Science Academy-OKC
Medicinal Yogrut: The Effect Spices and Herbs Have on Yogurt Bacteria Growth
T5TaylorAurentz & Taylor Garrett9Bartlesville Mid-High School The Effects of Caffeine on Volleyball