
Pontypridd Town Council

6.30pm Wednesday 24th September 2014

Municipal Chambers, Municipal Buildings,

Gelliwastad Road, Pontypridd


Councillor S Powderhill - Chair

Councillor L Bengough

Councillor A Bevan

Councillor Mrs J Brencher

Councillor S Carter

Councillor Mrs M Harvey

Councillor Mrs. C. Hull

Councillor G Williams

Councillor Mrs G Whiles

Councillor K Woodward

In attendance:

Gethin Williams Chief Executive

Rob Strange Direct Services Co-ordinator

Morwenna Perrott Curator, Pontypridd Museum

Jacqui Hopkins Administrative Officer

14. Apologies for absence:

Councillor K. Bennett, Councillor B Watts, Councillor B. John and Councillor K. Woodward.


That a get well card be sent to Councillor K. Bennett following his unfortunate accident.

15. Declaration of Interest:


16. Minutes:


16.1 The minutes of the Council Meeting on the 23rd July 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed.


That a letter be sent to Mick Antoniw AM requesting a meeting to discuss the paper he had submitted to the Welsh Government regarding the increased role for Town and Community Councils to discuss the concerns expressed by Members.

16.2 The minutes of the Staffing Short-listing Committee on 11th August 2014 be accepted and adopted.

16.3 The minutes of Staffing Committee on 20th August 2014 be accepted and adopted but with the amendment to show that Councillor Carter and Councillor Powderhill had been present.

16.4 The minutes of the Policy and Finance Committee on 10th September 2014 be accepted and adopted but with the correction of Council Bengough’s initial to “L” Bengough.


To note that there was a £1,252.01 underspend on the Small Grant Scheme budget 2014/15 and that it would be for Committee to decide whether to award further grants.

17. Town Mayor’s Announcements

- the Deputy Mayor had represented the Town Council on Saturday, 30th August 12014, at the United Reform Chapel, St. David’s.

- The Mayor had attended the Annual Ynysybwl Festival. He mentioned that he was proud to attend the festival as he had been brought up in Ynysybwl.

- the Family Fun Day had been a great success and the Mayor thanked all the Members that had attended. He also thanked the staff who had organised the event at short notice.

- the Mayor also referred to the opportunity that existed to work with and in partnership with Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC.

18. Chief Executive’s Report:

18.1 Community Boundaries and Electoral Arrangements Review

Members noted the information on the Review of Community Boundaries and Electoral Arrangements proposed by Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC. Proposals were being forwarded to the Boundary Commission which could lead to some additional properties and 151 electorate increase for the Town Council.


To note the information.

18.2 Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2014

The Chief Executive reported that by letter dated 30th July 2014, Mazars, the appointed Auditors by Wales Audit, had now substantially completed their audit work in accordance with the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2005 (as amended). Members noted that there were no issues in respect of which Mazars proposed to qualify its audit opinion on the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2014 and that there were no matters which they wished to draw to the attention of the Council. Further, Mazars had not identified any misstatements in Section 1 – Accountancy statements that required to be corrected.


a)  To note the letter dated 30th July 2014 from Mazars, the Appointed Auditor.

b)  To instruct the Chief Executive (Responsible Financial Officer) and Chair of the meeting to sign Section 3 (Council approval and Certification) in accordance with Regulation 8B of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2005 (as amended).

c)  To note that there were no issues in respect of which Mazars proposed to qualify their audit opinion on the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2013 and Mazars had not identified any misstatements in “Section 1 – Accounting Statements” that required to be corrected.

d)  That the Chief Executive forward the original Annual Return to Mazars as soon as possible with the appropriate information.

18.3 Reforming Local Government White Paper

The White Paper responded to the Local Government aspects of Public Service, Governance and Delivery report. The Chief Executive circulated a draft response to the above paper on behalf of Pontypridd Town Council.


That the letter circulated by the Chief Executive in response to the Local Government White paper be forwarded to the Welsh Government on behalf of the Town Council.

18.4 Play for Wales

A copy of the latest Play for Wales booklet was reported detailing the work the work the organisation undertook.


To note the report.

18.5 Footfall Weekly Summary

Attached was a copy of the Pontypridd FootFall Weekly summary for the weeks commencing:

4 and 11th August 2014.


To note the summary and the additional 2,000 or so people who were in Pontypridd on the Vintage Transport Day.

18.6 Sustaining Community Services

The Chief Executive had received a response dated 3rd September 2014, from the Leader of RCTCBC in response to the Chief Executive’s letter dated 18th August 2014. The Mayor also encouraged Members to attend a meeting with the Leader of RCTCBC at the Hawthorn Leisure Centre on 2nd October 2014 to voice any concerns regarding the provision of services by that Authority.


To note the positive response received from the Leader of Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC to discuss “any plans and proposals” it might have which might lead to curtailing “services” in the Council’s area.

19. Direct Services Co-ordinators Report

Christmas Event – 15th November 2014

The Chair of the Direct Services and Regeneration Committee had requested a report to Council regarding additional funding for the Christmas Lights/Christmas event. In considering the funding, the Chief Executive also reported that there had been an underspend from the 2013/14 budget of £13,217.00. He further referred to the bids that had already been made from other Committees and by officers for additional funding for 2014/15.

It was pointed out to Members that at the 2014/15 budget/precept meetings it had been agreed to reduce the funding for the "Christmas event" by £2,000.00 compared with the 2013/14 budget which was £17,000.00. The “Christmas lights” budget for 2012/13 had been £18,000.00 but had been reduced to £12,000 for 2014/15.

The Mayor also reported that funding possibly was available from Rhonda Cynon Taff CBC for the Christmas event.


(a) To contact Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC regarding the now anticipated additional funding for the Christmas event.

(c) To delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chairs and Vice Chairs of Policy and Finance and Direct Works and Regeneration Committees authority to agree additional funding for the 2014 Christmas event on the 15th November and that the consultation meeting take place as urgently as possible. Any additional funding agreed to be reported to Members in due course.

(d) To refer the financial bids for additional budget funding for 2014/15 to the next meeting of the Policy and Finance Committee.

20. Correspondence Received

- GTFM Press Release

- Muni campaign

- Network Rail


To note the correspondence received.

21. Planning Applications:


To note the applications and to note that in respect of planning application 14/1036/10 construction had started on the property and that the South Wales Police had sought a review of the Premises Licence at 34 Taff Street Pontypridd.

The meeting closed at 7.35 pm.

Signed: ______

Cllr S Powderhill – Chairperson

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24th September 2014