Muncy School District

Board of Education

Regular Monthly Public Meeting

January 20, 2014

The Muncy School District Board of Directors held their regular monthly public meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Muncy Junior/Senior High School Library, 200 West Penn St., Muncy, PA 17756

Present were: President Scott McLean, Vice-President Mary Bennardi, Treasurer Carla Auten, Scott Johnson, Rhondel Moyle, Lisa Sleboda, Kimberly Spring-Winters, Robert Titman, and Sarah Woodward.

Members of the administration present were: Superintendent Portia Brandt, Business Administrator David Edkin, Elementary Principal Frank Jankowski, High School Principal Timothy Welliver, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Kimberly Hamilton, and Solicitor David Smith.

President McLean called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.

There were three visitors present.

Mr. Titman moved to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2013 Special Topic Meeting (Board Reorganization) and the December 16, 2013 Regular Public Meeting of the Muncy School District Board of Directors. Dr. Bennardi seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Ms. Sleboda moved to approve the following December 2013 Financial Reports:

1. Treasurer’s Report

2. General Fund

3. Food Service Report

4. Student Activities Fund

Mrs. Auten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Copied in Minute Book)

Ms. Woodward moved to approve the Muncy School District Single Audit Package for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Mrs. Auten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Filed in District Office)

Ms. Woodward moved to approve the following agreements: (Copied in Minute Book)

Vendor/Seller Services/Commodity/Cost

Brelsford Transportation, Inc. Pupil Transportation Services/Yr. 1=$389,493

Hess Energy Marketing, LLC Natural Gas/Through June 2015/$3.46-$3.93 per Dth

Naomi Matlack Sale of Real Property: 205 Painter St./$112,000

Ms. Moyle seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Muncy School District

Board of School Directors

Regular Monthly Public Meeting

January 20, 2014

Page 2

Ms. Woodward moved to approve the draft 2014-2015 Muncy School District Calendar. Ms. Sleboda seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Copied in minute book)

Mr. Titman moved to approve the following revised Board policies: (Copied in minute book)

222 – Tobacco Use (Pupils)

323 – Tobacco Use (Administrative Employees)

423 – Tobacco Use (Professional Employees)

523 – Tobacco Use (Classified Employees)

537 – Vacation (Classified Employees)

Mrs. Auten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Mrs. Auten moved to approve the following:



Jessica Way*, Health and Physical Education

Rebecca Weikel, Early Childhood, Special Education K-8

Serena Horan, Early Childhood

Brian Zysset, Health and Physical Education

*Pending receipt of Teaching Certificate

Mr. Johnson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Mr. Johnson moved to approve the following:



Landa Frederick

Position: Technology Support Assistant

Effective: January 21, 2014


Christine Lowe

Position: Elementary Cafeteria Head Cook

Effective: June 6, 2014

Muncy School District

Board of School Directors

Regular Monthly Public Meeting

January 20, 2014

Page 3



Annissa Snyder

Position: Cafeteria Stock Room Attendant/Transport

Rate of Pay: $9.00 per hour, 3.5 hours per day, 4 days per week

Effective: January 2, 2014

Lucinda Knier*

Position: High School Library Aide

Rate of Pay: $7.75 per hour, 7:30-2:30 daily, 180 days per year, no benefits

Effective: January 21, 2014

Unpaid Leave

One (1) day, January 10, 2014 of unpaid leave for medical reasons for Bonnie Montgomery.

Dr. Bennardi seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Ms. Sleboda moved to approve the following:



Position Name Effective Classification

Elementary Intramural Wrestling

Volunteer John Nixon Winter 2013-2014 --


Volunteer William Neil Spring 2014 --

Volunteer Brandon Shrawder Spring 2014 --

Volunteer Stacy Fry Spring 2014 --

Varsity Football

Head Coach Jay Drumheller Fall 2014 I

Field Hockey

Varsity Head Coach Rae Ellah Biddle Fall 2014 II

Junior High Head Coach Rae Ellah Biddle Spring 2014 V

Junior High Ass’t Coach Michelle Dubbs Spring 2014 VII

Girls Tennis

Varsity Head Coach Matt McCrone Fall 2014 II

Ms. Woodward seconded the motion. There were eight (8) “yes” votes and one (1) “no” vote. The motion passed with eight (8) votes. Mr. Titman voted “no”

Muncy School District

Board of School Directors

Regular Monthly Public Meeting

January 20, 2014

Page 4


Ms. Sleboda moved to approve the following:

Appointments (cont.)

Position Name Effective Classification

Varsity Soccer

Boys Head Coach Mark Wetherhold Fall 2014 II

Girls Head Coach Jim DeVore Fall 2014 II

Dr. Bennardi seconded the motion. There were seven (7) “yes” votes and two (2) “no” votes. The motion passed with seven (7) votes. Mrs. Auten and Mr. Titman voted “no”.

Mrs. Auten recommended approval of the Opt Out Resolution which limits the 2014-2015 fiscal year increase in any tax to no more than 2.7%. Dr. Bennardi moved to approve the recommendation. Ms. Moyle seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Copied in Minute Book)

Mr. Titman gave an update from the Foundation Committee on the progress of the formation of the Muncy Foundation. Mr. Titman also reported that a $125,000 grant was approved from First Community to rebuild the Muncy Area Pool Association main building.

The Board heard the following administrative reports:

Elementary Principal – Mr. Jankowski

High School Principal – Mr. Welliver

Director of Curriculum and Instruction – Dr. Hamilton

Business Administrator – Mr. Edkin

Superintendent – Dr. Brandt

·  School Director Recognition

The Board heard the following delegate reports:

-BLaST IU #17 – Ms. Woodward

-Lycoming County Career & Technology Center – Mr. Johnson

-PA School Boards Association – Mrs. Auten

Mr. McLean announced that an executive session for personnel was held before tonight’s meeting. He also announced that an executive session for personnel will be held after tonight’s meeting.

There being no further business, Mrs. Auten moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m.

Ms. Woodward seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Board Secretary