(A PSU of Govt. of India, Ministry of Railways)
No.MRVC-10013(004)/1/2017 Dt.10.11.2017
To, / Tender No. : 10013(004)/1/2017Due Dt. : 28.11.2017ClosingTime : 12:00 Hrs.
Sub.: Printing & Supply of `Office File’.
Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation invites sealedquotation for procurement of following items from original manufacturers /authorised dealers as per specification given below:
Consignee / Item Description / Qty. & UnitCh.OS/G, MRVC, Churchgate / File folder of white soft card paper with MRVC’s name, address (both in Hindi & English) and logo printed on cover page and fixing paper holding clips from inside on both pages as per sample.
Note: Sample to be seen in MRVC’s office, Churchgate
Sample to be shown and got approved before final printing. / 3000 Nos
You are requested to drop your sealed quotation in the tender box kept in MRVC office at Churchgate (cover/ envelope should not be open & the ends of both the sides of the cover/envelope should be closed and pasted properly) by 12.00 hours on 28/11/2017. The envelope containing quotation should be super scribed as “Tender No.10013(004)/1/2017for `Office File’ due on 28/11/2017.”
All benefits/ facilities to the MSE firms under the provisions of Public Procurement Policy for MSE’s order 2012 will be followed. If registered with NSIC, MSME, etc., copy of registration to be attached.
If you are not a MSE or a consortia of MSEs formed by NSIC, please indicate percentage of sub contracts in execution of this tender that will be from Micro and Small Enterprise (in percent of order value) with further breakup of MSE owned by SC/ST. (Information will be provided in % terms with 6 fields; Micro owned by SC, Micro owned by ST, Micro owned by Others, Small industry owned by SC, Small industry owned by ST, Small industry owned by Others)
The terms and conditions will be as under:
- Rate: Firm to quote Basic Rate, taxes & duties and other statutory levies separately, if any, in their offer. Rate quoted should be invariably in figures and words.
- Tenderers will examine the various provisions of The Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (CGST)/ Integrated Goods and Service Act, 2017 (IGST)/ Union Territory Goods and Service Act, 2017 (UTGST)/ respective state’s State Goods and Services Tax Act (SGST) also, as notified by Central/ State Govt & as amended from time to time and applicable taxes before bidding. Tenderers will ensure that full benefit of Input Tax Credit (ITC) likely to be availed by them is duly considered while quoting rates.
- The successful tenderer who is liable to be registered under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST Act shall submit GSTIN along with other details required under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST Act to MRVC immediately after the award of contract, without which no payment shall be released to the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for deposition of applicable GST to the concerned authority.
- In case the successful tenderer is not liable to be registered under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST Act, MRVC shall deduct the applicable GST from his/ their bills under reverse charge mechanism (RCM) and deposit the same to the concerned authority.
- Taxes: MRVC will not provide any concessional Tax forms.
- Terms of Delivery: Free at MRVC, 2nd Floor, ChurchgateStn. Bldg., and Mumbai 20 within 3-4 weeks from the date of PO.
- Inspection: Will be carried out by the Consignee on receipt of material at consignee’s premises. निरीक्षण– निरीक्षण कनसाइनी द्वारा एमआरवीसी कार्यालय में किया जायेगा.
- Liquidated Damages: Delayed supply will attract LD charges as per IRS conditions of contract. Upper limit for liquidated damages will be 10% of value of delayed supplies irrespective of delays, unless otherwise provided specifically in the contract.
- SVC: Variation in statutory levies will be allowed only within the original DP.
- Validity: Validity of the offer should be minimum 45 days.
- Payment: 100% payment shall be made after receipt & successful installation. Payment of Rs.10,000/- & above will be made through ECS.
- IRS conditions of contract will be applicable.
Yours faithfully,
मु.का. अधिक्षक/भंडार
कृते भंडार नियंत्रक
______Office: 2nd Floor, Churchgate Station Building, Mumbai – 400 020
Tel: 022-2201 4623 ; Fax: 022-2209 6972