History 2320
United States History
Fall 2006
Quiz 11
Multiple Choice. Select the BEST answer.
1. The Silent majority referred to:
a. conservative working and middle class citizens.
b. college girls.
c. the coalition of ethnic minorities.
d. all of the above.
2. Which of the following nations did Nixon open relations with?
a. North Vietnam.
b. People’s Republic of Korea.
c. China.
d. South Africa.
3. The undercover operatives directed to control leaks and engineer "dirty tricks" against Nixon's political opponents were officially known as
a. mechanics.
b. rooters.
c. creeps.
d. plumbers.
4. Who became president upon the resignation of Richard Nixon?
a. Walter Mondale.
b. Spiro T. Agnew.
c. Jimmy Carter.
d. Nelson Rockefeller.
e. none of the above.
5. The SALT I agreement:
a. ended the arms race.
b. greatly limited the development of new weapons systems.
c. set limits on certain nuclear weapons.
d. prohibited either side from producing or possessing intercontinental ballistic missiles.
6. “Herbisms” refers to:
a. the strange sayings of Henry Kissinger.
b. code words created by the Plumbers.
c. the strange sayings of the 1980 US Olympic Hockey coach Herb Brooks.
d. none of the above.
7. In his 1972 re-election bid, Nixon:
a. helped the Republicans regain control of Congress.
b. barely won the popular vote and electoral vote.
c. swept the electoral college, winning over 500 electoral votes.
d. won with a plurality.
8. Which of the following statements about Richard Nixon is NOT true:
a. He was Eisenhower’s Vice President.
b. He was from California.
c. He was a Quaker.
d. He was a Catholic.
9. He resigned as vice president in 1973:
a. Gerald Ford.
b. Abraham Lincoln.
c. Lyndon Johnson.
d. none of the above.
10. Which hockey team won the gold medal in the 1980 Olympic Games:
a. Czechoslovakia.
b. the Soviet Union.
c. the United States.
d. none of the above.