Test 2 Name______

100 points possible

Multiple Choice – 2 points each – pick the BEST answer for each:

____1.The raw_input command takes the following types of data from the keyboard:




(d)all of these

____2.The addition of the character "\n" to a string puts the following into the output:

(a)the letter n

(b)a blank line

(c)a new line

(d)a back slash character

____3.In Python a while loop must have several lines of code.



____4.In Python the two statements below both produce the same result.

print "Hello"

print "Hello"



____5.The Python command: str = raw_input("Type a string: " ).rstrip( "\n" ) would put what into str?:

(a)whatever was typed plus a new line at the end

(b)whatever was typed minus a new line at the end

(c)whatever was typed at the keyboard

(d)whatever was typed minus a new line at the beginning

(e)whatever was typed plus a new line at the beginning

____6.In Python, it is possible to write a loop that never ends.



____7.All of the following are types of arguments in Python EXCEPT:

(a)default arguments

(b)variable-length arguments

(c)optional arguments

(d)keyword arguments

(e)required arguments

Short Answer – 3 points each

1.Give one reason why using the input statement in Python is unsafe compared to using raw_input.

2. Briefly describe the main difference between the rstrip function and the strip function.

3.Give the output of the following:

name = raw_input("Enter your name: ").strip()

email = raw_input("Enter your email: ").strip()

print"Hello %s!\nThe email address we have for you is %s. " % (name, email)

  1. What list is returned by each of the function calls below?




  1. Explain the difference between the "pass" statement and the "continue" statement as they relate to loops.
  1. Give the output of the following code:

for letter in "Python":

if letter == "t":


print "Current Letter : ", letter

7.Give the output of the following code.

x = 1

while x<5:

print x

x = x + 1

print x

  1. Give the output of the following code.

x = 1

while x in [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]:

if x == 3:

print "yahoo"

elif x == 7:

print "google"

elif x == 9:



print "maybe"

x = x + 2

  1. Explain the difference between calling a function and defining a function.

Short answer – points vary

1)(10 points total) Write the Python code for the following flowchart (don"t forget comments!):

2) (10 points) Draw a flowchart (either style) for the following code:

def godoit(top):

print "Yea", top


junk = 12

for m in range(6):

if m == 5:

print "m is 5"


else if m > 0:

print junk, " divided by ", m, " is ", junk/m



print "computers do not like dividing by 0"

3)(9 points) Give the output of the following Python program:

def godoit(top):

print "Yea ", top


junk = 12

for m in range(6):

if m == 5:

print "m is 5"


else if m > 0:

print junk, " divided by ", m, " is ", junk/m



print "computers do not like dividing by 0"

4)(10 points) Draw a flowchart to solve the following problem:

Problem: Count the number of times an input from the user via the keyboard is a real number between 3 and 27. The user will continue to give input until a value less than 0 is input. The program should print only one statement similar to "You put in 6 values between 3 and 27."

5)(10 points) Write the Python code to solve the following problem (don"t forget comments!):

Problem: Count the number of times an input from the user via the keyboard is a real number between 3 and 27. The user will continue to give input until a value less than 0 is input. The program should print only one statement similar to "You put in 6 values between 3 and 27."

6)(10 points) Give the output of the following program:

def quench(one, two = 25):

three = one + two

return three

first = 5

second = 10

third = 20

print first, " and ", second, " quenched is = ", quench(first, second)

print quench(third)

print third, " and ", first, " quenched is = ", quench(third, first)

print first + second + quench(third)