Lumberton High School
Multimedia and Web Design (6414)
Beth B. Brill, NBCT, Instructor
Course Syllabus & Procedures 2013-2014
Course Description
This course focuses on graphic image design, desktop publishing, multimedia production, and web page design. Communication skills and critical thinking are reinforced through software applications. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course are service learning, field trips, and job shadowing. Simulations, projects, teamwork, and FBLA leadership activities, meetings, conferences, and competitions provide opportunities for application of instructional competencies.
Course Standards and Indicators
EssentialStd # / Units, Essential Standards, and Indicators
(The Learner will be able to: / Course
Weight / Days / Dates
1.00 / Understand desktop publishing / 23%
1.01 Investigate typefaces and fonts. (4%) / 3 / 8/28-8/30
1.02 Investigate design principles and elements. (7%) / 5 / 9/3-9/9
1.03 Demonstrate desktop publishing. (12%) / 10 / 9/10-9/27
2.00 / Understand graphic image design & computer animation. / 25%
2.01 Investigate graphic image design. (15%) / 12 / 9/30-10/16
2.02 Develop computer animations. (10%) / 8 / 10/17-10/30
3.00 / Understand multimedia production and webpage design.
3.01 Explore multimedia systems, elements, and presentations. (25%) / 52% / 18 / 10/31-12/3
3.02 Develop webpages. (27%) / 19 / 12/4-1/13
Total Course Weight / 100%
Exams / 4
Student Grades
Students will be able to access their grades at until PowerSchools is made available to parents. After I provide them with the course code, they must setup their own Engrade account and login. Please take time to access their grades on a regular basis to track progress. Should you ever have any questions or concerns, please message me via Engrade or call the school and setup an appointment.
Classroom Rules
- Respect others: always be polite and considerate of other people’s feelings and rights.
- Respect yourself: always come to class prepared and ready to work and participate.
- Respect your surroundings: adhere to classroom procedures (on back) and Internet Agreement.
1. When you come to class, be seated and login immediately. Do not put your books down and leave.
2. When I want the attention of the class, I will say “Three, two, one…” or I will use the Quiet Signal. At this time I expect you stop talking, stop doing, and listen to instructions.
3. All assignments must include your name, course title, class period and date.
4. Place your completed assignments in the appropriate tray on the table or in your notebook as directed.
5. Graded assignments will be placed in your hanging file for your class period.
6. You may sharpen pencils before class starts or if it breaks you may sharpen it only if I am not instructing at that time.
7. When absent you may look at the Calendar of Work in Net Docs or in Engrade for any missed assignments.
8. During emergency alert signals, stop working and listen to instructions.
9. When you finish work early, you should continue working on any missing assignments.
10. All assignments will have a deadline. Please adhere to the date specified, not 2 or 3 days later. It will not be accepted without penalty.
11. If you have a question, raise your hand, and I will address you in a timely manner. Please wait your turn.
12. The use of the restroom should be limited to emergencies. If you feel it is absolutely necessary, complete the restroom log with name, date, time out, time returned. The log will be located on the table at the door.
13. You are required to sign for documents that are to be taken home to parents.
14. If you have a problem staying on task, and somehow find yourself in your e-mail or surfing the web, you will receive a 0 for the assignment and your parents will be called.
15. Only screw top drinks will be allowed in class…no can drinks or fast food cups. You may take a sip of your drink, but please recap it immediately to prevent accidental equipment damage.
16. PLEASE don't talk while I am talking.
17. Use the computer that is assigned to you.
18. NO electronic devices permitted unless you have my permission.