Multicultural Youth Ambassadors

Member Application Form 2016

Thank you for you interest in being a Multicultural Youth Ambassador for MYAN NSW. Before you apply please read the ‘What does being a Multicultural Youth Ambassador Involve?’ section of this application form.

Applications close Friday29thJanuary.

The application process involves:

  1. Submission of this member application form
  2. Referee checks

All applications are considered confidential – the information you provide will not be shared without your permission.

If you have any questions or need help completing this application form, please contact Alex Long at MYAN NSW via email: mobile: 0403 527 126.

What does being a Multicultural Youth Ambassador involve?

There are many ways you can be involved in the MYAN NSW Multicultural Youth Ambassador program.

  1. Be part of the MYAN NSW organising team for the UNHCR Global Refugee Youth Consultations

In February to April this year, MYAN NSW will be holding a series of consultations with refugee young people as part of UNHCR’s Global Refugee Youth Consultation program. We are looking for young people to be part of the team who guides and conducts these consultations. We will be joining forces with the Centre for Refugee Research at UNSW to train you in facilitation skills. Training will be held in February. If you wish to be part of the organising team, this training is compulsory.

  1. Be an advocate for multicultural young people

Are you a social change maker? Do you want to learn new skills in advocacy, leadership, communication, public speaking, community organising? Do you want to guide the work of NSW’s only state-wide multicultural youth specialist organisation?

The Multicultural Youth Ambassadors program is a mechanism for MYAN NSW to consult directly with young people and ensure that young people’s voices are integral in the work of our organisation. We also want to work with you on a range of advocacy issues and support you to take action on the issues that are important to you.

  1. Write for us

Are you a budding journalist? Want to use your creative flair to do some good? We’re looking for young writers who are keen to shine a light on issues facing refugee and migrant young people, their stories, successes and challenges.

First name
Date of birth
Cultural background
Suburb & Postcode
Languages spoken
Phone number
Email address
What is the best way to contact you? (E.g. SMS, email, phone)
Current occupation/study / Studying full time
Studying part time
Not studying
Place of study: / Working full time
Working part time
Not working
Place of work:
I would like to be involved in the Multicultural Youth Ambassadors program by:
(You can choose as many options as you like) / Being part of the organising team for the UNHCR Global Refugee Youth Consultations
Being an advocate for multicultural young people
Writing for MYAN NSW
Areas of interest:
(You can choose as many options as you like) / Education and training
Housing and homelessness
Mental health
Human rights
Domestic violence
LGBTIQ issues
Gender equality / Settlement
Social cohesion and harmony
Social media and online communication
The Arts
Sport and recreation
How did you find out about the MYAN NSW Multicultural Youth Ambassadors program? / Youth/settlement worker
MYAN NSW staff member
MYAN NSW website / MYAN eNews
Friend / family
Please list ......
Please answer the following questions in the space provided.
  1. Why are you interested in being a MYAN NSW Youth Ambassador?
  1. Please tell us about leadership or advocacy activities you are involved in.
  1. What leadership skills and experience could you bring as a Multicultural Youth Ambassador?
  1. In your opinion, what are the most important issues facing young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in your community?
  1. What issues are you passionate about?
  1. Is there anything else you would like to share to support your application?

Please provide the names and contact details of two referees that we can contact.
An example of a referee might be a teacher, youth worker, settlement worker, coach, employer or community leader.
Please do not list immediate family members. / Referee 1
Relationship to you:
Referee 2
Relationship to you:
Who is MYAN NSW?
The Multicultural Youth Affairs Network (MYAN) NSW is the state-wide multicultural youth specialist organisation. We engage, connect and build the capacity of the youth and multicultural sectors to effectively meet the needs of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Our vision is that all young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in NSW can access the support and opportunities they need to be active citizens in Australian society.
To achieve this, it is the role of MYAN NSW to:
  • Respond to government policies and practices affecting multicultural young people;
  • Coordinate information and take action on issues affecting multicultural young people and their families;
  • Enhance the capacity of services working with multicultural young people;
  • Enhance the capacity of multicultural young people to advocate on issues important to them;
  • Contribute to research and produce resources and publications on multicultural youth issues;
  • Participate in MYAN Australia, the national peak body that represents the rights and interests of refugee and migrant young people.
The MYAN NSW Youth Ambassadors program will:
  • Provide input to the work of MYAN NSW;
  • Provide an opportunity for MYAN NSW to consult directly with young people and ensure that young people’s voices are reflected in the work of MYAN NSW;
  • Provide a mechanism to strengthen the leadership and advocacy skills of multicultural young people;
  • Provide opportunities for young people to influence the agenda on multicultural youth issues at a state level;
  • Be the youth voice of MYAN NSW.

Your role as a Multicultural Youth Ambassador is a 12-month commitment. Multicultural Youth Ambassadors will meet every 2 months (in person or via teleconference), except in the case of the UNHCR Global Refugee Youth Consultation team. This group will meet more frequently during the planning, training and consultation period. It is expected that all members are active participants in the Multicultural Youth Ambassadors program and will fulfil a range of responsibilities.
Please tick if applicable:
I am a young person aged 12-25;
I am a young person from a refugee, migrant or culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background;
I am willing to take on the role of Multicultural Youth Ambassador for 12 months;
I am willing to attend meetings after business hours (after 5pm).
If you are younger than 18, please obtain the permission of a parent or guardian:
Name of parent / guardian:
Submitting your application
Please send your application to Ms Alex Long via email by Friday, January 29th 2016.