Multicultural Community Encounter Narrative, Reflective Essay and Presentation
Purpose: To engage students in action outside of the classroom and one’s own culture so as to learn about another culture. (Note: It is understood that you are not participating in this encounter to fully understand this particular group, because it would be impossible to make judgments about a group based on one encounter. Rather this experience is equally intended to help you reflect on the experience of being “different” from the group you are with and to examine your own feelings about being outside this group.)
Note:The most effective cross-cultural experience will be one in which there is social interaction, not simply observation from a distance or surface culture.
Step 1: Multicultural Community Encounter: Select a cross-cultural experience outside of your comfort level (an experience with a culture with whom you are not familiar). Experiences could include:
- Attending a group meeting and listen to issues and concerns;
- Visiting a community event (as in a gay pride event, Black Awareness Walk, religious service);
- Interviewing someone of a different cultural identity;
- Attending speeches or seminars with a cultural theme;
- Visit the Social Services office in your community. Ask for the paperwork you would need to apply for assistance. Sit in the office and complete the paperwork. Meet with a social services staff member (explain that you are taking a course), and ask questions about the obstacles someone faces when they need assistance from Social Services.
- Attending a cultural festival can only count if the student considers the event with deeper reflection (not a report on surface culture such as food, clothes and holidays);
- Contact or visit a refugee services office in your community. Ask if you can assist a family who is relocating in your area. (Take them to the grocery store; give them a ride to work regularly). Meet with a staff member and find out about the obstacles a new immigrant might face in your neighborhood.
- If unable to participate in an encounter “activity” because of work and family responsibilities: Reading a book from a different perspective (e.g. Muslim, Native, Sexual Orientation).
Step 2. Reflective Essay: Write a 3 page reflective essay on
- Why you chose this multicultural encounter.
- What you experienced during this encounter.
- What you learned from this encounter.
Cultural Synthesis Narrative: Pre & Post Course Self-Assessment & Visual Representation
Purpose: To use writing as a tool to synthesize your thinking regarding multicultural issues and education. Minimum of 5 pages.
Section 1: Growth and Change:
- What about my thinking is the same and different from my thinking at the beginning of the course?
- At what Stage of Ethnic Identity would I place myself? (See Howard WCT, Ch. 5).
- What reading has had the most significant impact on my thinking (positive or negative). What was the impact? Cite the reading and find a significant quote.
- What activity has had the most significant impact on my thinking (positive or negative). Why? What was the impact?
Section 2: Effects on Me as an Educator:
- How will my multicultural understanding affect me as an educator?
- What will be my biases?
- What do I need to reconsider?
- What do I want to learn more about?
Section 3: Artistic Representation: Create a representation of you as a multicultural thinker. Who are you and what do you believe? Formats can include:
- Poster: Sketches, Collage
- Sculpture
- Drawing/painting
- Monologue
- Poem
- Concept Web
- Song
- Other Format of your choice
These Artistic Representations will be shared with class in your final presentation.
Student Name: ______Date: ______
Multicultural Community Encounter Narrative and Reflective EssayComponents / Attributes / Score and Comment
Minimum 3 Page Total
Reflective Essay: Write a 3 page reflective essay on
- Why you chose this multicultural encounter.
- What you experienced during this encounter.
- What you learned from this encounter.
7 / Good description and reflection on what was learned.
6 / Lack of detail and little honest or authentic response to encounter
5 / Reporting only; no evidence of thoughtfulness; avoidance of issues
Writing Elements
Spelling, grammar, and citations have been edited. / 2 / Writing is error-free, or close to error free and is easy to read; organized; professional language
1 / Writing contains errors that make the writing problematic to read.
Total Points
Student Name: ______Date: ______
Synthesis Narrative: Pre & Post Course Self-Assessment & Visual RepresentationComponents / Attributes / Score and Comments
Minimum 5 Pages Total
Section 1: Growth and Change:
What about my thinking is the same and different from my thinking at the beginning of the course?
At what Stage of Ethnic Identity would I place myself? (See Howard WCT, Ch. 5).
What reading has had the most significant impact on my thinking (positive or negative). What was the impact? Cite the reading and find a significant quote.
What activity has had the most significant impact on my thinking (positive or negative). Why? What was the impact? / 4 / Questioning and exploring identity; demonstrates insight regarding change, ethnic identity, and meaningful course experiences.
3 / Awareness of identity, difference with previous views, shows some growth
2 / Little insight; difficulty describing change or impact of course
1 / No insight; awareness of change; unable to describe course influence; avoidance
Section 2: Effects on Me as an Educator:
- How will my multicultural understanding affect me as an educator?
- What will be my biases?
- What do I need to reconsider?
- What do I want to learn more
3 / Good reflection on impact; considers biases
2 / Minimal Reflection
1 / Lack of insight and synthesis for course content; avoids discussion of own biases.
Writing Elements / 2 / Writing is error-free, or close to error free and is easy to read; organized; professional language
1 / Writing contains errors that make the writing problematic to read.
Artistic Representation
Extra Points to whole project will be awarded. / 3 / Artistic Representation shows significant effort and thought.
The representation clearly represents an idea or element of change..
2 / Artistic Representation demonstrates some thoughtfulness and effort; it somewhat represents an idea or change.
0-1 / Artistic Representation shows little to no effort; it does not communicate an idea or change.
Total Points