

Multi-PI/PD Management Plan (RSP128)

Applicants must provide a Management Plan for every application proposing a multiple Principal Investigator/Program Director (PI/PD) approach (Policy No. 3364-70-22; PI/PD responsibilities on sponsored projects.). The purpose of the Management Plan is to facilitate and enhance scientific productivity and ensure that there is a decision-making process in place.It may be necessary to identify a single individual who can coordinate the project or serve as a tie-breaker in case of disagreements. Another option is to refer disagreements to an arbitration committee, department Chair, Dean, or a designated senior official at the institution. The Management Plan is recommended but not required for proposals with one PI and multiple Co-Investigators. The Plan should be signed by the investigators and submitted to the RSP office.(; ).Sample plans are listed following this form.

Proposal title:______

Co-PI Name/Date: ______

Co-PI Name/Date: ______

Co-PI Name/Date: ______

Use additional pages if necessary and describe:

(1) the roles and areas of responsibility of the named Co-PIs,

(2) the process for making decisions concerning scientific direction,

(3) the process for making decisions on the allocation of resources,

(4) how disputes will be handled.

Management Plan,Sample I

Because this proposal brings together a large number of partners and collaborators from across the nation, the only reasonable method of operation is that of a virtual research center that can utilize and direct the energies and creative imaginations of many different researchers and labs toward the ultimate goal of [fill in the purpose here].


The center will be directed by the principal investigator, who has extensive experience in guiding large teams of researchers. Each major task will be headed by a lead investigator who will direct the guide the work being conducted at several locations and labs across the country.

The work of this collaboration will be guided by the PI and an executive board composed of task leaders. The further guidance of an external advisory board composed of nationally recognized scientists and industry leaders not otherwise associated with the center will help direct the work of scientists working directly on the proposed research. As research progresses, the composition of the executive board will change to include appropriate topic leaders. Thus the leadership of the center will rotate and be primarily directed by those most appropriate to the main thrust of the center’s research.

The PI will be available at his office phone, by e-mail and by cell phone on a 24-hour basis in case of serious accident or unexpected event.


To promote communication and synergy among all partners in this enterprise, the PI and task leaders will hold a teleconference monthly to discuss and monitor progress and resolve problems. Semi-annual meetings will convene all scientists working on the project so that issues can be discussed and problems solved more expeditiously. These meetings will be held at rotating locations convenient to the majority of collaborators whose work is at the forefront of center activities at the time. The external advisory board will also meet at least semi-annually to review the work of the center researchers and their scientific progress.

Internal communications among task leaders and other scientists will be facilitated by teleconference capabilities, e-mail lists, a Website that will track milestone attainments and meeting schedules.

The center will conduct a number of outreach activities, including a yearly international research symposium beginning in the second year of the project. Periodic public meetings and presentations at national and regional conferences will keep the scientific community apprised of progress and developments. Scientists working on growing the material, characterizing it from multiple perspectives and testing its performance in various devices will publish their results in professional journals and, as noted above, will present findings at international, national and regional professional meetings. When major breakthroughs occur, the university’s media team will disseminate press releases.

3.Disputes and Mediation

Disputes that may arise in the course of the project will be resolved by consultation with all involved parties or by mediation if necessary.

4.Environmental and Health Concerns

All federal, state and local OSHA and EPA guidelines will be observed. The university has an on-site department of environmental safety and health that responds quickly to accidents and maintains oversight of safe laboratory practices. All necessary permits and protocols for hazardous substances, human subjects and animal use will be carefully obtained.

Management Plan,Sample II

The proposed project will have both an internal and an external advisory board; an executive committee composed of the principal investigator, co-investigators and a rotating group of key personnel; and a director.

The director will manage and orchestrate proposed activities; the part-time secretary will handle many day-to-day functions and special activities and events; a part-time information technology specialist will design and manage the proposed Website, links to other related sites, a calendar of events, a blog section.

The director will be chosen from within the University of Toledo community through an internal call for applications. The successful applicant will be selected by the executive committee in consultation with the internal advisory board. Informal conversations have already taken place with several nationally recognized scientists, all of whom have indicated their interest in serving as members of an external advisory board. This external advisory group will travel to UT twice during the project period (once at the end of the first year and once at the end of the second year or beginning of the third) to consult with the internal advisory board and key personnel about the progress of the project. During these visits they will undertake informal formative evaluations and provide expert advice on the activities conducted and proposed under the auspices of the project.

Major activities of the project will be initiated in stages. The first four to six months will be required to establish the two advisory boards and obtain the director, IT specialist and secretary. The following diagrams illustrate the organizational structure of project personnel and the proposed timeline and schedule of activities.

Figure 1. Organization Chart

Figure 2. Timeline and Benchmarks

Activities / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
Constitute external adv. bd. / ****
Constitute internal / ****
Select director / **** / ****
Hire IT specialist / ****
Hire secretary / ****
Create Web pages, blog, events calendar / ***** ***** / ****** ****** / ***** ***** / ***** ***** / ***** ***** / ***** ***** / ***** ***** / ***** ***** / ***** ***** / ***** *****
Climate surveys / **** / ****

RSP Proposal No.:______