3 MARCH 2015 AT 7PM

Present:Mrs BirdMr Potts

Mr GunnellMr Randle

Mr GrimshawMr Roberts

Mrs LamertonMr Tregoning

Mr T LeeMrs Welch

Mr MeridewMrs Wickens

Mrs Moore

Also Present:Mrs Bennett (Clerk)


The chair started by welcoming Mrs Lamerton, new Parent Governor, to the meeting.

2.Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Mrs Batley – holiday. Dr Cuff – holiday and Mrs Willey - illness.

3.Minutes & Matters Arising: 3.11.14; 9.12.14; 20.1.15; 22.1.15; 30.1.15

The Chair confirmed that more meetings had taken place as a result of the decision to request voluntary redundancies in the school. The Chair asked the Head to run through the process again for the benefit of the Full Board. The Head confirmed that an initial letter had been sent out to staff to see if there was any interest in voluntary redundancies. Following this, the voluntary redundancies received by him and presented to Governors, were accepted. There were changes to the curriculum which were manageable. This had made savings to the school. Mr Gunnell raised concerns around the delivery of PSHE, particularly as it could me made a compulsory subject. The Head advised that it was currently on hold but was dependent on the outcome of the appointment of the Assistant Headteacher post. The Chair advised that the governing body and SLT had looked at ways of reducing the deficit. The Chair advised that he could not see any significant change in the funding.


Mr Seaton went through the above programme for the benefit of the committee. 4matrix plotted the progress of students but was able to give an overview of where the school currently was. Amongst other things, the programme could show attainment and progress 8 data by student. The programme was able to highlight where students were below target which would give the school the opportunity of looking at those students to see if any interventions could be introduced to help improve their grades. Mrs Bird said it was a powerful tool which enabled the school to see quickly rather than having to manage individual data. The Chair advised that anything that will assist Governors in understanding the amount of data that comes through the school was useful to have.

5.Headteachers Report No. 38

The Head went through his report for the benefit of the Full Board. School numbers had increased to 535. Student numbers had been received from County and the projected intake for September looked to be around 109, which was much higher than anticipated. The school PAN was 115. The Head mentioned the FSM6 which was aimed at pupils who have received free school meals within the last six years. The school receives additional funding for those students and additional interventions were in place for those students.

The Head then went on to targets and was pleased with the outcomes from the data but remained cautious and would like to check the data to ensure the school would be able to achieve the projections indicated. The Head advised that the target for the school was 70%. The Head advised that not all students would achieve 3 levels of progress.


3 MARCH 2015 AT 7PM

Mrs Bird asked whether Ofsted would take an interest in projections and the Head advised they would particularly if you did not achieve this as it would indicate that the interventions were incorrect. Mrs Moore advised that teachers input two results, one is the controlled assessment the other is the mock result. To achieve 70%, the Head advised that some pupils would need to make 4 levels of progress. The Head advised that the school was running the minibus for students in Year 11 to enable them to stay after school for extra tuition. Governors were very happy with this initiative.

The Head advised that the attendance data was excellent at 95.1%. The Head confirmed that the school had invested in lesson monitor for registering attendance which would reduce the amount of admin required.

Raiseonline Value Added – the figure for the school was 1002.43. National Average was 1000. All Ebacc subjects were above the national average. The only subject not significantly above the national average was English. Overall the VA was good.

The final bullet point should have read 63% not 64%.

Mr Gunnell raised concerns that the gap looked as if it would be higher. The Head advised that the poor English results had affected this significantly but the Head felt that the data would be clearer by the end of the year. Mr Gunnell said it was important to monitor this and the Head confirmed that SLT were monitoring the gap.

The Head went through the staffing changes and confirmed that the school would have to recruit a maths teacher from September 2015, following the resignation of one of the teachers.

The Head confirmed that the internal vacancy to replace the Assistant Headteacher had been posted in the staffroom. The closing date was the 4 March 2015. The Head advised that he was looking at interviews taking place on Monday 16 March 2015.

The Music Teacher had settled in well and the Head of Performing Arts was very pleased with her appointment.

The SCITT student would be continuing with his placement at the school for a second term.

Performance Tables – the Head suggested a training session for Governors to discuss pupil progress and how it is measured. Governors were happy with this suggestion. Clerk to arrange.

The Head advised that a working group had been set up to look at replacing levels. Also a teaching and learning group had been set up to look at whole school marking and CPD.

The Head advised that governors needed to look at the funding for the performing arts department particularly as it was the school’s specialism.

Transition – the Head had visited all the Primary Heads. All Primary Heads wanted to meet regularly every half term. All were interested in co-operative working.

To create more learning space in the school,L block and E block now had tables and chairs and a plasma screen so they could be used as alternative learning spaces.


3 MARCH 2015 AT 7PM

The Chair asked the Head to go through the letter received from Jane Black regarding the school’s performance. This information had been shared with staff. The Head advised that the data showed consistency but the aim was to improve where possible.

6.Cooperative Trust Update

The Head advised that he had attended a couple of Heads meetings and the Co-operative Trust were looking at expanding and networking across the County. The Head mentioned that the Co-operative Trust wanted each school to look at recruiting members from the community to join the Trust for a nominal fee (£1.00). The aim being to generate a database of people using the school facilities but also any benefits they may be able to offer to new visitors to the school.

7.Committee Minutes/Matters Arising

The Full Board were happy with the minutes from the meetings which had taken place since the last meeting in November.

8.Self-Evaluation Form (SEF)

The Head advised that it was a working document but the requirement now was to create a summary which was no more than two pages of A4. Both he and Mr Seaton were looking at this currently. The Chair advised that the SEF indicated that the school was going through a transition stage but was an honest reflection on where the school was.

9.School Improvement Plan

The Head advised that he was currently working on this document. The Head had wanted time to get to know the school and then would generate this document. The Clerk handed out an Action Plan for English which had been generated following the poor results for 2014.

10.Governor Update

Reconstitution – the Chair advised that this was a requirement for September 2015. He would be looking at committees and it may be that some changes would take place. It was agreed that the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Clerk would look at this and report to the Full Board in June.

Governor Vacancies/Committee Vacancies - Chair/Vice-Chair and Clerk to look at.

Training and Feedback – the Clerk had circulated the Governor Courses Booklet on the 2.3.15. There were three new governors so he recommended they attend the New Governor ones shown. Mr Potts confirmed that he had booked himself on this course already. Mr Gunnell would be sending out a skill audit form for Governors to complete. Mr Gunnell felt that with the introduction of 4matrix, that it would be good to include other items for governors. Clerk to look at a date with the Head.

Terms of Reference – these had been reviewed in the individual committees but were approved formally by the Full Board at the meeting.

Link Governor Departmental Reports – Chair, Vice-Chair and Clerk to look at.


The Full Board were happy to approve this document subject to the one change to item 19.Clerk to action.


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12.Consistent Financial Reporting

The Clerk handed out this document. It gave an indication on where the school stood alongside other schools of a similar size. Mrs Collins had generated the document through data available on the DfE website.

13.Budget 14/15 and 15/16

Mrs Bird advised that the school would have to set a deficit budget but would be monitoring the statements. The Head advised that he had scheduled a meeting with Mrs Collins to go through the budget. The Head advised that staff had been prudent with expenditure.

Mr Lee advised that at Finance, they had discussed bringing revenue into the school and how this could be done. Mr Lee advised that it was suggested that any money raised via this route was used for a particular project in the school.

Mr Lee advised that at Personnel, a discussion had taken place about possibly volunteers from the community being involved with the school. One suggestion was with help in the Library.

The Chair asked Mr Gunnell if he would be prepared to put some ideas down and then circulate to Governors for comment.

The Chair confirmed to the Full Board that lengthy discussions had taken place at the Finance Meeting on the 3 February following which the committee had decided to recommend to the Full Board their decision to opt for scenario 3 to adopt the pay award but not the collective agreement. The Chair and Headteacher will need to meet with the unions. County will organise this. The Full Board agreed unanimously with this decision based on the recent redundancies announced.

14.Statement of Salary Point to Teachers

The Head advised that all teaching staff had received their statements following their performance management.

15.Schemes of Delegation

This document had been reviewed in Finance and the Full Board were happy to formally approve it.

16.Challenge Partners/Applied Minds

The Head advised that it was important to establish strengths and weaknesses within the school. He advised that there was a network of schools who share resources and support one another with CPD through Challenge Partners/Applied Minds. Staff would train as reviewers over a two day period, they are then observed by senior leaders from other schools. They will look at the school Ofsted style and offer feedback. The Head advised that it also allowed senior staff to visit other schools and see their data also. The Head felt it may be something that could happen through the Cooperative Trust and South Shore. The Hub for our area is Mounts Bay. The cost would be £3,500 annually. Governors confirmed that they were very open to trying something new and felt this was a very worthwhile initiative.The Chair asked that this be a standing agenda item for the Head to feed back to the Full Board.

17.Parent Survey

The Chair advised that this was an external company that carries out the survey. The Head advised that Ofsted recognise this survey. Mr Gunnell advised that this was a useful evaluation. The Head confirmed that it would take place shortly possibly next term.


3 MARCH 2015 AT 7PM

18. Policies

The Admissions, Child Protection & Safeguarding and Freedom of Information Policies were adopted by the committee. The Whole School Pay Policy was adopted subject to the local collective agreement which had been deferred for the time being.


The Chair confirmed that he had been charged with writing to the local MP so both the Chair and Mr Grimshaw had written to him and had both received replies. Their letters confirmed that the reduction in funding was as a result of the schools forum at County reducing the number from 120 pupils to 100 for small schools. The Chair asked whether he wanted the MP to be invited in to the school however, governors said yes but would like to wait until they received a reply from the Minister of State. The Head thanked both Governors for writing to the MP.

20.Any Other Business

The Chair suggested a small working committee to discuss options regarding the deficit budget. It was agreed that Mr Meridew, Mr Gunnell, Mrs Bird and the Head will sit on this committee. The Head felt it was very important for this group to meet more regularly.

21.Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 5 May 2015