Curriculum Vitae

Arif Mohammed Shareef Mohammed

Personal profile:

FULL NAME Arif Mohammed Shareef Mohammed

Date of birth 1th February.1981

Marital status Single

Nationality Sudanese

Address & Contact:

House: Khartoum, Kalakla Locality, Khartoum province, Sudan

Cell: +249 916129825 & +249 114189162 (myself)

Cell: +249 912399667 (my brother)




B.Sc. (Hones) Second Class (Division Two) in Geosciences (Mineral Wealth) - School Of Applied Earth Sciences - Faculty of Sciences & Technology-University of Al Neelain, Sudan in duration of 1999 to 2003.

Short Courses:

* Training course in (Operations & Geosciences) on Well bore Technical Service Wire line Logging, Well Testing and Mud Logging Technology (CNLC) Sudan (July 26,2005–August 22,2005).

* Training course in the soil test with Arab Center for Laboratories and Soil Research, Sudan (March 24, 2012–May 10, 2012).

* Data engineer operation training course by CNLC in Balela base for Baker Hughes Advantage system, Sudan.

Work experience:

China National Logging Corporation (CNLC)

From March 13, 2006 – Up to November 21, 2013

 Working in a capacity of Sample catcher in Mud Logging Division in Block 3, 7 Oil Field, for PDOC Company - Sudan.

 Working in a capacity of Senior Mud logger in Mud Logging Division in Block 3, 7, 17, 1, 2, 4, 6 - Oil Fields-for several companies (PDOC Company, GNPOC Company, STAROIL Company, Petro-Energy Company) - Sudan.

The job description as follows:

AS A SAMPLE CATCHER (From March, 2006 - July, 2006):

 Catch, wash & pack the samples.

 Help the logger in doing his job.

 Help the TDC to do daily maintenance job & monitor TDC operation environment.

 Analysis QFT samples for Hydrocarbon fluorescence.

AS A MUD LOGGER (From August, 2006 up to November, 2013):

 Interprets Lithological of ditch cutting, Analysis Hydrocarbon Evaluations, Analysis conventional core & sidewall core chips,

 Picking Formation tops, sidewall core points.

 Compile Formation Evaluation Log/Master Log on master log software.

 Prepare daily/mid night/weekly/monthly/drilling parameters/ASCII Gas-Lithology/PDF file/sample dispatch list and Final Well Reports.

 Wire line logs interpretation as well.

 Seismic interpretation skills as well.

 Calculate Lag Time Check.

 Assist Data Engineer to monitor well status, data acquisition, process and engineering reports.

 Look after job of all mud loggers & sample catchers, Instruct the sample catcher to pack, label and dispatch of ditch cutting / vial / file / unwashed / geochemical/ QFT samples, side wall core and core chips as specified by the operating company.

National Upstream Solutions Co. LTD (NUS)

From September 1, 2014 – Up to September 2, 2016.

Working in a capacity of Mud logging Engineer in Mud Logging Division in Block 1, 2, 4, 6 ,25B- Oil Fields-for several companies (GNPOC Company, Petro-Energy Company, RAWAT Company) - Sudan.


From October 1, 2016 – Up to Date.

Working in a capacity of Senior Mud logging Engineer in Mud Logging Division in Block 17 with STAROILCompany - Sudan.

Computing Skills:

(Word, Excel, Power Point), Adobe Acrobat, Log Plot 2003& 2005 (Mud Logging Master log Software) used for data acquisition and Formation Evaluation analysis, SDL9000 Data Drill Station, PC-DAS, Wintegrator & CPS-KQ-VI FID Gas System (Halliburton’s Mud Logging Unit).


English: Very Good

Arabic: Native Language

person to refer:

 Ayad Mohammed Idriss (Senior Geologist) Grater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (GNPOC), Tel. +249912158466.

 Walid Saad (Well Site Geologist) Petro - Energy Company, Tel. +249922814071, +24917734112.

 Nadir Abdel Haleem (Well Site Geologist) STAROIL Company, Tel. +249912177567.