Curriculum Vitae
Arif Mohammed Shareef Mohammed
Personal profile:
FULL NAME Arif Mohammed Shareef Mohammed
Date of birth 1th February.1981
Marital status Single
Nationality Sudanese
Address & Contact:
House: Khartoum, Kalakla Locality, Khartoum province, Sudan
Cell: +249 916129825 & +249 114189162 (myself)
Cell: +249 912399667 (my brother)
B.Sc. (Hones) Second Class (Division Two) in Geosciences (Mineral Wealth) - School Of Applied Earth Sciences - Faculty of Sciences & Technology-University of Al Neelain, Sudan in duration of 1999 to 2003.
Short Courses:
* Training course in (Operations & Geosciences) on Well bore Technical Service Wire line Logging, Well Testing and Mud Logging Technology (CNLC) Sudan (July 26,2005–August 22,2005).
* Training course in the soil test with Arab Center for Laboratories and Soil Research, Sudan (March 24, 2012–May 10, 2012).
* Data engineer operation training course by CNLC in Balela base for Baker Hughes Advantage system, Sudan.
Work experience:
China National Logging Corporation (CNLC)
From March 13, 2006 – Up to November 21, 2013
Working in a capacity of Sample catcher in Mud Logging Division in Block 3, 7 Oil Field, for PDOC Company - Sudan.
Working in a capacity of Senior Mud logger in Mud Logging Division in Block 3, 7, 17, 1, 2, 4, 6 - Oil Fields-for several companies (PDOC Company, GNPOC Company, STAROIL Company, Petro-Energy Company) - Sudan.
The job description as follows:
AS A SAMPLE CATCHER (From March, 2006 - July, 2006):
Catch, wash & pack the samples.
Help the logger in doing his job.
Help the TDC to do daily maintenance job & monitor TDC operation environment.
Analysis QFT samples for Hydrocarbon fluorescence.
AS A MUD LOGGER (From August, 2006 up to November, 2013):
Interprets Lithological of ditch cutting, Analysis Hydrocarbon Evaluations, Analysis conventional core & sidewall core chips,
Picking Formation tops, sidewall core points.
Compile Formation Evaluation Log/Master Log on master log software.
Prepare daily/mid night/weekly/monthly/drilling parameters/ASCII Gas-Lithology/PDF file/sample dispatch list and Final Well Reports.
Wire line logs interpretation as well.
Seismic interpretation skills as well.
Calculate Lag Time Check.
Assist Data Engineer to monitor well status, data acquisition, process and engineering reports.
Look after job of all mud loggers & sample catchers, Instruct the sample catcher to pack, label and dispatch of ditch cutting / vial / file / unwashed / geochemical/ QFT samples, side wall core and core chips as specified by the operating company.
National Upstream Solutions Co. LTD (NUS)
From September 1, 2014 – Up to September 2, 2016.
Working in a capacity of Mud logging Engineer in Mud Logging Division in Block 1, 2, 4, 6 ,25B- Oil Fields-for several companies (GNPOC Company, Petro-Energy Company, RAWAT Company) - Sudan.
From October 1, 2016 – Up to Date.
Working in a capacity of Senior Mud logging Engineer in Mud Logging Division in Block 17 with STAROILCompany - Sudan.
Computing Skills:
(Word, Excel, Power Point), Adobe Acrobat, Log Plot 2003& 2005 (Mud Logging Master log Software) used for data acquisition and Formation Evaluation analysis, SDL9000 Data Drill Station, PC-DAS, Wintegrator & CPS-KQ-VI FID Gas System (Halliburton’s Mud Logging Unit).
English: Very Good
Arabic: Native Language
person to refer:
Ayad Mohammed Idriss (Senior Geologist) Grater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (GNPOC), Tel. +249912158466.
Walid Saad (Well Site Geologist) Petro - Energy Company, Tel. +249922814071, +24917734112.
Nadir Abdel Haleem (Well Site Geologist) STAROIL Company, Tel. +249912177567.