MU Campus Safety Committee

October 22, 2015

Members Present Members Absent
Royce Barondes Tim Evans
Erma Drobnis Denice Adkins
Bryan Goers J. Brian Houston
Jordon Parshall Erik Anthes
Brett Slaughter Jasmine Barr
Paula Thies
Elizabeth Cosentino-Vonderahe
Ex Officio Present Support

Jeff Brown Russell Hanson

Eric Evans Dennis Elmore
Tim Hickman
Todd Houts Guests
Dusty Walter John Poehlmann

Doug Schwandt

Jennifer McGarr for Kristen Temple

1. Call to Order: Pro-Tem Chairman Todd Houts called the meeting to order at 9:03 A.M.

2. Approval/Changes to Agenda: No changes were requested.

3. Introduction of Members Present: Attendees took turns around the table introducing themselves to the committee.

4. Approval of April 30, 2015 Minutes: Paula Thies moved to approve the April 30, 2015 meeting minutes, the minutes were approved.

5. Operational Unit Reports

a. CAFNR-Ag Experimental Stations-Dusty Walter: Dusty reported on geese control issues. John commented that safety of the farm is good. Todd stated that we need to repeat the Delta Center Training and thanked John for serving on the committee.

b. Intercollegiate Athletics-Derek Doolittle: Derek commented that the football season was going well. Also discussed the study on the light towers, touched on Thursday night football game, game traffic patterns, Thursday night’s game parking plans, and on heat-related issues which were less than 2014.

c. Residential Life-Jennifer McGarr: Reported on residence halls, touched on recalled dishwashers and discussed a book scam.

d. Missouri Student Association-(Erik Anthes/Jasmine Barr or designee): No one present.

e. Graduate Prof. Council -Elizabeth Cosentino-Vonderahe: Elizabeth commented on Mojo’s issue, she is new to the committee. She also noted that she was present at the Hitt St. Garage incident and in general is disappointed about the lack of timeliness for alerts.

f. Campus Facilities-Jeff Brown: Jeff provided updates on construction projects, road closures, traffic impacts, buildings, Alertus Beacon status, and safety walk. He noted he works with the accessibility office when pathways/roadways are affected. Hawk Systems issues discussed including a viewing of the MU Operations produced video on how to use the HAWK crossing. The general consensus was that it seems to be working. Looking to MoDOT to make some tweaks on timing – the committee suggested more signage as a possibility to clarify, Erma moved that the committee recommend to the chair that additional signing be displayed for the HAWK flashing red lights. Seconded by Bryan-Passed.

g. Environmental Health & Safety-Dennis Elmore: Dennis reported on the portion of safe Mizzou on (Fire Factor, Fire Extinguisher training, etc). Everything went really well. Touched on quarterly safety roundtable program (about 4 yrs old), commented on the Lab Safety program, Green Vest Walk around Safety Assistance project. Erma asked about Cintas lab coat program status and Dennis reported on his work with the rental program (Flyer is available), discussed pick up points and sleeves.

h. MU Police Department-Chief Doug Schwandt: Doug reported on focus on safety, intoxicated fans, ejection issues (using a Taxi company to take them home*), discussed Emergency Alert system status (used Mojo’s incident as an example), went over current policies, and looking for a new notification vendor. *Doug noted that an ejected fan in Buffalo NY died of exposure. This was one factor in making sure ejected person now have a safe means home.

i. Emergency Management-Eric Evans: Eric reported on the Emergency Notification System opt-in status, commented on development of an opt-out option, new national weather service event watch option is available, new international student orientation video is working well. Discussed AED issues (looking at a single contract), discussed inspections and certifications, First on the Scene flyer and the training program (takes 1 hr). Commented on shootings at College campuses. Run, Fight, or Hide was discussed. Eric has been talking to lots of MU staff, students etc. about the issues such as Emergency notifications concerning active shooters, talked about faculty and staff responses. Discussed MUPD Active Shooter Training. A whole system test will be held on March 15, 2016 (testing can also be narrowed down to several or one building). The Alertus systems is in the process of being updated. The issues with people not getting alert messages are carrier related, out of our control. Discussed student related issues, and emergency notification alert system response issues with Alertus.

j. MU Health Care-Rob Losman: Not Present.

6. Old Business:

A. Hitt Street Shuttle (last discussed at the April 2015 Meeting): Eric commented that the campus continues to review it. Erma said one of the issues was where the shuttles stop. Todd commented on his observations that the issues seem better. Side walk congestion issues that impact the shuttle bus were as discussed.

B. CASE (College Ave Safety Enhancements) and HAWK Crossings- Discussed earlier.

7. New Business

A. Thursday Night Football Game (from viewpoint of Safety)-Discussed earlier

B. Communication Crime Events to Campus (Agenda item Requested by Chair): Discussed earlier.

C. Testing of Emergency notification Systems (agenda item requested by Slaughter): Discussed earlier. Re-discussed opt-in/opt-out concept issue, touched on text messaging, email, phone call, and Alertus issues.

8. Comments from Guests: None

9. Next Meeting Date: Todd will send out a Doodle to setup time and date for the next meeting.

10. Meeting Adjournment: Erma called for a motion to adjourn, a second was received and the meeting adjourned at 10:32 A.M.