
1 standard size backpack

1 handheld eraser

1 pair of scissors

Two 24-pack Crayola crayons – standard size

2 pocket folders (without fasteners inside)

2 Clorox Antibacterial wipes

3 glue sticks – regular size

dry erase marker

5*8 supply box (not bigger)

2 pencils

box of Kleenex

*1 Change of pants, socks, and under garments IF you think your child may have an accident at school. Please put in Ziploc bag and label with child’s name


#2 pencils (plain)

2 24pkg crayons

1 pkg Crayola markers (wide) Classic colors

1 Elmers school glue

6 Glue sticks

Fiskar Scissors (blunt tip)

2 boxes of Baby Wipes

Pencil box

2 pocket folders

Beach Towel for resting

Big Eraser


Pair of Gym Shoes

Extra set of clothes

2 boxes of Kleenex

1st Grade –Do NOT label supplies

#2 pencils-2 dozen

3-Elmer’s school glue

Fiskar Bold scissors only

3 24 pk color crayons

3 College ruled Wire Bound notebooks

3 plastic coated folders with pockets (to fit inside 3 ring binder)

1 paint shirt

3 large boxes Kleenex

2 pkgs pencil top erasers

Backpack (must fit in locker-please label)

1 pack 3x5 index cards

3 ring binder

Plastic shoe box

4 glue sticks

3 containers wet wipes

Crayola watercolor colored pencils

2nd Grade

1 standard size backpack

Fiskars pointed scissors

1 24-pack Crayola crayons

4 sturdy pocket folders

2 Clorox Antibacterial wipes

Elmers glue sticks – regular size

Elmer’s school glue

Plastic shoe box

#2 pencils

Large box of Kleenex

Pink erasers

5 WIDE ruled spiral notebooks

1 pack 3x5 index cards

Colored pencils

3rd Grade


Pencil box


12 inch ruler

Glue sticks

Wide Lined loose leaf paper


2 large boxes Kleenex

2 spiral WIDE ruled notebooks

2 composition notebooks

2 sturdy folders with pockets

3 ring binder (1 inch)

4th Grade

4 boxes of #2 pencils



Colored pencils

12 inch ruler

School glue

Fiskar pointed scissors

4 large boxes facial tissues

10 spiral bound notebooks

1 composition notebook

1 pocket folder

3 ring binder (1 inch)

3 containers Clorox wipes

5th Grade

#2 Pencils

1 Composition Notebook

4 Two Pocket Folders

1 in. 3 Ring Binder

4 Packs of 100 3*5 Ruled Index Cards

Pointed Scissors

2 Spiral Notebooks

Crayons, Colored Pencils, or Markers

2 Large Boxes of Kleenex

1 Bottle of Liquid Glue or 4 Glue Sticks

Clorox Wipes (NOT REQUIRED)

6th Grade

#2 Pencils

2 large glue sticks

Fiskar pointed scissors

2 large boxes facial tissue

Scotch tape

Markers or crayons

Colored pencils

4 spiral bound notebooks

9x7 composition notebook (for word banks)

4 two pocket folders (optional)

2 one inch or 2 inch 3ring binders

1 composition notebook (for Mrs Good’s classroom)

Please label all belongings with permanent marker-school supplies (except 1st graders’ supplies), coats, boots, schoolbags, any items brought to school

NO Backpacks with wheels! Please be sure your backpack can fit in a 9 x10 1/2 inch space for locker.