Board of Directors Special Meeting

February 24, 2015

5665 Meadows Road, Suite 350 Lake Oswego

Members Present: President Paula Hoiland, Mark Beckius, Joel Grayson, Michael Halligan, Ken Hoiland, Jeff Mayhew, Secretary Carolyn Raz, Amelia Wilcox

Members Absent: Scott MacCaskill, Daryl Philippi, Tom Reynolds

7:20 pm – The meeting was called to order by President Paula.

This special meeting was originally called to review the association Bylaws. However, following the Feb 2nd meeting and the problematic communication between board members, it was determined by a majority of the board via email communication that this special meeting instead focus on communication issues and the on-going concern regarding the accessibility to the association web site. Previously the webmaster and the President both had administrative rights to the website. In December of 2014 the webmaster made the decision to have only one person with administrative rights and removed the President’s rights without any discussion or vote form the board.

Minutes of February 02, 2015 Meeting: Joel made a motion to rewrite the Minutes of the last Board Meeting (February 2, 2015) to reflect just the matters of business, items discussed, concerns evaluated, and disposition of any motions made. Motion carried. Carolyn will make the appropriate revisions and submit to the Board as soon as possible. It was further noted minutes are not to be posted on the website until approved.

Roberts Rules of Order – Simplified: Paula distributed a copy of Roberts Rules for members’ review and possible questions at a later meeting.

New Website: There was discussion about seeking a new, professional web domain that would be more user-friendly and, among other things, allow the database to be part of the website which would be more secure than on multiple board members personal computers and the site would allow for dues to be paid on line. A recommendation was made for Club Express, a system designed for associations such as ours. It would still require someone to provide administration of the site and it was discussed that there should always be more than one person with access to the site which this new system accommodates. The cost would be approximately $1200 - $1,800 yearly plus a one time set up and design fee. It was recommended that Paula schedule a demonstration of the new system for Board Members’ viewing as soon as possible.

Discussion included the timing concern to have a new website operable by the time of the Annual Meeting. Of particular concern is the time it takes to investigate and approve new formats, convert the information from the old site, and perform trial runs before making the site available to the public. Such a schedule would necessitate immediate action. Of concern is that the President has repeatedly asked for her administrative rights to be reinstated for 3 months. Without this there is no ability to have access to work on the transition to a new website format. The association recognizes the prior work that Daryl, as webmaster has provided and shared appreciation.

The website has had security issues according to Daryl with spam and even pornography. It was discovered that the website has not been updated to a current, more secure version of Wordpress since 2009. The board is quite concerned with Daryl’s unwillingness to cooperate with the board regarding access to the site. The board did not feel that it was appropriate to only have one person with access. The website is the property of the association and as such the decision is the association not just one person.

Jeff made a motion to remove Daryl Philippi, effective immediately, as the association webmaster due to his failure to cooperate. Also in that we will be changing to another website we must have the current website administrative rights and password turned over to Paula within twenty-four (24) hours of notification; and Michael Halligan wascharged to contact Daryl and set up the transfer of information; and because of the critical timing involved, Michael should be given the full support of the Board to carry out his responsibility with all proper actions or procedures necessary or possible. Motion seconded by Amelia. The motion was then voted on by roll call and passed unanimously, 8-0.

Michael acknowledged his responsibility and reiterated the importance of expressing the Board’s thanks to Daryl for hismany years of dedicated service, especially with the administration of what will be the “old” website.

ByLaws: The board agreed that the bylaws need to be thoroughly reviewed and will set another special meeting for this purpose. The date will be sometime before the next schedule quarterly board meeting (May 4th). Paula agreed to arrange this meeting and will send out an email notice which will include checking with Judy Ervin who is a parliamentary expert, regarding her schedule so she can attend. The board agreed that it would be very helpful to have her assistance.

New Treasurer: Ken, who has been the interim treasurer, turned over the books to the new treasurer, Michael Halligan.

8:25 pm – Meeting adjourned.