Updated 10/27/18

The MSW/MPH concurrent degree program offers interdisciplinary preparation in the fields of social work and public health, leading to the Master of Social Work and Master of Public Health degrees. Public Health and Social Work share an interest in a preventive approach to health and social problems, a community perspective, and a focus on vulnerable populations. Both fields recognize the influence of social, behavioral, and environmental factors on contemporary health problems, and acknowledge the need for research and interventions that address all three components.

The objective of the concurrent degree program is to prepare professionals who will function at the interface of both fields in practice, research, planning, administration, and policy development. Students will develop (1) competence in social work practice in community health, (2) understanding of the organization and functioning of the health and social service delivery systems, and (3) basic analytical skills necessary to conduct research and to perform competently in a variety of public health social work roles. Students will also have an opportunity for in-depth study of particular issues related to their special interests and career goals.


The concurrent degree is offered by the School of Social Work and the Department of Health Services in the School of Public Health. The program enables students to complete the requirements for the MSW and MPH degrees within three years, which would require four years of academic work if earned separately.

Students who matriculate into the full-time program in either Social Work or Public Health are eligible to apply for the concurrent degree program. Students must apply to and be accepted by both schools. Students admitted to the School of Social Work with advanced standing are eligible and should apply for both programs simultaneously. Students in the part-time Extended Degree Program in either the School of Social Work or Public Health are not eligible for the concurrent degree program.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete their first year of studies in Social Work before entering the Public Health program. Applications for entry are due by December 1 for Health Services and January 15 for Social Work. Typically, students apply to the School of Social Work in January and enter the MSW program the following September. Then they apply to Public Health the following December and begin the MPH program the next September. Students may begin taking MPH coursework as early as spring quarter of the Social Work foundation year. This staggered entry permits completion of all requirements within three years.


Social Work

Social Work students select a concentration during the first year of their studies. There are four MSW concentrations:

  • Administration and Policy Practice
  • Children and Families, and Multigenerational Practice (specializing in one)
  • Health and Mental Health Practice (specializing in one)
  • Community-Centered Integrative Practice.

Public Health

Health Services applicants may select either the General MPH or an area of concentration within the General MPH (Maternal and Child Health, Social and Behavioral Sciences, or Health Systems & Policy) when applying or during their first year in the MPH.

Admissions information for the General MPH in Health Services:

Each concentration in Social Work andin Health Services has a set of required courses, plus electives.

Students substitute some required courses in one program for electives or requirements in the other.

The MSW program requires 75 credits for graduation; the MPH Program in Health Services requires 63 credits (54 credits for required coursework plus a 9-credit thesis or capstone). Students in the concurrent degree program usually complete 115-125 for both degrees, depending on the number of electives taken.


  1. Two separate sets of at least 36 credits each must be earned.
  2. There must be at least 18 numerically graded credits for each master’s degree in courses numbered 500–599. All required courses in the MPH program must be taken graded.
  3. Up to 12 credits taken in one school can be counted toward the other school’s total credit requirements, if approved by both programs. Electives for each department can be fulfilled by taking the required courses of the other department.

The MPH in Health Services degree requires a thesis in the Maternal and Child Health and in the Social and BehavioralSciences concentrations, and either a capstone or a thesis in the MPH concentration in Health Systems and Policy . Students in the General MPH who do not specialize in health policy will generally be expected to complete a thesis. The thesis chair is a member of either the Department of Health Services or Global Health, as appropriate. Students are encouraged to select the second committee member from among the Social Work faculty. Other members may be added at the student’s discretion.

Concurrent students who begin with social work are advised to do a partial block of their Advanced Social Work Practicum during the summer, to make time available for course work during the academic year. Public health coursework, if available, might also be considered.

Students are strongly encouraged to plan their program of studies as soon as they have been accepted into the public health program. This planning will help to ensure that all of the requirements of both programs are completed. This plan should be discussed with advisors in both programs.

At the time of application for degree, students must submit a list to the GraduateSchool. showing which courses are counted solely for each degree.This form must be filed with the Graduate Program Advisor in each school.

Course Waivers and Substitutions- subject to change

Waivers for Concurrent Degree Students

  • MPH Practicum

Course Substitutions

  • Either SOC W 528 (Health Care Inequalities: Policies and Services) or HSERV 511 (Introduction to Health Services/Public Health) may be chosen (Students may request to waive the 4th credit of HSERV 511 if the class time conflicts with other required courses.)
  • EPI 511 or 512-513 (Introduction to Epidemiology) and BIOST 511 (Introduction to Biostatistics) substitute for SOC W 506 (Advanced Research Methods) but not the reverse.


J’May Rivara, SW Faculty Adviser for Concurrent Degree Students, School of Social Work: 206-616-5792,

Dave Grembowski, SPH Faculty Adviser for Concurrent Degree Students, School of Public Health:



School of Social Work

Juanita Ricks, Director of Admissions, School of Social Work, Box 354900, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-4900, 206-221-7428, ,

School of Public Health

Lauren Brackenbury, Marketing and Student Recruitment Specialist, Department of Health Services, School of Public Health,

Box 357660, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7660, 206-616-1397, ,