Department of Intellectual Property






Development of New Website for the office

Budget available is Nu. 2,00,000 (Two hundred thousand)



Annexure 1

Sample Format for Letter of Invitation (LOI)

Name of Project: Development of New Website for the office

Project ID No.: MoEA/Pro/TD-115

Letter of Invitation

The Department of Intellectual Property (DoIP)has a budget provision from RGoB and intends to apply part or whole of the proceeds for the development of new website for the office. The services include development of website.

The DoIP now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.

The selection process of a consultant shall be in accordance with the procedures set out in the Procurement Rules and Regulations.

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 0900 hours to 1700 hours

Proposal must be delivered to the address below.

Procurement Officer

Procurement Section

Directorate Services

Ministry of Economic Affairs

The date of submission of the bid area on 23March 2018 at 1 pm and will be opened at 2:30 PM on the same day. For clarification, please contact – 00975-2-324217 during office hours or email to


1.1Firms/individuals are hereby invited to submit a technical and financial proposal for consulting services required for the Assignment named in the attached LOI Data Sheet (referred to as "Data Sheet"). The proposal could form the basis for future negotiations and ultimately a contract between your firm and the Client named in the Data Sheet.

1.2A brief description of the Assignment and its Objectives are given in the Data Sheet.

1.3The Assignment will be implemented in accordance with the procedure indicated in the Data Sheet.

1.5To obtain first hand information on the Assignment and on the local conditions, firms/individuals are encouraged to pay a visit to the Client before submitting a proposal and attend a pre-proposal conference as specified in the Data Sheet. Firms/individuals must take into account the local conditions while preparing the proposal.

1.6The Client will provide the inputs specified in the Data Sheet, and will assist the Consultants in obtaining licenses and permits needed to carry out the services, and make available relevant project data and reports.

1.7Please note that (i) the costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the contract, including a visit to the Client, are not reimbursable as a direct cost of the Assignment; and (ii) the Client is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted.

1.8Consultants shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices specified in the Standard Request for Proposal (Large Assignments) Instruction to Consultant Clause 4.


2.1To enable firms/individual to prepare a proposal, please find and use the attached Documents listed in the Data Sheet.

2.2Consultants requiring a clarification of the Documents must notify the Client, in writing, not later than seven days before the proposal submission date.

2.3At any time before the submission of proposals, the Client may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by an invited consulting firm, modify the Documents by amendment.


3.1Firms/individuals are requested to submit a technical and a financial proposal. Your proposal shall be written in the language specified in the Data Sheet.

Technical Proposal

3.2Firms/individuals are expected to examine all terms and instructions included in the Documents. Failure to provide all requested information will be at your own risk and may result in rejection of your proposal.

3.3During preparation of the technical proposal, firms/individuals must give particular attention to the following:

i)If firms/individuals consider that the firm does not have all the expertise for the Assignment, you may associate with other firms or entities, including the other firms invited for this Assignment and/or local consultants, subject to restrictions specified in the Data Sheet, to enable a full range of expertise to be presented;

ii)The estimated budget [1]for the Assignment is stated in the Data Sheet for your information. The financial proposal for the Assignment should be substantially in accordance with the budget;

iii) The estimated man months for the assignment are stated in the data sheet for your information. However, firms/individuals should feel free to submit your proposal on the basis of man months which firms/individuals consider necessary to undertake the assignment.

3.4The technical proposal must provide the following information, using, but not limited to, the formats attached in Annexure2:

i)A brief description of the Consultant's organization and an outline of recent experience on assignments of a similar nature. The information provided on each assignment should indicate, inter alia, the profiles of the staff provided, duration, contract amount and firm involvement;

ii)Any comments or suggestions on the TORs, and a description of the methodology (work plan) which the Consultants propose to execute the services, illustrated with bar charts of activities.

iii)The composition of the proposed staff team, the tasks which would be assigned to each and their timing;

iv)Curricula Vitae (C.V.) recently signed by the proposed key professional staff or an authorized manager in the home office.

v)Estimates of the total time effort (person x months) to be provided for the services, supported by bar chart diagrams showing the time proposed (person x months) for each professional staff; and

vi)The Consultant's comments, if any, on the data, services and facilities to be provided by the Client indicated in the TORs.

3.5The technical proposal must not include any financial information.

Financial Proposal

3.6The financial proposal should list the costs associated with the Assignment. These normally cover: remuneration for staff, accommodation (per Diem, housing), transportation, for mobilization and demobilization, and equipment (vehicles, office equipment, furniture and supplies), printing of documents, surveys. Your financial proposal should be prepared using, but need not be limited to, the formats attached in Annexure 3.

3.7The financial proposal must take into account the tax liability and cost of insurances specified in the Data Sheet.

3.8Costs may be expressed in currency as provided in data sheet


4.1Firms/individuals must submit one original proposal and the number of copies indicated in the Data Sheet. Each proposal will be sealed in an outer envelop which will bear the address and information indicated in the Data Sheet.

4.2The completed technical and financial proposal must be delivered on or before the time and date stated in the Data Sheet.

4.3The proposal must be valid for the number of days stated in the Data Sheet from the date of its submission during which firms/individuals must maintain available the professional staff proposed for the assignment. The Client will make its best effort to complete negotiations at the location stated in the Data Sheet within this period.


Method of Selection:Selection under a Fixed Budget (FBS)

5.1A two-stage procedure will be adopted in evaluating the proposals:

i) a technical evaluation, which will be carried out prior to opening any financial proposal;

ii)Evaluation of all technical proposals shall be carried out first. Then the price proposals shall be opened in public and prices shall be read out aloud. Proposals that exceed the indicated budget shall be rejected. The Consultant who has submitted the highest ranked technical proposal among the rest shall be selected and invited to negotiate.

Firms will be ranked using a combined technical/financial score, as indicated below.

Technical Proposal

5.2The evaluation committee appointed by the Client will carry out the evaluation applying the evaluation criteria and point system specified in the Data Sheet. Each responsive proposal will be attributed a technical score (St.).

Financial Proposal

5.3The evaluation committee will determine if the financial proposals are complete and without computational errors.

5.4Proposals that exceed the indicated budget shall be rejected. The Consultant who has submitted the highest ranked technical proposal among the rest shall be selected and invited to negotiate.


6.1Prior to the expiration period of proposal validity, the Client will notify the successful Consultant who submitted the highest scoring proposal (technical) in writing by registered letter, cable telex or facsimile and invite to negotiate the Contract.

6.2Negotiations normally finish within five days. The aim is to reach an agreement on all points, and initial a draft contract by the conclusion of Negotiations.

6.3Negotiations will commence with a discussion of technical proposal, the proposed methodology (work plan), staffing and any suggestions made to improve the TORs. Agreement must then be reached on the final TORs, the staffing and bar charts, which will indicate activities, staff, periods in the field and in the home office, staff months, logistics and reporting. Special attention will be paid to optimize the required outputs from the Consultants within the available budget and to define clearly the inputs required from the Client to ensure satisfactory implementation of the Assignment.

6.4Changes agreed upon will then be reflected in the financial proposal, using proposed unit rates

6.6The negotiations will be concluded with a review of the draft form of Contract. The Client and the Consultants will finalize the contract to conclude negotiations.


7.1The Contract will be awarded after successful Negotiations with the successful Consultants. If negotiations fail, the Client will invite the Consultants having obtained the second highest score to Contract negotiations. Upon successful completion, the Client will promptly inform the other Consultants that their proposals have not been selected.

7.2The selected Consultant is expected to commence the Assignment on the date and at the location specified in the Data Sheet.


8.1The consultant shall acknowledge the following:

i)The receipt of the letter of invitation by the consultant.

ii)Whether or not the consultant will submit a proposal.

Letter Of Invitation (LOI) DATA SHEET

Clause No. Clauses

The name of the Assignment is:Development of New Website for the office

1.1The name of the Client is: Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Economic Affairs

1.2The description and the objectives of the Assignment are:To developDoIPwebsite

1.3The assignment will be carried as: Lump-sum contract

1.4Pre-Proposal Conference:Not applicable

1.5The name and address of the Official is: Mr. Tshering Samdrup

Focal Person

DoIP, MoEA. Thimphu

1.6The Client shall provide the following inputs: Not Applicable

1.9The Documents are: ToR and Contract Agreement

2.1The address is: Procurement Officer

Directorate Services

Ministry of Economic Affairs

3.1The language is: English

3.3Tax liability, insurances:

a)The firms are required to adequately insure all the liabilities (personnel or equipment) expected to be engaged for the execution of this assignment. The Employer shall not be responsible for any liability associated with the execution of this assignment.

b)The TDS shall be deducted as per the prevailing norms and must be included in the total financial bid.

4.1The number of copies of the proposal is/are: One original and one copy (both technical and financial bids). Failure to submit a copy shall result in rejection of bid during the time of evaluation.

4.2The date and time of proposal submission are: 20thMarch 2018

4.4Validity period (days, date):60 days

The location is: Procurement Section

Directorate Services

Ministry of Economic Affairs, Thimphu

5.1The points given to evaluation criteria are: (modify as appropriate)


(i)The consultants' relevant experience for the assignment10

(ii)The quality of methodology proposed 20

(iii)The qualifications of the key staff proposed 55

(iv)Transfer of knowledge 5

(v)The extent of participation by nationals among key staff

in the performance of the assignment10

Total: 100


The points given to evaluation sub-criteria for qualifications of key-staff proposed are


General Qualifications 30

Adequacy for the Project 65

Experience & language in Region 5


Total: 100


Evaluation of all technical proposals shall be carried out first. Then the price proposals shall be opened in public and prices shall be read out aloud. Proposals that exceed the indicated budget (i.e Nu. 2,00,000.00 Ngultrum two hundred thousand ) shall be rejected. The Consultant who has submitted the highest ranked technical proposal among the rest shall be selected and invited to negotiate

7.2.Commencement of Assignment (date, location): After signing of the contract agreement




4.Draft Form of ContractTerms of Reference (ToR)

  1. Background

The Department of Intellectual Property (DoIP) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs is responsible for the administration and management of the Intellectual Property system in the country. The Department is mandated to facilitate registration and promote awareness on IP, formulate and update IP laws with respect to international standards, enforcement of IP rights, and other related activities of the office.

The dedicated website will serve as a gateway to the Department to disseminate and make Intellectual Property information available to general public, clients, agents, and other stakeholders from national and international countries. Information such as monthly IP bulletins, IP application forms and fees, registration procedures, acts and rules, policy, references to FAQs, and other related documents are made available through website. Also, the Department inevitably requires independent website to provide timely and reliable information.

  1. Scope of the work

The broad scope of the work is to design and develop a dynamic, responsive website, test and host it.

The scope of the work for the consultancy services includes but is not limited to following:

  1. The consultant/consulting firm should study the Department’s background, study the pros and cons of the existing website, and prepare a Functional Requirement Document.
  1. The new website should have all the features of the existing website. Some of the important existing features are:
  2. Management of backend users
  3. Search functionalities
  4. Management of staff profile
  5. Management of news and announcements
  6. Management of publications
  7. Comment moderation
  8. Contact/feedback forms
  9. Social media integration (being able to share and comment using social media accounts such as Google+, Facebook, twitter, yahoo, etc.)
  1. The new website should include following additional functionalities:
  2. Site Map
  3. Email and print facilities for every webpage
  4. RSS feed
  5. Image slider.
  6. New words column: New words coined shall be posted on our website with its part of speech, equivalent English words, meaning, example sentence and picture
  7. The website should be dynamic with user friendly content management mechanism so that the authorized users can upload the contents easily.
  8. The website should be responsive so that web pages can be viewed in response to the size of the device one is viewing with (computer, smartphone, tab, iPhone and all other mobile devices).
  9. The website should be highly secure. The design of the solution should adhere to security best practices, for example: passwords should not be stored in plain-text, all form data should be validated, all user input should be sanitized, use of CAPTCHA etc.
  10. The website should be very appealing and attractive with customized design and layout.
  11. The website should be search engine friendly. For example, language of the content and the url structures should be appropriate.
  12. The urls of the website should be redirected to the corresponding pages of the new website.
  13. Maintain proper documentation of all the functions and modules.
  14. The website should comply to the eGovernment Interoperability frameworks(eGIF) standards and best practices.
  15. The consulting firm should involve Ministry’s ICT Officials and Department’s IT Focal Person during the entire development period.
  16. The consulting firm should report the work progress on fortnightly basis through a meeting to Department Head, Ministry’s ICT Officials, Department’s IT Focal Person, and other related officials if any.
  17. The consulting firm should be able to migrate data from old website to new developed site
  1. Facilitations
  1. The Department shall provide the Conference Hall for meetings and presentations;
  2. The Department shall facilitate meetings with relevant stakeholders in line with the project;
  3. And provide the web hosting accounts with domain name.
  1. Deliverables
  1. Development and implementation of dynamic, responsive website
  2. Functional Specification Document
  3. All test cases
  4. Host the website
  5. Users and Administrative manuals
  6. Training to the Ministry’s ICT Officials and Department’s IT Focal Person on maintenance, update etc.
  7. Training to the identified backend users of the Department within the completion period;
  8. Project Report
  1. Warranty and support
  1. The consultant should provide free support, maintenance and backup services for a period of 1 (one) year after the delivery of the project.
  2. The consultant should also provide warranty period of 1 year.
  1. Copyright
  1. The DoIP shall hold exclusive rights on all design and other work products contained on the website.
  2. All design and development work should be aligned to BICMA’s norms;
  3. In the event of any claim(s) by any third party(ies) on copyright of pattern, trademark, design, animations, colors etc, the Consulting Firm shall be fully responsible to act as a mediator to resolve the issue without Department’s involvement;
  4. The Consulting Firm shall be liable for any penalty or compensation to be paid to third party failing to adhere to sub-section (iii) of the Copyright section.
  1. Duration of the project

The entire project should be completed in 2 months, inclusive of user trainings and UAT.