MSU Meeting Agenda: April 5th, 2016
I. Presentation of minutes from March 1st, 2016
A. Corrections? - NONE
II. Report from the MSU Officers
A. President—Nadeem El-Kouri
i. Sodexo – Rob is a rep here to talk about the cafeteria/catering
- Starting to launch myfitnesspal in the café with barcodes so you can scan the foods you’re eating
- Wants to know if we want to add anything to café
- New sodexo app (“bite”) – uploads 5 wk cycle menu of upcoming food at the café and you can favorite meals you like so you know when they are served next
- Will be raffling off fitbits at SWAGfest tomorrow 4/6
- Wants to work with Kellogg rep – future Cubs and Sox jersey raffles
- Dr. Fareed wants to know if extending the hours of the café is possible
- Contact for Rob: - email him for any suggestions
ii. Student Group Re-registration Deadline has passed
- Wants to make sure website is complete prior to Second Look
a. Student Leadership Guide
b. MSU Constitution
1. M1 and M2 boards must have 4 members or their proxies present
2. M3 and M4 boards must have 1 member or their proxy
3. Each organization must have 1 representative present.
4. Each committee needs to have 1 member present
i. Facebook exchange page (Stritch’s List) is live
- It is good for textbooks, apartments, etc
ii. 4th floor is the designated quiet floor
B. Vice-President—Christina Small
i. Scouting locations for next year’s dances
- No final decisions made yet, email her if you have any suggestions
C. Treasurer—Tara Funk
i. Presentation of the Budget - $51 left
ii. Reminder to turn in all outstanding budget requests
- Reminder that if you want money for the next month, you need to submit a request before the deadline
iii. Tax Exemption
a. Will not reimburse you for spending money on taxes
b. Hand a tax free form to the institution that you are buying from
D. Secretary—Priya Patel
i. Election Update
a. Future M2
i.President: MitraMossaddad
ii.Vice President: Angie Tsuei
iii.Treasurer: Nathan Pecoraro
iv.Secretary: HarjotHansra
v.MSU Reps: Puja Gupta and Katie Lichter
vi.Social Chairs: Jack Souter and Kenny Joseph
b. Future M3
i.President: Patrick Kramer
ii.Vice President: Ryan Bonner
iii.Treasurer: Sean Liebscher
iv.Secretary: Abigail Otto
v.MSU Reps: Dan Grace and Awah-Lem McCormick
vi.Social Chairs: Terry Feldheim and Kevin Turner
c. Future M4
i.President: Lizzy Carroll
ii.Vice President: Angela Jiang
iii.Treasurer: Chris Larsen
iv.Secretary: Hannah Reiser
v.MSU Reps: Samantha Rubright and Ryan Thorwarth
vi.Social Chairs: Chris Larsen and Andy Wilson
vii.Alumni Liaisons: Mark Wojdyla and Paul Johnson
ii. Be sure to sign your group in on the sign in sheets, important for all school groups to be at MSU meetings
III. Report from Class Presidents
- M1 – MitraMossaddad
- TGIF event for 4/29 with M4’s – lookout for email about details/location
- Finished faculty nominations (29 total) – we have selected winner, winner will be presented on 4/20
- Second look this Friday – informal event at Docs on Friday night, please send and email or sign up at the poll if you would like to join
- Send photos for art in SAC to Mitra (don’t worry about deadline passing)
- Planning a BBQ with LCME money we won – details still in works
- M2 – Patrick Kramer
- Sprinting towards Step 1
- Want to secure study spaces reserved solely for M2’s
- Completed faculty awards
- LCME money for end of year dinners, bagel party before PCM final,
- St Baldricks on 4/22 from 3-5pm in SSOM atrium – people get head shaved to raise money for cancer
- M3 – Lizzy Carroll
- This and next month they have residency pics – sign up with Dee or ask her to remind you what day you signed up for
- Faculty nominations are done
- M1’s please shadow your M3’s
- M3 – DON’T FORGET to sign up for your electives for next year
- M4 – Hani Kuttab
- Hani has matched and is on vacation
IV. Reports from Stritch or University Committees
B. Faculty Awards, Wednesday April 20th in the afternoon
- Has been completed by all classes
C. Dr. Williams is serving as the interim Diversity Dean
- Dr. Williams couldn’t make it to the meeting
D. Student Life will be hiring two new administrators
- Tomas is available if you have any questions
VII. Reports from Student Organizations –
- Healing notes has an event next Friday – music therapy event where therapists come and work with students
VIII.Reports from OSR Rep –Diana Basali and Michelle Peterson
- Michelle – Dr. Fitz won the Humanism in Medicine award, thank you to everyone who submitted information!
IX. Student Wellness Advisory Group
- SWAG Fest, April 6th (10:30-1PM)
- Hot chocolate mugs to first 72 M1’s and another 72 mugs for M2’s
- Head and neck massages
- Check email from Olivia
X. New or Unfinished Business
A. May meeting?
- We will have one more meeting
XI. Funding Requests
- Business in Medicine - $100 (APPROVED)
- 4/13 event with 2 speakers to talk about their careers in administration, 20-30 people will be coming, money for food from Costco
- South Asian Medical Student Association (SAMSA) - $169 (APPROVED)
- Need money for Holi festival, to pay for colored powder, shipping costs, snacks/drinks
- 40-50 people are coming
- Integrative Medicine Interest Group - $60 (APPROVED)
- Annual acupuncture workshop, $60 for food (Costco)
- Ortho Interest Group - $100 (APPROVED)
- Ortho panel with Dr, M4s that matched, residents and everyone that RSVP, money is for pizza
- Society for Women’s Health - $100 (APPROVED)
- Event next week (waiting for Dr. Graziano), post match panel, money is for food
- LINK - $30 (In addition to their 150$ requested) (APPROVED)
- Panel w/ doctors who have done things outside of medicine, need $150 for chipotle and drinks
- Healing Notes – $100 (APPROVED)
- Would like $100 for food for their upcoming event
XII. Room for Improvement:
Input? Questions? Comments? None
Good luck M2s on Step 1!
Thank you for taking the time to be here tonight!