MSU FA Officer Duties
2007-2008 School Year
Notice: By applying for the following positions you are committing to all terms listed below. Failure to meet required responsibilities and duties may result in termination of position by the President. Students must also reapply for the e-board each school year and will be responsible for transitioning the next e-board member into their position.
- Attend all Company Presentations, Networking Trips, Career Fair (setup, work, cleanup), and Social Events if of age.
- Hold a minimum of 2 hours/week of office hours.
- Check email messages when in office and respond if able.
- Work as a team to get things done.
- Attend e-board meetings as scheduled (Generally Sunday Evenings).
- Set up summer meeting between officers (1st week in August) – Phone conference if necessary.
- Send out mailing to company recruiters with the list of fall events, (golf outing, fall career fair, presentations, etc.) Before the beginning of the academic year (done with VP of Company Relations).
- Set dates for fall Golf Outing / Career Fair.
- Set date & time for General Membership Meetings in Fall and Spring (book BCC N100 or N130).
- Help run fall golf outing and Career Fair with Executive VP.
- Attend monthly Council of Presidents meeting and brief e-board members.
- Send out upcoming events e-mails to membership and frequently check and respond to e-mails.
- Set up Detroit, Chicago, and New York trips with VP of Special Events.
- Schedule Executive Board meetings as needed.
- Oversee that every one is working effectively and efficiently.
- Keep in contact with the Finance Dept., Faculty Advisor, and the LearCenter so they stay current on our progress and initiatives.
- Oversee Executive Board Elections for the following year.
Executive Vice President
- Work with President to steer Association towards mission and accomplish goals.
- Director of Annual Career Fair which brings together over 20 companies (increase to 30) and 300 students (this event requires planning to begin mid-summer, in plenty of time before the beginning of the academic year).
- Plan Golf Outing for members and recruiters to interact in an informal setting (this event requires planning to begin mid-summer, in plenty of time before the beginning of the academic year).
- Plan Mixer after Golf Outing to announce winners and award prizes.
- In charge of all efforts of receiving corporate donations.
- Work with ASMSU to receive any additional funding.
- Work with VP of Special Events in planning social events (Bar Crawls, Lugnuts game, etc).
Vice President of Corporate Relations
- Maintain Company Contact Database.
- In charge of calling and setting up corporate presentations and hosting companies.
- In charge of finding new companies to improve company recruiting from FA.
- In charge of company feedback.
- Responsible for putting out Dry Erase Board for all upcoming presentations.
- In charge of all e-mails pertaining to company presentations (confirmation e-mails, etc.).
- Must send out “Thank You” letters after any event with Companies.
- VP of Company Relations is solely responsible for planning the “Careers in Finance” event if chosen to have one.
- Responsible for reserving rooms in the BCC for company presentations.
- Liaison between the Finance Association and recruiters.
- In charge of ordering food for meetings and assessing an appropriate amount for each event.
Vice President of Operations
- Perform office administration and treasurer duties.
- Responsible for setting up checking account with new officers.
- In charge of MSUFCU account as well as maintaining the budget, making sure there is adequate money in the account at all times.
- Receive Bank statements and keep the checkbook in balance at all times.
- Responsible for delegating money for events.
- Oversee the operations and functionality of online payments and PayPal.
- Work with web page to make the page look very professional and easy to use.
- Keep a calendar of events current with a semester plan on webpage and in the office.
- Keep up links for class & recruiting purposes.
- Update Webpage mid-summer so companies and students know of upcoming events, Post new E-board, bios, and contact at the end of the school year (before summer).
- Have events details (maps, company sites, position descriptions, etc.) available on the website.
- Responsible with working with other officers to obtain needed information.
Vice President of Member Relations
- Enter new paid members into database and refresh expired memberships every semester (reminder emails)
- Update email list with paid members only.
- File all new member applications in a timely manner.
- Update Alumni Relations Contacts (database) and manage relationships.
- Attend Broad Fair/Picnic (fall/spring).
- Assist Public Relations with advertising in classrooms and managing committee.
- Responsible for getting letterhead printed as needed.
- Display flyers around dorms and speak in front of classes advertising for events (including company presentation announcements).
- In charge of recruiting new members and managing committee.
- Print flyers and overheads for every meeting, and email Yingling with upcoming events.
- Set up community service events/drives.
- Coordinate events with other student organizations.
- Attend Broad Fair/Picnic (fall/spring).
Vice President of Special Events
- Responsible to plan all trips (Detroit, Chicago, and New York) with the President.
- Set up companies, hotel, transportation
- Advertising
- Selecting members and collecting money
- Hosting info session before events
- Put together information packets and research on the companies (maps).
- Lead students on the trips and be the liaison with presenting companies.
- Be creative to plan well-attended social events.
- Plan the Lungnuts Outing and Bar Crawl with EVP.
- In charge of setting up football tailgate (Homecoming) if chosen to have one